Swansea Mews community

On this page

    This page is an archive of the May 2022 Swansea Mews incident. Visit the new Swansea Mews revitalization page for the latest news on the future of Swansea Mews.

    In the early hours of Friday, May 27, 2022, a piece of the bedroom ceiling collapsed in a townhome unit in Toronto Community Housing's Swansea Mews community. The piece of ceiling landed on and seriously injured a person. First responders and TCHC's Community Safety Unit responded to the scene, and the victim was transported to hospital. 

    A report by a structural engineer has found that the reason a concrete ceiling panel fell in Block H of the Swansea Mews community is believed to date back to the building’s construction. 

    We have worked to support tenants as the situation has evolved since May 2022, including the relocation of all households following an order from the City of Toronto’s Chief Building Official. We have updated this page with information about the site as it changed, including copies of the resources that were developed for tenants. 

    Swansea Mews updates 

    This section provides updates to Swansea Mews tenants seeking information. If you have a question or specific request, a special hotline has been set up for Swansea Mews tenants. For more information, contact local Swansea Mews staff at 416-945-0900 or by email swansea.mews@torontohousing.ca

    Toronto Community Housing (TCHC) is actively collaborating with the City of Toronto to start the Initial Development Proposal (IDP) process for Swansea Mews. This process is required for all new TCHC redevelopment projects and represents the first formal step in creating a comprehensive revitalization plan for the community. 


    February 17, 2023  

    Our latest update for tenants is available in a printer-friendly PDF. This issue has information about: 

    • Mail forwarding and pick-up 

    • Internet sticks 

    • Maintenance requests 

    • Access to the site 

    • Next steps for the site 


    September 30, 2022  

    Our latest update for tenants is available in a printer-friendly PDF This issue has information about: 

    • Busing changes for households still in temporary accommodation, taking place October 3, 2022. 


    September 23, 2022  

    Our latest update for tenants is available in a printer-friendly PDF and large-print PDF. This issue has information about: 

    • Relocation update 

    • Supports available 

    • Routine maintenance requests at new unit 

    • Reminder: Canada Post mail collection 

    • Reminder: municipal elections voters' list 


    September 9, 2022  

    Our fifth e-bulletin update for tenants is available in a printer-friendly PDF and large-print PDF. This issue has information about: 

    • Relocation update 

    • Claims process and furniture 

    • Back-to-school supplies 

    • Canada Post forwarding mail 

    • Municipal election voters’ list 


    August 30, 2022  

    Our fourth e-bulletin update for tenants is available in a printer-friendly PDF and large-print PDF. This issue has information about: 

    • Transportation for school reminder

    • Relocation process 

    • Moving updates 

    • Hotel extensions 

    • Supports available  


    August 11, 2022  

    The Stone Soup Network, a community partner, has collected donations to help tenants who have been displaced from the Swansea Mews community. The application deadline has been extended to Thursday, August 18. Please review the updated Stone Soup Donation handout (PDF) for more information about these donations, including how to apply using the Stone Soup online form. Your information will be kept confidential and secure, and limited information will be given to TCHC only to confirm your household as Swansea Mews tenants who have been displaced. 

    August 8, 2022  

    Toronto Community Housing (TCHC) is working to support Swansea Mews tenants living at Centennial College as they move to a relocation unit or another temporary accommodation. We recognize the disruption this will cause. We are working hard to make this transition as smooth as possible. 

    Moving days will be August 8 to 12, 2022 

    Here is some key information ahead of the move: 

    • Take all items out of the fridge. Centennial College staff will throw out any items left in the fridge.   

    • Please clean all bedrooms that were lived in. Take all your belongings from your rooms when you leave. Any items left behind will be thrown out. 

    • If you moved furniture during your stay, please put it back where it was when you moved in. 

    • Return all Centennial College room keys, building access cards, and parking access cards to TCHC staff on the day you move. If you don't, there may be a charge to your account for lost or non-returned keys. 

    • We will give your household one day's notice with information about the date and time you are scheduled to move. 

    • We will help you move your belongings from Centennial College to your new temporary accommodations or your relocation unit (if you have accepted a matching offer this week).  


    August 5, 2022  

    Toronto Community Housing (TCHC) is working to support Swansea Mews tenants who are still living in hotels. We have gotten an extension on these hotel contracts. We are targeting an extension for these temporary accommodations until the end of August. If this date changes, we will let you know well in advance.  Please review this Hotel extension notice (PDF) for additional information. 

    August 5, 2022  

    The Stone Soup Network, a community partner, has collected donations to help tenants who have been displaced from the Swansea Mews community. Applications are due Thursday, August 11. Your information will be kept confidential and secure, and limited information will be given to TCHC only to confirm your household as Swansea Mews tenants who have been displaced. 


    July 22, 2022  

    Toronto Community Housing (TCHC) is working to support Swansea Mews tenants living in temporary accommodation at Toronto Metropolitan University (TMU) as they move to a relocation unit or another temporary accommodation. We recognize the disruption this will cause. We are working hard to make this transition as smooth as possible. 

    Moving days will be July 26 to 29, 2022  

    Here is some key information ahead of the move: 

    • Take all items out of the fridge. TMU staff will throw out any items left in the fridge after check out.   

    • Please take all your belongings from your rooms when you leave. Any items left behind will be thrown out. 

    • Return all TMU room keys, building access cards, and parking access cards to TCHC staff on the day you move. If you don't, there may be a charge to your account for lost or non-returned keys. 

    • We will give your household one day's notice with information about the date and time you are scheduled to move. 

    • We will help you move your belongings from TMU to your new temporary accommodations or your relocation unit (if you have accepted a matching offer this week).  


    July 15, 2022  

    For your safety and security, we are limiting access to Swansea Mews and to your unit. There is a significant safety risk. If you must return to Swansea Mews, please be aware of the safety protocols as outlined in our Notice to Swansea Tenants – Access to your unit (PDF).


    July 11, 2022 

     Toronto Community Housing (TCHC) is working to support Swansea Mews tenants who have been living in temporary accommodation at York University as they move to a relocation unit or another temporary accommodation this week. We recognize the disruption this will cause. We are working hard to make this transition as smooth as possible. 

    Moving days will be July 13 to 15, 2022 

     Here is some key information for your household ahead of the move: 

    • Use all the money you have loaded to your York University card (YU-card). It can be used for laundry or on campus at food outlets and vending machines, but not convenience stores. You will not get a refund for any money not used. 

    • Return all York University room keys and building access cards to TCHC staff on the day you move. If you don't, there may be a charge to your account for lost or non-returned keys. 

    • Your household will be given one day's notice to let you know about the date and time you are scheduled to move. 

    • Please take all your belongings from your rooms when you leave. Any items left behind will be thrown out. 

    • We will help you move your belongings from York University to your new temporary accommodations or your relocation unit (if you have accepted a matching offer this week).  


    July 5, 2022  

    The Ontario Superior Court has ruled in favour of an application brought by the City of Toronto, the Toronto Chief Building Official and Toronto Community Housing to protect the health and safety of Swansea Mews tenants.  

    Delivered on June 4, 2022, the court ruling confirmed the Chief Building Official's emergency order that tenants must vacate Swansea Mews immediately because continuing to occupy their units carries a risk to personal safety.  

    The order authorizes the Sheriff of Toronto to help the City and the Chief Building Official to evacuate Swansea Mews if tenants have not vacated their units by the end of the day on Wednesday, July 6. 


    July 3, 2022 

     Toronto Community Housing today filed a supplementary affidavit with the Ontario Superior Court. The document contains more evidence that TCHC will ask the court to consider during the hearing scheduled for Monday, July 4, 2022. 


    June 30, 2022  

    Tenants received an information sheet (PDF) from TCHC, providing information on a Superior Court Application about the Chief Building Official's order to vacate Swansea Mews. The information sheet also included details for how to participate in a hearing on the matter, scheduled for July 4.  

    June 29, 2022  

    Tenants were invited to an information session from 6 to 8:30 p.m. at the Swansea Mews Public School. Toronto Community Housing senior leaders, subject matter experts and support staff spoke with tenants regarding: 

    • Temporary accommodations 

    • Resources and supports 

    • Relocation process 

    • Help with moving 

    • Addressing repair needs 

    • Other feedback and support requests 


    June 23, 2022  

    TCHC met with tenants still living in Swansea Mews as the City of Toronto has declared all homes in Swansea Mews to be unsafe for people to live in. Tenants were provided a notice and plan regarding the urgent need to move to temporary accommodation as well as a relocation process. See below for the documents provided to tenants: 

    June 20, 2022 

     Information about Swansea Mews is available in Somali, Amharic, Twi, Cantonese, Mandarin, Vietnamese and French. See our Translated Information section below. 

    June 17, 2022  

    Toronto Community Housing (TCHC) will give per diem payments to Swansea Mews tenants as part of the temporary accommodation process. Please see the FAQs for more information about this or download the PDF version of the FAQs. 

    June 16, 2022  

    The meeting to assign households with their number took place from 6:00pm-8:00pm for the Humber group of tenants. The assigned number is used to make a decision if more than one household chooses the same unit on their preference form.   


    June 14, 2022  

    A second town hall was held at 6 p.m. at the Humber College Lakeshore campus auditorium. Materials from the town hall are available to view in PDF:  


    Video: Engineering Report and Relocation Information 

    Presentations recorded on June 14, 2022, by Toronto Community Housing's Noah Slater, Senior Director, Capital Planning, Design and Engagement and Kelly Skeith, Chief Development Officer.

    Frequently Asked Questions

    For more information or if you have a specific request, contact the dedicated Swansea Mews hotline at 416-945-0900 or swansea.mews@torontohousing.ca.

    August 5, 2022 Update FAQs

    What is TCHC doing to support tenants that are still displaced?

    Relocation team members are meeting with tenants at their temporary accommodations to sign leases and answer questions about the process. These staff will schedule unit viewings as part of the relocation process. They will also work with you to create a moving plan for your household. This includes reviewing any packing or moving needs you have. 

    Onsite coordinators are organizing walking tours of temporary accommodation sites and conversational circles to build community connections. They are giving tenants the latest information about the relocation process and the community. 

    What is the progress on relocating all Swansea Mews households?

    All Swansea Mews tenants have moved out of the community. As of August 4, 55 households have accepted a relocation unit. Over 30 households have moved to their new home. We are arranging moves for the other households. Round four of the relocation process will conclude on August 5. Round five is launching on the weekend. 

    What have been the biggest challenges in the relocation process?

    During a scheduled relocation, we start planning and outreach to tenants several months before we give formal notices and move tenants out of the community. At Swansea Mews, we had to shorten the timeline and move people out as quickly as possible for the safety of the household. This means that our relocation team is working even faster to find available units and match them to a household's needs. 

    Another challenge has been finding available vacant units in our portfolio that also meet the needs of Swansea Mews households. We are working with the City of Toronto to find units with other non-profit housing providers. If you sign a lease with these providers, you have a right to return to Swansea Mews. 

    What happens if I don't match to a relocation unit?

    If you do not match to a unit in the current round, your household will be added into the next round of the relocation process. 

    What happens if I need parking but my relocation unit doesn't have available spaces?

    Parking availability is listed on the unit lists provided in the relocation package. If parking is not available, you will be added to a waiting list for parking. 

    If parking is not available on TCHC property, you can seek parking through the City's street parking permit process or rent parking in non-TCHC locations. TCHC will not pay for parking fees in non-TCHC locations or for City street parking permits.  

    What is the moving process?

    TCHC will book the moving companies and assign dates to Swansea Mews households once tenants have accepted an offer and signed a lease for their relocation unit. 

    TCHC staff will contact each household and let them know the specific details for moving, including packing, storage and more. Staff will make an appointment with you to help prepare your household contents for the professional packers. 

    Because your unit is now considered a construction site, you will need to sign in and wear personal protective equipment (mask, hard hat and safety boots) for the entire time you are in the unit. TCHC will loan you this protective equipment for you to wear while inside your unit. 

    Packed contents will only be moved once your household has signed a lease for your relocation unit. 

    What type of supports will be offered to me when I move to my relocation unit?

    Professional movers hired by TCHC will move your household's furniture and items to your relocation unit. 

    TCHC will reimburse household members for costs, including; 

    • Mail forwarding 

    • Address change fees – driver license, healthcard, etc. 

    • Service charges for address changes for cable/interne

    Can we get a second air conditioner for our unit in Regent Park?

    TCHC has an air conditioner exchange program. We will provide you with details of the air conditioner exchange process in the upcoming week (Aug. 8 to 12).   
    How can we submit maintenance requests at the Regent Park temporary accommodation? 
    Maintenance requests can be made by contacting TCHC's Client Care Centre by phone at 416-981-5500 or by email at help@torontohousing.ca. Client Care agents are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. 

    Structural incident and reason for order to vacate FAQs

    What happened?

    In the early hours of Friday, May 27, a concrete ceiling panel broke away in a townhome unit in Block H of the Swansea Mews community. The ceiling panel landed on and seriously injured a person.

    Why did the ceiling panel fall?

    Based on a report by a structural engineer, we believe the cause dates back to the building's original construction. As a result, our primary focus is ensuring tenant safety.

    What steps are you taking to protect tenants' safety?

    Your safety is our top priority. Tenants were moved to temporary accommodation because of the potential safety risk to remaining in the community. As units were vacated, we installed temporary structural supports (shoring) to protect against the potential of another similar incident, allowing engineers to enter and inspect the units and determine whether more faulty ceiling panels exist.

    Once shoring is installed, can I return to my unit?

    No, you cannot return to live in your unit while the shoring is there. Toronto Community Housing has explored options to minimize the disruption of relocation, but tenants must move into temporary accommodation and then relocated units while units are being fixed.

    Why can't I go back into my unit?

    We are moving tenants to temporary accommodation by order of the Chief Building Official because there is a proven public safety risk in Swansea Mews that could endanger them. We are offering a safe alternative for tenants to stay before the relocation process starts.

    Can you provide the names of the contractors and engineering firms that are working in the community?


    Engineering Firms 

    Trinity Services Inc. 

    CS&P Architects Inc. 

    Uniqueco Building Restoration 

    WSP Global Inc. 

    PSP General Contractors 

    RJC Engineers 

    APlus General Contractors 


    Alltra Building Restoration 


    Why can't you move us out, revitalize the community and bring us back?

    Revitalization is a long process, which takes years of planning, financing and approval by government before work can start. Prior to the incident on May 27, there was a plan for an extensive retrofit of Swansea in 2023. We are reviewing the timeline for this plan and will provide updates to the community when available.

    What is included in the planned retrofit project for Swansea Mews?

    The planned retrofit includes the complete gutting and rebuilding of all units, all new interior finishes, as well as roofing work, repair of garage slabs, basement floor slabs, windows and exterior envelope upgrades.

    Can tenants see the engineering report that was completed after the fallen ceiling panel was inspected?

    Yes. TCHC will request a report from the engineering firm that summarizes their findings. In the meantime, you can view the Engineering Report presentation (PDF) or watch the video of the presentation

    Temporary accommodations and resources FAQs

    Where will I live while I have to vacate my unit?

    TCHC has arranged for blocks of dormitory residences at Humber College (Lakeshore Campus), York University, Centennial College, and Toronto Metropolitan University. A limited number of hotels in the Great Toronto Area are providing rooms, as well, based on availability.

    What should I bring?

    We recommend that you bring: 

    • clothing and shoes 

    • toiletries 

    • all your prescription medicines and medical information 

    • ID, important papers and cards like driver's license or passport 

    • any other insurance information (home, car, personal) 

    • legal documents like birth certificates, social insurance cards 

    • financial records like bank account information, credit and debit cards 

    • glasses, contact lenses and other health-related items 

    • If you have young children, please bring formula and bottles, baby food, diapers and wipes, school supplies and toys 

    What support do I get for food, supplies or transportation?

    TCHC will give per diem payments to Swansea Mews tenants as part of the temporary accommodation process. These payments are given weekly via cheque. They can be used to cover costs you encounter while in these temporary accommodations away from home, like meals/groceries, transportation, clothing, and other supplies. 

    These payments will be $50 per day, per person in the household (must be listed on your lease). More information is below. 

    What about my unit and the rest of my belongings?

    Security will be posted 24/7 in the Swansea Mews community to monitor access and safeguard unoccupied units. If any contractors need to access your unit, someone from TCHC will be there with them. 

     We are strongly recommending that you do not re-enter your unit after you leave to protect your health and safety. If you choose to enter your unit, you are entering at your own risk. There are also specific safety protocols to follow if you need to re-enter to get any items. See someone on site or contact the hotline listed below if you need to arrange a visit back to your unit. 

    I have pets; where can I be accommodated when I leave?

    TCHC has found a limited number of hotel rooms that will take pets, located in Mississauga and Vaughan. TCHC is contacting pet-owning families as rooms become available to determine if they are willing to be accommodated in these locations. We appreciate your understanding while we look for additional locations. 

    How will I access my mail and package deliveries?

    TCHC has coordinated with Canada Post's Area Manager, who is responsible for Swansea Mews deliveries, to arrange for mail and package collection. Your mail and parcel deliveries will be available for pickup at 145 The West Mall between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m., Monday through Friday.   

    When collecting your mail, please do not forget photo ID displaying your mailing address. For more information on what is considered acceptable identification, visit canadapost.ca/id

    If you have packages coming with a different delivery service, we suggest contacting them directly. 

    Gift cards, taxi chits and per diem cheques FAQs

    Toronto Community Housing (TCHC) is giving per diem payments to Swansea Mews tenants as part of the temporary accommodation process.

    What is a per diem?

    A per diem is a daily allowance paid to cover costs you may encounter while in temporary accommodations away from home. 

    What things are covered by a per diem?

    Per diems cover things like meals and groceries, gas, transit fare or Ubers/Lyfts, fees, supplies, clothing, medicine and other incidentals. 

    When do I get my per diem?

    Households get their per diems delivered to their temporary accommodations on Thursdays in the afternoon. If you are not there, we will deliver again on Friday. If you will not be there either day, please contact the Swansea Mews hotline so staff can work with you. 

    How much do I get?

    All tenants living in temporary accommodations will get $50 per person, per day, to cover expenses for that week. The per diems are calculated at $25 for food and $25 for incidentals. To be eligible for the per diem, you must be listed on the lease for the household. 

     Please note that each cheque period covers Monday to Sunday. The first cheque amount will depend on the date your family moves into temporary accommodation. 

    What method is the per diem paid to me?

    Per diems will be paid through cheque. 

    Can I get an advance on my next per diem cheque?

    No. Per diems are provided to cover expenses for the full week. They will only be given out once a week.

    Are taxi chits separate from per diem payments covering transportation?

    Taxi chits only cover your household's first relocation from Swansea Mews to your temporary accommodation. Any other transportation needs will be covered through gift cards or the per diem cheques issued to your unit.

    Relocation process FAQs

    Relocation means your belongings and furniture are moved from Swansea Mews to your Relocation unit where you have signed a lease. All tenants will have a right to return, and will sign a relocation agreement with Toronto Community Housing to detail it.

    Who is moving/relocating?

    All Swansea Mews tenants will be part of a relocation process to secure stable housing.

    What is the relocation process?

    Notification: A community meeting on June 14 served as the start of the formal relocation process to move you into stable housing. 
    Unit selection process: 

    • All families were given a number at random. 

    • Relocation staff will match your unit preferences (from step 3) to available units using the Preference Form. 

    • Two households with the same preferences will be matched in order of draw number. 

    • A draw meeting was held virtually on Wednesday, June 15.  

    Choosing a unit: 

    • You will receive a list of units and can work with staff to review all units that match your household qualifications.  

    • You will rank your preferred units on a Tenant Preference Form. 

    • Staff will match your preferences to available units using the above form. 

    Offer letter: 

    • Once your choices have been reviewed, you will receive an offer letter.  

    • You will have an opportunity to view the unit. 

    • You must sign and return the Acceptance/Refusal form to TCHC. 

    • Once you have an offer letter, you can either accept the offer or get ready to move out, OR, decline the offer and go into round two of unit draws. 

    Unit size in relocation

    If your household is considered over-housed, you will be right-sized into the unit you are eligible for. 

    Relocation and return process timeline (round three)

    The relocation process (round three) takes place from July 8, 2022 - July 20, 2022. Further details are available in our Relocation Process (PDF)

    Right to return once work is done

    All tenants will have a right to return, and will sign a relocation agreement with Toronto Community Housing to detail it. This agreement is a legal agreement. 
    What policies or documents guide the relocation process? 
    Toronto Community Housing uses the following documents to guide the relocation process: 

    • Relocation Policy: guides process for all TCHC communities, details rights and obligations for both tenants and TCHC 

    • Tenant Relocation Agreement: outlines the rights and responsibilities for relocation and return, confirms details for new unit and right of return.

    Moving process FAQs

    Toronto Community Housing (TCHC) is acting to support its tenants to vacate Swansea Mews until work can be completed to make it safe for tenants to return. Tenants have already or are in the process of relocating to temporary accommodation, like a hotel or dormitory. The next steps will be to relocate households from this temporary accommodation into stable, suitable housing that meets their specific needs. We will also move tenant belongings, including furniture.

    When will the moving process start?

    Moving has already started for households who have accepted matching offers as part of the Relocation process. This process will continue as all Swansea Mews households accept matching offers. Moves are subject to the availability of moving companies.   

    What is the process?

    TCHC will book the moving companies and assign dates to Swansea Mews households once tenants have accepted an offer and signed a lease for their Relocation unit. TCHC staff will contact each household and let them know the specific details for moving, including packing, storage and more. Staff will make an appointment with you to help prepare your household contents for the professional packers. 

    Because your unit is now considered a construction site, you will need to sign in and wear personal protective equipment (mask, hard hat and safety boots) for the entire time you are in the unit. TCHC will loan you this protective equipment for you to wear while inside your unit. 

    Packed contents will only be moved once your household signs a lease for your new Relocation unit. 

    Who pays for the moving process?

    TCHC will pay to move your household out of Swansea Mews and to move you back into the community after it is safe to return. These costs include labour and packing supplies provided by the moving companies we hire, as well as storage containers if necessary. 

    Do I pack it myself or someone else?

    TCHC is hiring professional moving companies to pack your household contents and move them. These companies have a proven track record of working with TCHC. 

    You will be asked to prepare your household contents for packing, but the actual packing will be done by the professional movers. 

    We understand that some tenants may be uncomfortable with someone else packing your belongings. To move everyone's household contents out in the fastest way possible, we encourage you to allow the professional movers to work efficiently. If you feel you must pack your own items, or if you have some special conditions, please let site staff know. They can make the proper arrangements and give you details. 

    Can I pack my items or request packing if I haven't matched with a unit yet?

    Yes, you can request this. However we will schedule the packing around the availability of the packing/moving companies. Your belongings and furniture will stay in your unit until you accept a matching offer. 

    How long do I have to prepare?

    All tenants will be contacted by TCHC staff to schedule an appointment to return to your unit and prepare it for packers/movers: 

    • Packing and removing valuables or fragile special items. These items can be moved by you or clearly marked so they can be treated with care. 

    • Packing and removing any food still left in the unit, including non-perishable items. If you do not take it with you, it will be thrown out. Food items cannot be moved by the moving company. 

    • Identifying items or furniture that can be disposed of. You can take these items to the garbage bin or the movers can do it for you. 

    If I have already moved and put items into storage, will you cover the cost?

    No. TCHC will not reimburse you if you have found storage for your belongings outside our moving process.  

    Will the contents of my unit be secure?

    Security will be posted 24/7 in the Swansea Mews community to monitor access and safeguard unoccupied units. If any contractors need to access your unit, someone from TCHC will be there with them. 

    How do I report damaged or missing property?

    Please immediately report any cases of missing, stolen or damaged property to the Community Safety Unit (CSU) at 416-921-2323 and an operator will take down your information. A CSU officer will call you back to complete the report over the telephone. CSU will send your completed report to the Toronto Community Housing claims team, and they will contact you about next steps. 

    Is there anything that would help with the claims process?

    We recommend you submit photographs of the damaged or missing items (if possible) as part of the report. Please also submit any receipts with the cost of the item and when it was bought. 

    It is also recommended that you take photographs of your contents before they are packed and moved to show the condition they were in prior to packing and moving. 

    What else can I do?

    You should also submit a claim with your own insurance company for any lost, stolen or damaged property. If you do not have coverage, you may also submit a claim against the moving company or contractor.

    How do I know that potential asbestos will not get into the contents in my unit?

    We can cover your content with plastic to make sure this is not an issue. 

    What if I have to move into a unit with fewer bedrooms and cannot bring all my belongings based on space? Will you pay to store them?

    Yes, we will pay for a storage container for any belongings or furniture that do not fit into your relocation unit. We will also pay to move the storage container back to Swansea Mews when it is time to return. 

    Legal support FAQs

    A lawyer has advised that we do not move. What legal right do you have to make me move?

    Tenants are being asked to move to temporary accommodation by order of the Chief Building Official because there is a proven public safety risk in Swansea Mews that could endanger them. TCHC is offering a safe alternative for tenants to stay before the relocation process starts.

    How can tenants access legal support?


    There are a number of supports that tenants can access: 

    Parkdale Community Legal Services  

    Law Society's Referral Service  

    ProBono Ontario  

    • 1-855-255-7256 or by web at: