Web accessibility
Resize text
Zoom in using your mouse or keyboard.
If you have a mouse with a wheel, you can zoom in or out by holding down the Ctrl key on your keyboard and scrolling the wheel back and forth.
You can also use your keyboard to zoom in or out:
To make everything on the web page larger, hold down Ctrl and +
To make everything on the web page smaller, hold down Ctrl and -
Request a translation or alternate format
Translations are available in multiple languages depending on the document. Alternate formats can include large print or screen-reader friendly electronic documents. We understand that accessibility needs are not the same for everyone. Please email help@torontohousing.ca if you require any of the content on our website in an alternate format.
If you do not have access to email, you can call the Client Care Centre at 416-981-5500 to submit your alternate format request.
We will accommodate alternate format requests to the best of our abilities.
Job applicants
Please email accessibility.hr@torontohousing.ca or call 416-981-4119 if you would like to apply to a position at Toronto Community Housing and need the job posting in an alternate format.