Centre Community Funds

The Centre for Advancing the Interests of Black People ("The Centre") has established the Centre Community Funds to help support tenants or tenant groups who need resources for community initiatives or projects. 

On this page

    What are Centre Community Funds?

    Centre Community funds are resources available to tenants and tenant groups to fund projects and initiatives that respond to the Confronting Anti-Black Racism (CABR) Strategy’s eight-point plan. As part of its engagement with Black tenants, tenant groups, and communities, The Centre has established the Centre Community Funds to provide tenants and tenant group access to resources that address anti-Black racism and respond to the CABR Strategy. 

    Once you submit your application form, members of The Centre and Tenant Action Fund Tables will review and approve requests made by tenants and tenant groups. Download a copy of the CABR Strategy (PDF) to learn more about the strategy and the eight-point plan. 

    All projects and initiatives that receive 2024 Centre Community Funds must be completed by March 2025. 

    A maximum of $5,000 can be allocated to the project or initiative.

    Who can apply for the Centre Community Funds? 

    All Toronto Community Housing tenants can request resources for projects and initiatives to respond to the CABR Strategy's eight-point plan.

    Please note that all applications will be reviewed by The Centre and representatives from the Tenant Action Fund Tables. Representatives from the Tenant Action Fund Tables cannot participate in the assessment of applications from their own building or townhouses. Any tenant found to be misappropriating funds will be ineligible to apply for future resources.

    How to apply

    Download and review the 2024 Centre Community Funds information package (PDF) to learn more.

    To apply, complete the online application form or email TheCentre.EducationAdvocacy@torontohousing.ca for a PDF version of the application form.

    The deadline to apply for the 2024 Centre Community Funds is Monday, October 21, 2024.

    Complete the online form to apply for the 2024 Centre Community Funds.

    Apply today

    Eligible and ineligible expenses

    Tenants will have the opportunity to apply for expenses through the Centre Community Funds. Please review the list below to see the items that you are able to purchase through the funds.

    Eligible expenses (items you can get with the funding)

    • Volunteer recognition
    • Food for participants and volunteers
    • Training
    • Printing
    • Materials and supplies
    • Sporting equipment*
    • Media equipment*
    • Furniture and accessories (indoor and outdoor)*
    • Recreation and amusement *
    • Art supplies*
    • Kitchen/household items*
    • Gardening supplies and accessories*
    • Toronto Transit Commission (TTC) Presto tickets, or mileage reimbursement with details for transportation of materials/equipment to an event site
    • Liability insurance if not covered by corporate insurance
    • Permit for initiative (if applicable)

    *Purchased items will be owned by Toronto Community Housing and will be made accessible to the members of the public for other uses. A plan for storing these items and making them available to tenants is required. All purchases and programming/activities must comply with public health guidelines and TCHC policies.

    Ineligible expenses (items you are unable to get with funding)

    • Items not listed in your submitted budget
    • Items for personal use
    • Honorariums
    • Alcohol
    • Fundraising activities/events or donations to charitable causes
    • Ongoing projects/programs
    • Costs to maintain activities beyond the funding term
    • Salaries and hourly wages and income-generating activities for staff, group members and/or mentors
    • TTC monthly passes
    • Travel outside of the City of Toronto
    • Activities related to religious and/or political purposes
    • Membership fees
    • Conferences
    • Consultations

    How can I find more information on Centre Community Funds?

    For more information: