We are committed to being transparent and accountable to our tenants and the public. This page provides information about our financial reporting, fraud reporting, insurance claims, accountability offices, access to information, as well as related policies.

Toronto Community Housing provides reports for all its finances as part of its commitment to transparency. We also submit an annual and stakeholder report to the City of Toronto.

Report fraud
Help keep money where it is needed most: for much-needed repairs and community investments. Anonymously reporting fraud and waste in your preferred language.

Insurance claims
As a property owner, Toronto Community Housing is responsible for making sure its properties are well-maintained and safe, within reasonable standards.

Accountability offices
Learn more about the organizations responsible for ensuring accountability and transparency in the operations of Toronto Community Housing and the City of Toronto.

Access to information
We collect personal, confidential information about tenants in the course of business. We are subject to the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act.