Common space and unit modifications
Accessibility Program
The Accessibility Program makes sure all common spaces and units are modified based on tenant and staff medical needs. This program provides the opportunity for tenants to work with staff to make improvements to common spaces and modifications to their units based on medical need. The program provides processes for tenants to get their unit modified to meet their medical needs to be safer and able to age in place longer.
All TCHC properties new and existing, common spaces and units are built or upgraded to Toronto Community Housing's Accessibility Build Standards (PDF).
To read more, review the Tenant's Guide to TCHC's Accessibility Build Standards (PDF).
Common spaces
Common spaces in existing builds are upgraded to ensure people with disabilities can participate in all aspects of day-to-day living and events free of physical barriers. These spaces are upgraded to the TCHC Accessibility Build Standards (PDF) where structurally possible. Common spaces in new builds are designed and built as per TCHC Accessibility Build Standards (PDF).
Unit modifications
If you have a disability or medical need that makes day-to-day living functionally difficult or if you feel unsafe from falls or reaching, a unit modification can make areas of your unit more accessible. You will be required to have the Medical Questionnaire (PDF) completed by your medical professional. You can apply to have your unit modified. A unit modification can improve your functionality and be safer from falls in your unit.
Apply to make your unit accessible (document).
Accessibility is for you
This is a guide authored by the R-PATH Committee to advise tenants step-by-step on how to get their unit modified. It makes sure tenants know what to expect during the process and answers the 7 most common questions. You can pick up the Accessibility is For You guide at your local Hub office or read/print it below.
Watch the following short-animated video on the 7 most common questions.