Progress update: TCHC’s next strategic plan

Tenant leaders share input and ideas to help shape Toronto Community Housing’s strategic plan for 2025 to 2029. 

What is the ideal future for your community, and how do we get there?  

Tenant leaders discussed this question at the latest Tenant Community Action Table (TCAT) meetings held in June across Toronto Community Housing’s (TCHC) three regions. Led by TCHC’s Strategic Planning team and consultants from KPMG, the sessions will help inform TCHC’s next strategic plan, setting out priorities for the next five years.  

Over the course of three evenings, tenant leaders from East, West and Central regions came out and shared their perspectives and experiences while brainstorming ideas and strategies to create a positive impact. 

What is the strategic plan?  

TCHC’s strategic plan impacts everything we do as an organization—our decision-making and workplans, our budgets, our programs, the work we do in our buildings, and the services we deliver every day to tenants.  

The next strategic plan will set out TCHC’s priorities for how we support tenants, help the City of Toronto achieve its goals, and plan for the future.  

Throughout the year, elected and/or appointed community representatives attend quarterly TCAT meetings to discuss their community’s needs and bring ideas and solutions to the table. As TCHC develops its strategic plan, it’s important that the plan reflects the voices and perspectives of people who live in TCHC communities and these TCAT meetings provided the first opportunity for tenants to input on the plan. 

Picturing the future 

The workshops began with a quick introduction to the strategic plan and how it is being developed. After this, community representatives were broken into small groups for an activity called “The Bridge.”  

First, everyone thought about the future: what does your ideal community look like? Participants shared how an ideal community might feel: safe, respectful, a place to call home. Groups also discussed the programs and services they would want to see, like programming for seniors and better access to programs and information for tenants.   

Next, we took a step back and asked: “what does your community look like now?” Each group discussed what’s working well in their communities, and what could be improved.  

Finally, the groups brainstormed strategies and ideas that could help move TCHC from where we are today to the future we all want to see. Some of these ideas included strategies for connecting tenants to mental health supports, addressing issues like cleaning and maintenance, and improving communication between TCHC and tenants.  

Before the night was over, each group also took time to review everything they had discussed alongside the list of priority concerns and stakeholder groups.  

Over the years and through various feedback, engagement and surveys, tenants have shared that TCHC should focus on these areas, including female-led households, youth development, seniors, accessibility, anti-Black racism, and Indigenous communities. Many of the discussions at the TCAT meetings offered ideas and strategies targeted to these areas.  

What’s next?  

Over the summer, TCHC’s Strategic Planning team and our consultant KPMG will provide more opportunities for tenants to get involved and share their perspectives. Youth can also get involved by participating in an art contest by answering the question “what does a thriving and supportive community look, feel, or sound like?” This contest closes on Friday, August 16.  

In June, TCHC's Board of Directors and the Executive Leadership team each participated in workshops with KPMG where they discussed the priority areas, what’s working well, areas for improvement, and future opportunities.  

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