4175 Lawrence Ave East
In the afternoon of Saturday, February 25, 2023, a fire broke out at 4175 Lawrence Ave. E. Over 20 Toronto Community Housing (TCHC) households have been temporarily displaced from their homes due to resulting fire and water damage. Displacement is primarily affecting households on the fifth floor of the building. All other tenants were able to return home in the evening of February 25.
TCHC will continue to provide temporary housing for tenants who have been displaced, though some affected tenants have chosen to stay with friends of family. We appreciate patience as we work with partners to make necessary repairs to units and hallways so that everyone can return home as soon as it is safe.
As of Friday, March 3, it is not safe for displaced tenants to return to their units. We are asking that you not return to the building until we tell you it is okay. Security or Community Safety Unit staff will be onsite and will not let you onto your floor. This is for your safety.
Latest Updates
March 3, 2023
We have drafted an update for tenants (PDF). It was handed out to tenants in temporary accommodation and has information about:
- When we will update tenants on timelines to return home
- Food per diems at the hotel
- How to request essential items from your unit
- Explanation letters for work or school
- Door repairs