Tenant Engagement System Update
Learn about the different local engagement options before you vote
Voting for the different local engagement options at the Building/Townhouse level in the refreshed Tenant Engagement System started on October 28. Voting will last until all communities across Toronto Community Housing’s (TCHC) portfolio has had the chance to vote.
"This marks an exciting milestone as we start to implement the Tenant Engagement System that will encourage and allow TCHC tenants to get involved in local decision-making, address local priorities, be represented and have their voice heard in the community," said Julio Rigores, Director Program Delivery, Operations.
Tenants are encouraged to watch our video and review materials before they vote on their local engagement option. These materials give information on the features and functions of the local engagement options at the Building/Townhouse level of the refreshed Tenant Engagement System.
If tenants want to be represented at the Building/Townhouse level and participate in the Tenant Engagement System, there are two options to choose from:
- Community representatives or
- Building/Townhouse committee.
If tenants choose to be independent of the Tenant Engagement System, they can choose to have:
- Tenant associations or
- No representation
Communities can form a tenant association in addition to being engaged in the Tenant Engagement System.
Next Steps:
Toronto Community Housing will be holding a voting day in each community. Local engagement staff will be reaching out to tenants to promote these voting days. Tenants will receive at least two weeks' notice of when their voting day will be, as it will be different in each community. After voting is completed in each community, Toronto Community Housing will work with tenants to hold tenant elections for communities that voted for the Community Representative model. TCHC will also work with tenants to establish committees and elect representatives for communities that voted for the Building/Townhouse Committee model.
More information:
Have questions?
- Call the Engagement Refresh hotline at 416-981-4435
- Email EngagementRefresh@torontohousing.ca
- Speak to your local engagement Community Services Coordinator (CSC)