Outdoor pool hours and locations
Find out the hours and locations for Toronto Community Housing outdoor pools during the summer season.
From Friday, June 28 to Saturday, August 31, 2024, Toronto Community Housing outdoor pools are open for tenants to access.
East region
Opening times: Monday to Sunday, 11 a.m. to 6 p.m.
Pool locations:
- Brahms (5 Brahms Ave)
- Gordonridge (20 Gordonridge Pl)
- Mornelle (90 Mornelle Ct)
- Kingston Galloway (4301 Kingston Rd)
- Roywoods (251 Roywood Dr)
- Sparroways (2 Tree Sparroway)
- Victoria Park (2739 Victoria Park Ave)
- Willowdale (415 Willowdale Ave)
West region
Opening times: Monday to Sunday, 11 a.m. to 6 p.m.
Pool locations:
- Dundas (5005 Dundas St W)
- East Mall (609 The East Mall)
- Tobermory (15 Tobermory Dr)
- Trethewey (720 Trethewey Dr)
For more information about pool hours and locations during the open season, call PPL Aquatic, Fitness & Spa Group Inc. at 905-501-7210.
Extensions to operating hours:
When the City of Toronto issues a heat warning or extended heat warning, the operating hours for Toronto Community Housing's swimming pools may be extended to 9 p.m. based on operational needs. During a heat warning or extended heat warning, please check extended hours at your nearest pool.