Becoming better at conservation: TCHC’s Building Utility Report explained

Explore the conservation efforts in high-rise communities.

building surrounded with trees

Making TCHC buildings more sustainable.

If you live in or near one of Toronto Community Housing’s (TCHC) high-rise buildings, you might wonder how much energy it takes to keep such a big place running. You might also think about how much water flows through all the pipes, or how much garbage goes down the chutes. Buildings are like living parts of the community, and it is important to ask these questions to improve the way they work all year long.

The good news is that TCHC has a way to show how well our buildings are doing: the Building Utility Report program. Twice a year, in summer and winter, our staff collaborate across different departments to develop a three-page report about how each of these buildings uses energy and water, and manages waste. We compare each building to others in the area and give them a score to show how well they are doing. A high score means the building is doing great!

If a report shows that a building is not doing as well as it could in one of these areas, we investigate further. For energy, we check if lights are left on, windows are letting in drafts, and if equipment is being used and maintained properly. For water, we look for leaks in mechanical rooms or if tenants report leaks in their units. We also check how well garbage is being sorted and recycled. By looking into these things, we can offer support through our conservation programs to help the building perform better.

What can you do to help? The building reports also include tips on how to save energy and water. For example, you can report water leaks to your building manager or help conserve energy by turning things off when you are not using them. For waste, sort your garbage and recycling into the right containers and avoid using black bags. Everyone has a part to play, and by making buildings work better, we can focus on making living better for everyone. Saving resources through your actions means we can put more back into the community for upgrades and improvements.

If you live in or are visiting a high-rise building, ask the building manager about the Building Utility Report. You might even find it posted in the lobby for everyone to see. Start talking to your neighbours and friends about conservation, and together we can all make a difference!

If you would like us to come to your building and talk more about conservation, send us an email at