Resident Services Committee (RSC) Meeting - September 23, 2016
Friday, September 23, 2016
9:30 a.m. to 11:00 a.m.
Ground Floor Boardroom
931 Yonge Street, Toronto
Event description
Archived meeting. See Agenda and Minutes below.
Public Agenda
1. Consent Agenda
a) Approval of Public Meeting Agenda
Action: Approval
Pre-read: Agenda
Presenter: Chair
b) Chair’s Poll re: Conflict of Interest
Action: Declaration
Pre-read: Agenda and Conflict of Interest Policy
Presenter: Chair
c) Confirmation of Public Meeting Minutes of July 28, 2016
Action: Approval
Pre-read: Minutes
Presenter: Chair
d) Business Arising from the Minutes and Committee Action Items Update
Action: Information
Pre-read: Action Item List
Presenter: Chair
e) Safer and More Secure Communities, Q2 2016 Update
Action: Information
Pre-read: RSC:2016-49
Presenter: Vice President, Resident and Community Services
f) Resident Engagement Strategy Q2 Update
Action: Information
Pre-read: RSC:2016-46
Presenter: Vice President, Resident and Community Services
g) Q2 2016 Report on the Status of MLS Orders and Compliance
Action: Information
Pre-read: RSC:2016-48
Presenter: Vice President, Facilities Management
h) Q2 2016 Report on Installation and Maintenance of Security Cameras
Action: Information
Pre-read: RSC:2016-44
Presenter: Vice President, Facilities Management
i) Q2 2016 Participatory Budgeting
Action: Information
Pre-read: RSC:2016-51
Presenter: Vice President, Facilities Management
2. Chair's Remarks
Introduction of the new Vice President of Resident Community Services, Angela Cooke
Action: Information
Pre-read: Verbal Report (5 minutes)
Presenter: Chair
3. Tenant Charter
Action: Approval
Pre-read: RSC:2016-53 (15 minutes)
Presenter: Vice President, Asset Management; Chief Operating Officer
4. Policy Review – Human Rights, Harassment and Fair Access Policy
Action: Approval
Pre-read: RSC:2016-52 (10 minutes)
Presenter: Human Rights and Diversity Specialist
5. OCHE Q2 2016 Quarterly Performance and Work Plan Update
Action: Information
Pre-read: RSC:2016-42 (10 minutes)
Presenter: Commissioner of Housing Equity
6. Breached OCHE Brokered Local Repayment Agreements Process
Action: Information
Pre-read: RSC:2016-43 (10 minutes)
Presenter: Commissioner of Housing Equity; Vice President, Asset Management
7. “State of Good Repair: In Your Unit” Program Review
Action: Information
Pre-read: RSC:2016-50 (10 minutes)
Presenter: Vice President, Facilities Management; Vice President, Asset Management
8. Update on the Resident Survey
Action: Information
Pre-read: Verbal Report (5 minutes)
Presenter: Chief Operating Officer
9. Tenant Board Member Selection Process 2017
Action: Information
Pre-read: Verbal Report (5 minutes)
Presenter: Director of Compliance and Legal Counsel
10. Update on Translation and Interpretation Practices
Action: Information
Pre-read: RSC:2016-45 (10 minutes)
Presenter: Director, Communications
11. Report on Annual Unit Inspections
Action: Information
Pre-read: RSC:2016-54 (10 minutes)
Presenter: Vice President, Asset Management
Public Meeting Minutes
The Resident Services Committee (“RSC”) of Toronto Community Housing Corporation (“TCHC”) held a public meeting on September 23, 2016, in the Main Floor Conference Room, 931 Yonge Street, Toronto, commencing at 9:44 a.m.
Committee Directors Present:
Linda Jackson, Chair
Councillor Frank Di Giorgio, Vice Chair
Catherine Wilkinson
Committee Directors Absent:
Robert Carlo
Kevin Marshman
Management present:
Andalee Adamali, Business Planner, Strategic Planning & Stakeholder Relations
Angela Cooke, Vice President, Resident and Community Services
Ismail Ibrahim, Director of Compliance & Legal Counsel
Mark Johnson, General Counsel & Corporate Secretary
Hugh Lawson, Director, Strategic Planning & Stakeholder Relations
Graham Leah, Vice President, Asset Management
Ted Millward, Legal Counsel, Corporate
Patricia Narine, Director, Program Services (Operational Initiatives)
Boyd Dyer, Director of Smart Buildings & Energy Management
A quorum being present, Ms. Jackson, the RSC Chair, called the public meeting to order and Mr. Steven Iserhoff served as recording secretary.
Verbal deputations were received at the meeting from the following persons:
- Susan Gapka (Items 3, 4)
- Anita Dressler (Item 3)
- Alan Duddin (Items 3, 5)
- Laura Hammond (Item 1F)
Consent Agenda Items
Item 1a - Approval of Public Meeting Agenda
The Committee agreed to hold items 1C, 1D, 1E and 1H for discussion.
Motion carried
ON MOTION DULY MADE by Ms. Wilkinson, seconded by Councillor Di Giorgio and carried, the RSC approved the Public Meeting Agenda as presented.
Item 1b - Declaration of Conflict of Interest
The Chair requested members of the RSC to indicate any agenda item in which they had a conflict of interest, together with the nature of the interest. None were declared.
Item 1c - Confirmation of Resident Services Committee Minutes – July 28, 2016
The Committee had before it the draft Committee Minutes for July 28, 2016.
Regarding Item 6 - Q1-2016 Report on Installation of Security Cameras (RSC:2016-24), the Committee requested an update on the issue of tenant access to lobby cameras.
The Committee also requested amendments to the language minuted for Item 13 - 2016 Complaints Report (RSC:2016-38) to more accurately describe the majority of complaints that are received.
Action item:
Provide the Committee with an update on the issue of tenant access to lobby cameras
Motion carried
ON MOTION DULY MADE by Ms. Wilkinson, seconded by Councillor Di Giorgio and carried, the RSC confirmed the July 28, 2016 minutes subject to the following amendments:
Item 13 - 2016 Complaints Report (RSC:2016-38)
Add the following bolded text and remove italicized text:
- Management noted they are unable to provide that data due to current IT limitations, but indicated that the majority of complaints are related to noise and minor nuisances, which are often one-time complaints and do not warrant eviction proceedings.
Item 1d - Business Arising from the Public Meeting Minutes and Action Items Update
The Committee discussed the following items on the Action Item List:
Regarding Item 5 – The Committee noted there was a motion to implement a pilot project to install covert cameras, and there was an expectation that Management develop a pilot program.
Management noted that TCHC is subject to the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, and there are privacy concerns with and limits on TCHC engaging in covert video surveillance on its properties. The limitations on surveillance in TCHC’s CCTV camera policy were also referenced.
The Committee asked for Management to report back with further information on why a covert surveillance program is not recommended.
Item 8 –The Committee asked for the Deployment Model to be brought back to the RSC before it is implemented and emphasized the need for tenant consultations in the development of a new model.
Action item:
Management to report back with further information on why a covert surveillance program is not recommended.
Motion carried
ON MOTION DULY MADE by Ms. Wilkinson, seconded by Councillor Di Giorgio and carried, the RSC received the report for information.
Item 1e - Safer and More Secure Communities, Q2 2016 Update, RSC:2016-49
The Committee had before it the above-captioned report (RSC:2016-49)
Management presented the report and answered questions.
The Committee and Management discussed the rationale for designating more CSU officers as Special Constables. The Committee enquired how many arrests are made by the Special Constables.
Management noted this information can be included in the quarterly Safer and More Secure Communities Report.
Action item
Include arrests by TCHC Special Constables in the next Safer and More Secure Communities Quarterly Report.
Motion carried
ON MOTION DULY MADE by Ms. Wilkinson, seconded by Councillor Di Giorgio and carried, the RSC received the report for information.
Item 1f - Resident Engagement Strategy Q2 Update, RSC:2016-46
The RSC had before it the above-captioned report (RSC:2016-46).
Laura Hammond deputed the item.
Management noted that they are going through a program evaluation process with the RCS team and they will provide an update on the evaluation in Q1 2017.
Motion carried
ON MOTION DULY MADE by Ms. Wilkinson, seconded by Councillor Di Giorgio and carried, the RSC received the report for information.
Item 1h - Q2 2016 Report on Installation and Maintenance of Security Cameras, RSC:2016-48
The RSC had before it the above-captioned report (RSC:2016-48).
The Committee noted that the report indicates that TCHC is behind on spending the amount in the budget for CCTV Security Cameras. Management advised this was due to the loss of staff earlier in the year, but the department has since hired the appropriate number of staff. While a lot of upgrade work will be performed in Q4, Management advised that they are now on target to reach the projected capital spend on camera upgrades for 2016.
Motion carried
ON MOTION DULY MADE by Ms. Wilkinson, seconded by Councillor Di Giorgio and carried, the RSC received the report for information.
Item 2 - Chair's Remarks - Verbal
The Chair welcomed Angela Cooke as the new Vice President of Resident and Community Services.
The Chair remarked that she had recently attended an RPATH committee meeting and was impressed by the work and collaboration of the group in attendance.
Item 3 - Tenant Charter, RSC:2016-53
The RSC had before it the above-captioned report (RSC:2016-53).
The following persons deputed this item:
- Anita Dressler
- Alan Duddin
- Susan Gapka
Mr. Duddin also submitted a written deputation that was provided to Committee members.
Patricia Narine, Director, Program Services (Operational Initiatives), presented the report and answered questions. Ms. Narine began by extending her gratitude to the many residents and staff who participated in the process to develop the draft Charter and those who participated in the consultations. Ms. Narine delivered the presentation included in the meeting materials, outlining the process and consultations undertaken to produce the draft Charter, the purpose and contents of the document, and the process to implement the document.
The Committee thanked Management and those residents who worked on the draft Charter. The Committee noted the importance of the process undertaken to date, but commented that the document needs to be made more succinct to be effective as a Charter. It was suggested that a shorter, more refined document could be created that is supported by supplementary information and documents, and that a document of only one or several pages may be more effective.
In order to produce a shorter more concise document the Committee also expressed that work needs to be done to carve out stronger key points and messages with terminology that is clearly understood by management and residents.
The Committee stated that given the additional work required to refine the document, the report will be received by the Committee for information rather than for approval. The Committee directed that the document go back to the resident groups for further consultation and that Management come back with a refined Charter for consideration and approval by the Committee and the Board. The Chair advised that a verbal update will be provided to the Board on the status of the work on the Charter at the upcoming Board meeting.
Management noted they will consult with resident groups to further refine the document and can provide the Committee with progress updates. Management indicated that they will work with their original goal to finalize the Charter and supporting materials in Q1-2017.
The Committee raised the point that many residents prefer to be referred to as tenants, and that on that basis future consideration should be given by the Committee and the Board to changing the name of the Resident Services Committee back to the Tenant Services Committee.
Motion carried
ON MOTION DULY MADE by Ms. Wilkinson, seconded by Councillor Di Giorgio and carried, the Committee approved the following recommendations:
- That the report be received for information; and
- That the draft Charter be taken back to the resident groups for further consultation and input on refining the Charter, and that a refined Charter be brought back to the GCHRCC and Board for consideration and approval.
Item 4 - Policy Review – Human Rights, Harassment and Fair Access Policy, RSC:2016-52
The RSC had before it the above-captioned report (RSC:2016-52).
Susan Gapka deputed the item.
Karima Hashmani, Human Rights Diversity Specialist, presented the report and answered questions.
The Committee asked if it is possible to incorporate timelines into the policy for the complaints process. Management noted this and advised that timelines are dealt with through the complaints procedure.
The Committee suggested that the below paragraph be amended to the include the language in bold:
“Residents are also expected to follow this policy, which includes refraining from harassment, discrimination, or hate activity on Toronto Community Housing property against other tenants, TCHC employees, property management and contractors.”
The Committee noted this suggested change, along with the suggestion to change references from resident to tenant, and indicated they would be incorporated into the version forwarded to the Board for approval.
Motion carried
ON MOTION DULY MADE by Ms. Wilkinson, seconded by Councillor Di Giorgio and carried, the RSC adopted the report and recommended that the report and the policy incorporating the Committee’s suggestions be forwarded to the Board of Directors for approval.
Item 5 - OCHE Q2 2016 Quarterly Performance and Work Plan Update, RSC:2016-42
The RSC had before it the above-captioned report (RSC:2016-42).
Alan Duddin deputed the item.
Cynthia Summers, Commissioner of Housing Equity, presented the report and answered questions.
The Committee noted that despite identifying the problem in 2013, TCHC is still finding difficulty in referring arrears files to OCHE in the recommended timeframe. Management noted that the volume of work combined with staffing and IT limitations are the main challenges in referring more files and within the recommended timeframe. The Committee emphasized the need to look for internal efficiencies in the process. The issue of the 60 day referral timeframe not being attainable and the need to adjust expectations was discussed.
The Committee raised the need to focus efforts on identifying and referring vulnerable tenants to OCHE. Management noted that the new Vice President of Resident and Community Services will be assessing a process to identify vulnerable tenants, and that efforts will be made in the interim to ensure there remains a focus on this need.
Motion carried
ON MOTION DULY MADE by Ms. Wilkinson, seconded by Councillor Di Giorgio and carried, the RSC received the above-captioned report for information.
Item 6 - Breached OCHE Brokered Local Repayment Agreements Process, RSC:2016-43
The RSC had before it the above-captioned report (RSC:2016-43).
Cynthia Summers, Commissioner of Housing Equity, presented the report. Ms. Summers noted the process is working and should continue, and that at this point there isn’t a need to come back with a follow up report.
Motion carried
ON MOTION DULY MADE by Ms. Wilkinson, seconded by Councillor Di Giorgio and carried, the RSC received the above-captioned report for information.
Item 7 - “State of Good Repair: In Your Unit” Program Review, RSC:2016-50
The RSC had before it the above-captioned report (RSC: 2016-50). The Committee agreed to receive the report for information as presented.
Motion carried
ON MOTION DULY MADE by Ms. Wilkinson, seconded by Councillor Di Giorgio and carried, the RSC received the above-captioned report for information.
Item 9 - Tenant Board Member Selection Process 2017 (Verbal)
Ismail Ibrahim, Director of Compliance and Legal Counsel, presented the report and answered questions.
Mr. Ibrahim noted that based on the 2015 motion passed by City Council, the responsibility to review the Tenant Board Member Selection process for 2017 ultimately rests with the City. TCHC will assist the City with the tenant consultation process.
Mr. Ibrahim confirmed that the final decision on the process to appoint board members and the appointment decisions are made by City Council and not TCHC management or the TCHC Board. Mr. Ibrahim clarified that the motion passed by the City provides that TCHC and TCHC tenants are to be consulted as a part of the review of the appointment process.
Motion carried
ON MOTION DULY MADE by Councillor Di Giorgio, seconded by Ms. Wilkinson and carried, the RSC received the report for information.
Item 10 - Update on Translation and Interpretation Practices, RSC:2016-45
The RSC had before it the above-captioned report (RSC:2016-37).
Bruce Malloch, Director of Strategic Communications, presented the report and answered questions.
The Committee asked what the annual costs are and Management noted that the cost in 2015 for translation and interpretation services was $137,000. Management went on to state that in 2015 they had some 700 translation requests and that the tenant guide was translated into 18 languages.
The Committee asked if Management is aware if the newsletter that is sent by mail is being read by tenants. Management indicated there is an indication that tenants are reading the newsletter, and noted that physical mail remains an important communications tool as it is the only way to ensure that information reaches all tenants as not all have access to the internet or social media.
Motion carried
ON MOTION DULY MADE by Ms. Wilkinson, seconded by Councillor Di Giorgio and carried, the RSC received the report for information
Items 8 and 11 were deferred to the next meeting.
ON MOTION DULY MADE by Ms. Wilkinson, seconded by Councillor Di Giorgio and carried, the RSC resolved to terminate the public meeting at 11:33 a.m.
Sonia Fung
Committee Secretary