
Resident Services Committee (RSC) Meeting - September 11, 2013

Wednesday, September 11, 2013
12:00 p.m. to 2:48 p.m.

931 Yonge Street, Toronto

Event description

Archived meeting. See Agenda and Minutes below.

Public Agenda

1. Approval of  Agenda and Review of Agenda Order

Action: Approval

Pre-read: Agenda

Presenter: All

2. Confirmation of Public Meeting Minutes of July 10, 2013

Action: Approval

Pre-read: Minutes

Presenter: All

3. Business Arising from the Minutes and Committee Action Items Update

Action: Discussion

Pre-read: Action Item List

Presenter: All

Reports from the Resident Services Committee Chair

4. Chair's Report and Remarks

Action: Information

Pre-read: -

Presenter: Chair

Reports from Management

5. Q2 2013 Quarterly Performance Report

Action: Information

Pre-read: RSC:2013-10

Presenter: Director, Strategic Planning & Stakeholder Relations

6. 2013 Work Plan (revised)

Action: Information

Pre-read: RSC:2013-11

Presenter: Acting VP, Resident and Community Services

7. Update on the Implementation of the Ombudsman’s Recommendations

Action: Information

Pre-read: RSC:2013-12

Presenter: Director, Strategic Planning & Stakeholder Relations

8. Review of RGI Decisions

Action: Information

Pre-read: RSC:2013-13

Presenter: VP, Asset Management

9. Resident Communications Strategy

Action: Information

Pre-read: RSC:2013-14

Presenter: Director, Strategic Communications

10. 2013 Resident Engagement / Leadership System Review and Remodel Update

Action: Information

Pre-read: RSC:2013-15

Presenter: Acting VP, Resident and Community Services

11. Update – Policy on Evictions for Cause

Action: Information

Pre-read: RSC:2013-16

Presenter: VP, Asset Management

12. Arrears Management Strategy

Action: Information

Pre-read: RSC:2013-17

Presenter: VP, Asset Management


Public Meeting Minutes

The Resident Services Committee of Toronto Community Housing Corporation held a public meeting on September 11, 2013, in the Main Floor Conference Room, 931 Yonge Street, Toronto, commencing at 12:22 p.m.

Committee Directors present:

Catherine Wilkinson, Chair 

Munira Abukar

Councillor Maria Augimeri

Zahir Bhaidani



Also present:

Marta Asturi, Legal Counsel and Assistant Corporate Secretary

Mary Boushel, Director, Resident Access and Support 

Hugh Lawson, Director, Strategic Planning & Stakeholder Relations   

Graham Leah, Vice President, Asset Management

Katheleen Llewellyn-Thomas, Chief Operating Officer 

Bruce Malloch, Director, Strategic Communications 

Patricia Narine, Acting Vice President, Resident Services

The Committee met in camera session at 12:06 p.m.

A quorum being present, Ms. Catherine Wilkinson, the Committee Chair, called the meeting to order and Ms. Mirela Bolentiru served as recording secretary.

Item 1 - Approval of Agenda

The Resident Services Committee approved the agenda as presented.

Declaration of Conflict of Interest

The Chair requested members of the Resident Services Committee to indicate any agenda item in which they had a conflict of interest, together with the nature of the interest. None were declared.


The Committee Chair polled for any deputations to be heard at the meeting and explained the deputation process. The Chair noted that one written request for a verbal deputation was received prior to the meeting with respect to agenda Item 10 “2013 Resident Engagement / Leadership System Review and Remodel Update”.

Item 2 - Confirmation of Resident Services Committee Minutes – July 10, 2013

A discussion ensued including the following:

  • Page 4, Item 5 “Q1 2013 Quarterly Performance Report” (RSC:2013-07), first bullet from top – the Committee noted that management has not yet provided a plan to replacing fridges and stoves when they break down and requested that this item be added on the action item list.
  • Page 5, Item 6 “Communications Strategy with Residents” (verbal), sixth bullet – the Committee requested an update with respect to WIFI access at 931 Yonge Street.  Management believes this will be relatively easy to implement.
  • Page 6, Item 8 “2013 Resident Survey” (verbal), last bullet – the Committee recommended that management tailor the 2013 Resident Survey to get a better understanding of service delivery at contract versus direct managed buildings, seniors buildings versus family buildings instead of doing a survey for individual communities only.
  • Management was asked to bring back their proposal on the timeline and process for implementing the Tenant Survey including the questions and multiple choice responses. 
  • Page 8, Item 10 ”2013 Work Plan (revised)” (RSC:2013-09), first bullet – the Committee noted that the revised 2013 Work Plan did not include the items mentioned in the minutes and requested that those items be added to the Work Plan.

Motion carried

ON MOTION DULY MADE by Mr. Zahir Bhaidani, seconded by Councillor Maria Augimeri, the Resident Services Committee confirmed the above-captioned minutes.

Item 3 - Business Arising from the Minutes and Committee Action Items Update

A discussion ensued, including the following highlights:

  • The Committee requested that staff consolidate similar items that had been raised at previous meetings.
  • Page 1, Item 5 – Q1 2013 Quarterly Performance Report – the Committee noted that items 3 to 5 were not addressed at the August 15, 2013 Building Standards and Neighbourhood Safety Committee (BSNSC) meeting. Management will present a high level report at the BSNSC meeting including more detail with respect to pest control.

Motion carried

ON MOTION DULY MADE by Ms. Munira Abukar, seconded by Mr. Zahir Bhaidani, the Resident Services Committee received the report for information.

Item 4 - Chair's Report and Remarks – Verbal

There were no report and remarks.

Item 5 - Q2 2013 Quarterly Performance Report, RSC:2013-10

The Resident Services Committee had before it the above-captioned report (RSC:2013-10) from the President and Chief Executive Officer.  

A discussion ensued, including the following highlights:

  • Household in Arrears – Reduction over Time – page 2, Summary Analysis of Results, second last paragraph – the Committee asked management to define “cleared” with respect to large arrears accounts.
    • Management explained that “cleared” means either paid or written off accounts.  The Committee requested that management adjust the language to be more specific.
    • The Committee requested that:
      • Management report on rent arrears for direct managed buildings versus contract managed buildings.
      • Management compare the ratio based on square footage for contract versus direct managed buildings to determine who is better performing and identify the best practices.
      • The Corporation not pay the management fees to the four contract management companies if they do not collect the rents from the residents in the TCHC buildings allocated to them.
      • Management report back to the Committee on the steps taken to reduce the rent arrears.
  • Household in Arrears – Reduction over Time – page 3, Business Impact / Implications – the Committee noted that a significant number of RGI residents continue to fail to submit their annual rent review packages on time and raised concerns with respect to a follow up process for staff.
    • Management confirmed that staff follow up regularly with the RGI residents to ensure they have received the annual rent review forms. Follow up methods to inform and remind the RGI residents:
      • Letters
      • Phone calls
      • Personal contact
      • Letter’s content: information as to when the review will take place, explanation of the annual rent review forms, timelines;
      • Notice sent before communicating the loss of rent subsidy;
      • Improvement and updating through Ombudsman’s Task Force.
  • Resident Evictions – Reduction over time:
    • The Committee noted an increase of 102% in the number of resident evictions for arrears in Q2 2013 (172) versus Q1 2013 (85).
      • Management explained that the approach is to have in place local repayment agreements with the RGI residents in rent arrears.
      • Mediated settlements at the Landlord and Tenant Board are found to be more effective.
      • Updates will be provided as the Ombudsman’s recommendations are implemented. The number of evictions for arrears is expected to decrease in Q3 2013.
    • The Committee raised concerns with specific wards where fire arms were found and whether the entire families involved will be evicted.
      • Management explained that the specifics are reviewed on a case-by-case basis, which may not result in the eviction of the entire family where the fire arms were found.
  • Customer Service:
    • Top 10 categories for outstanding service requests created in Q2 2013 – the Committee asked for the rationale as to why the service requests (administration, account inquiry, elevator phone, complaints, document requests and call centre) cannot be resolved within the quarter when they were created.
      • Numbers may not accurately reflect the service level as some staff members do not update the system right away by closing requests.
      • 20% of the calls are directed from the call centre to the Resident Service Coordinators.
      • The Committee asked staff to implement a follow-up process to improve resolution of these requests.  Performance measures are being developed to make sure the Resident Service Coordinators respond promptly to any requests from residents. Staff will bring back a report on the process.
      • Elevator phone assists in case of resident entrapment, maintenance and deficiency. Work orders are being created for mechanical issues and the number of the work orders created and closed will be part of the performance criteria.
    • The Committee requested that going forward, reporting on client care centre statistics be included in the quarterly performance report.
    • Non-maintenance Service Requests Resolved in 48 hours:
      • The Committee noted that a total of 36,907 new non-maintenance service requests were created in Q1 2013. While 29,514 requests were resolved (closed) within 48 hours there were 7,000 outstanding requests that were not included in the table provided on page 8 of the Performance Report and asked that going forward, management include the outstanding requests in the report.
      • Management will add an additional column to the table for the outstanding requests.
  • MLS deficiencies:
    • The Committee raised concerns regarding a request for management to report back on MLS deficiencies over a year ago.
      • Facilities Management is now in charge of the MLS deficiencies and will report to the Building Standards and Neighbourhood Safety Committee (BSNSC).
      • Management is taking in consideration capital prioritization based on risk and MLS deficiencies will be reported at the next BSNSC meeting.
      • The Committee requested that management re-instate reporting on the status of the current and new MLS deficiencies at this Committee as this has an impact on delivery of resident services.

Motion carried

ON MOTION DULY MADE by Mr. Zahir Bhaidani, seconded by Ms. Munira Abukar, the Resident Services Committee received the report for information.

Item 6 - 2013 Work Plan (revised), RSC:2013-11

The Resident Services Committee had before it the above-captioned report (RSC:2013-11) from the President and Chief Executive Officer.  

A discussion ensued, including the following highlights:

  • The Committee noted that the previous minutes requested that some items be added to the Work Plan that were not included.
  • Whether an audit of the TCHC residents has been performed to allow staff to tailor service delivery to residents with disabilities and vulnerable residents.
  • A discussion ensued with respect to TCHC needing additional funding to meet the needs of our vulnerable residents, whether management has pursued this avenue by approaching the Minister of Health Care for additional funding.
  • Identifying vulnerable residents can be a collaborative effort between staff and residents.
  • Management is contemplating the systems in place and identifying training needs of staff.
  • The Committee noted that there is a difference between the level of training offered to staff at 931 Yonge Street and front line staff. The Committee recommended that quality level of service offered to residents be consistent, no matter where the residents reside, and management adopt the training process used by City of Toronto staff.
  • Management is developing a training process and will determine most effective methods of delivery.
  • Asset mapping updates in terms of resident access to services has been carried out. This report should be brought back to the Committee to better understand gaps in services and management approach to align services to meet the needs of residents.
  • Update on security and internal transfers – management explained that there are overlapping items between the two Committees: RSC and BSNSC.  Where this occurs, information should be provided to both committees.
  • The Year of the Youth initiative has not been completed. The Committee asked staff to report back on this at the end of year.
  • There will be a Youth Summit in October 2013; staff will invite the Board of Directors. 
  • The Committee asked for an update on the Foundation proposal. Management confirmed they are pursuing this initiative and more details will be provided at the November 2013 Committee meeting.

Motion carried

ON MOTION DULY MADE by Mr. Zahir Bhaidani, seconded by Ms. Munira Abukar, the Resident Services Committee received the report for information.

Item 7 - Update on the Implementation of the Ombudsman’s Recommendations, RSC:2013-12

The Resident Services Committee had before it the above-captioned report (RSC:2013-12) from the President and Chief Executive Officer.  

A discussion ensued, including the following highlights:

  • Commissioner of Housing Equity position was advertised and the successful candidate will be hired this year. Closing date September 23, 2013.
  • Recommendation 1 – management has not ruled out the recommendation to allow seniors to do rent reviews every two years.
  • Recommendation 2 – the Committee noted that the practice of returning the annual review package to the resident when there is missing information did not “cease immediately” as there are still instances when this is occurring.
    • Management explained that a directive was issued immediately, but there has been a compliance issue that staff will follow up with it.
  • Recommendation 6 – public education program or some other mechanism to communicate to the residents the issue of their income changing when they reach the age of 65 years and the impact this may have on their RGI rent.
    • Management confirmed that there are consultations with the residents to develop the most effective communications strategies in this respect.
  • Task Force composition – a staff task force, including a representative from the City of Toronto Strategic Planning, was put in place immediately and each recommendation was assigned to a lead person responsible for that recommendation.
  • Accountability and ownership of reporting: staff task force, the Committee or the Board of Directors. Management explained that:
    • The President and CEO and the Chair of the Board of Directors agreed on this process.
    • Management reports to this Committee.
    • Staff task force reports monthly to the President and CEO on progress.
    • The Chair of the Board of Directors has oversight of this process.
    • The Committee requested that management clarify with the President and CEO and the Chair of the Board of Directors what has been accomplished on this matter, level and sequence of accountability and ownership of reporting.
  • Recommendation 12 – development of an arrears collection process, including repayment plan guidelines (draft deadline: October 1, 2013 to be provided to the Ombudsman’s office).
    • The Committee noted that some residents are in deep rent arrears and expressed concerns with respect to staff’s accountability for permitting the accumulation of the arrears, following the LeSage Report. It was suggested a 50/50 split be considered in those instances.
      • Management is formulating a specific strategy targeting the residents in deep rent arrears, on a case-by-case basis and will bring back a proposal.
  • Eviction cost – management explained that the eviction cost is $1.9 million per year, this includes LTB filing fees, but does not include vacancy loss, or write-offs. Staff have been asked to provide a report on the cost of eviction.

Motion carried

ON MOTION DULY MADE by Ms. Munira Abukar, seconded by Mr. Zahir Bhaidani, the Resident Services Committee received the report for information.

Item 8 - Review of RGI Decisions, RSC:2013-13

The Resident Services Committee had before it the above-captioned report (RSC:2013-13) from the President and Chief Executive Officer.  

A discussion ensued, including the following highlights:

  • HSA legislation required this process to be implemented in January 2012. TCHC approved the process at its February 6, 2013 Board Meeting, subject to legal review.
  • The Committee recommended consultations with the community legal clinics to benefit from their expertise. Management confirmed that there are quarterly meetings with the community legal clinics.
  • The Committee recapped the process of having the final report on the table for discussion and noted that the motion passed by the Committee at its May 31, 2013 meeting requested staff bring back to the Committee the proposed implementation plans. The completion of the implementation of the framework will be rolled out by the end of 2013.
  • Panel membership and staff’s role:
    • Management confirmed the City of Toronto will provide the necessary training to sit on the panel.  Management will work with the City and community legal clinics on developing additional training materials for the panel members and will develop a list of potential panel members.
    • The City requested that TCHC establish an independent RGI Review Panel, it did not suggest they would provide city staff to sit on the panel.
    • A TCHC staff member will be present as a resource and observer to the panel, only. 
    • Best practices used at Ottawa Housing and AHCI were part of the board approved process. Management subsequently explained there were issues identified with the Ottawa Housing model that would not work for the TCHC process.
    • The Committee requested that management inform the City that they will not be asked to sit on the review panel. The Committee recommended legal clinics that have the necessary expertise and a full understanding of the legislation, can be panel members and staff can find ways to work around panel composition to ensure there is no conflict of interest.
    • The Committee requested that management provide at the next meeting for its approval, the full implementation plan, including training process, panel selection process and a proposed list of stakeholders who will sit on the review panel. Management confirmed that they have the pools, but not the individuals.
    • The Committee discussed the issue around TCHC residents not being able to afford an interpreter in order to participate in the RGI review. The Chair pointed out the best practices of Ottawa Housing who commit to accommodate residents by providing an interpreter for a resident whose first language is not English or French.

Motion carried

ON MOTION DULY MADE by Ms. Munira Abukar, seconded by Mr. Zahir Bhaidani, the Resident Services Committee received the report for information, subject to the following motion moved by the Committee Chair.

Motion carried

ON MOTION DULY MADE by Ms. Catherine Wilkinson, seconded by Ms. Munira Abukar, the Resident Services Committee requested staff to bring back to the Committee the version of the Framework for Review of RGI Decisions as approved by the Board of Directors, following the legal review, which included community legal clinics sitting on the review panel, the City providing training to the panel members, and a TCHC staff person to be provided as a resource. 

Item 9 - Resident Communications Strategy, RSC:2013-14

The Resident Services Committee had before it the above-captioned report (RSC:2013-14) from the President and Chief Executive Officer.  

A discussion ensued, including the following highlights:

  • Strengthen and align channels and delivery:
    • TCHC must deliver multiple communications channels and products effectively to all resident audiences in a consistent and timely manner, in all formats available: print, digital and electronic and “real-time” (face-to-face, telephone).
    • Make greater use of e-mail, Twitter and You Tube:
      • The Committee suggested staff consult with residents prior to use of resident’s personal e-mail addresses or Twitter accounts.
    • Make greater use of simple low-cost video / audio formats:
      • The Committee asked for more detail with respect to posting corporate videos on the You Tube channel.
      • Management confirmed that several corporate videos were posted this summer on the You Tube channel by TCHC’s interns and are working to improve this approach.
      • The Committee recommended that a note in this respect be posted on the external website and a notification regarding the WiFi access at 931 Yonge Street be displayed in the lobby at every public meeting.
      • Management confirmed that improved access to tools and materials online (inHouse, website) has been included in the Resident Communications Strategy under the “Support employees to be effective communicators” section.
      • The Committee recommended consultations with residents before implementing broadcast voice messages on resident phones and personal email addresses via the Client Care Centre. This was identified as a question for the Tenant Survey.
    • Hold regular meetings, events and site visits:
      • When a community meeting is being held the residents must be provided with all details with respect to the venue, so they can attend that specific community.
    • Use the Client Care Centre for proactive voice communications:
      • Management noted that the call centre might be involved in circumstances when other communications are not available. i.e., voice message when a call is on hold and creating an IVR database for commonly asked questions.

At 1:53 p.m. Mr. Zahir Bhaidani left the meeting.

Motion carried

ON MOTION DULY MADE by Ms. Munira Abukar, seconded by         Councillor Maria Augimeri, the Resident Services Committee received the report for information.

Item 10 - 2013 Resident Engagement / Leadership System Review and Remodel Update, RSC:2013-15

The Resident Services Committee had before it the above-captioned report (RSC:2013-15) from the President and Chief Executive Officer.  

Mr. Milan Slavkovich made a verbal deputation on this matter.

A discussion ensued, including the following highlights:

  • Availability of timelines for Resident Councils:
    • Management confirmed that the time lines are made available at the meetings and posted on the website.
  • The Committee noted that the report did not include:
    • That the Board of Directors reviewed and approved the current engagement model in 2009.
    • The Shareholder’s Agreement requires this to be an agreed upon process, the chart does not include these points: “Democratic system” and “election” terms.
      • Management confirmed that the missing terms will be included in the report.
      • Over next two months the residents will provide their feedback with respect to resident engagement / leadership system review and remodel update.
      • Management will report back with more details, including residents’ feedback at the November 2013 Committee meeting.
      • Management is aiming at holding elections in spring 2014.
  • Funding and budget:
    • Management explained that an amount of $400,000 has been allocated to the Resident Councils.
    • Ongoing analysis of how funding supports the system and whether this ties into the Foundation.
    • The Committee raised the issue of registering the Foundation as a not-for-profit organization – management explained the benefits of doing this and will bring back a proposal.
  • Attendance at the consultation sessions:
    • The Committee expressed concerns with respect to low resident turnout at the meetings and whether a small percentage of residents in attendance represented all the residents to be engaged.
    • Management explained that the upcoming consultation sessions have been opened to all TCHC residents.
    • The Committee wanted to ensure that all residents have access to an equitable process.
  • Community leaders versus resident representatives.
    • Management will ensure that the current review process will be more inclusive.

Motion carried

ON MOTION DULY MADE by Councillor Maria Augimeri, seconded by Ms. Munira Abukar, the Resident Services Committee received the report for information.

Item 11 - Update – Policy on Evictions for Cause, RSC:2013-16

The Resident Services Committee had before it the above-captioned report (RSC:2013-16) from the President and Chief Executive Officer.  

A discussion ensued, including the following highlights:

  • Process for eviction when fire arms and / or drugs are found and whether the entire household has to be evicted.
    • Management explained that there were 17 evictions for cause up to date that were analysed on a case-by-case basis.
  • Next Steps (report) - a group of residents are developing a brochure for other residents:
    • The Committee noted that the issuance of a brochure means additional expenditure subsequent to investing a lot of money in the community standards brochures and materials. It recommended that management contemplate cost savings by distributing information to residents through internal distribution systems.
  • Page 3, Guideline “2. Investigating Serious Incidents or Complaints of Serious Misconduct”:
    • The Committee noted that the current notification letter to a resident when there are reported incidents, or if an incident is serious in nature and may lead to eviction for cause, does not include the reason(s) for staff meeting with the resident.
    • The Committee requested that:
      • The residents be advised they can bring a support person.
      • Identify the nature of the complaint.
      • Staff accommodate special needs residents who may need additional notice or cannot physically travel to the office, by meeting the residents in their community.
      • The residents be provided with a copy of the complaint and their statement.
  • Page 5, Guideline “3. Determining Appropriate Action” - unfounded and unsupported complaints:
    • The Committee requested more details with respect to the number of false complaints logged, whether there is a process in place that allows staff to track and follow up with the persons who issued the false allegations, and TCHC’s response to false allegations, and an apology to the resident identified.
    • Management explained there is such a tracking system in place.
  • Evictions for cause:
    • The Committee asked whether there is a system in place to track the evicted people for cause and their locations and expressed concerns with respect to residents’ security. There is a perception that threats are not being followed up and staff waiting for an incident to occur.
    • Management confirmed that the evicted people for cause are tracked geographically and staff must comply with standards on how to report and follow up with such incidents.
  • The Committee noted the Complaints Policy is part of the Committee’s Work Plan. The Committee recommended management develop materials that help residents understand and educate them on the steps management takes in responding to complaints.

Motion carried

ON MOTION DULY MADE by Councillor Maria Augimeri, seconded by Ms. Munira Abukar, the Resident Services Committee received this report for information and recommended that the report be forwarded to the Board of Directors for information.

Item 12 - Arrears Management Strategy, RSC:2013-17

The Resident Services Committee had before it the above-captioned report (RSC:2013-17) from the President and Chief Executive Officer.  

A discussion ensued, including the following highlights:

  • Page 5, last paragraph “1.1. Guidelines for Mediated Settlement / Local Re-Payment Agreements”:
    • The Committee expressed concerns with respect to the way staff will be managing the mediated settlements of local re-payment agreements before the October 1, 2013 deadline for delivery of a revised policy on this matter.
    • Management explained that in the interim:
      • 10% of the resident’s monthly income is being used as the standard guideline for mediated settlements of the local re-payment agreements, or devising criteria where residents may be able to pay more or less than 10%.
      • Before October 1, 2013 deadline, all the mediated settlements will be submitted to the Vice President, Asset Management for review and approval.
      • Ensuring that reasonable agreements are in place for rent arrears that are realistically payable by the individual resident.
      • Weekly cross section staff meetings.
  • Page 6, first paragraph “1.2. Separating Management of Arrears for Loss of Subsidy”:
    • The Committee asked whether seniors are part of the estimated 6% of rent arrears cases due to loss of subsidy resulting from non-return of the annual rent review documentation.
    • Management explained that the estimated percentage of 6% is currently under review by the Ombudsman’s Task Force.
  • Page 6, last sentence “1.3. Update and Standardize Arrears Related Correspondence”:
    • The Committee noted that there are automated system processes in place that were not suspended in June 2013, as mentioned in the report.
    • Management confirmed that the automated letters to residents have been eliminated.
  • Page 7 “1.4. Update Seniors Framework”:
    • The Committee expressed concerns with respect to the role of staff and Community Services Coordinators responsible for assisting residents’ with mental health issues.
    • The Committee noted that the Seniors Framework was approved four years ago, but has not yet been implemented. It asked for assurance that the Board of Directors receives confirmation that management complete the tasks that have been approved by the Board of Directors and committees.
  • Page 14 “4. Training and Organizational Development”:
    • Training and organizational development is the management’s avenue to deliver assurance to implementing policies and carrying out their tasks. There are currently 15 existing training programs and 8 training programs are being developed. Other training programs will be created and implemented as required.
    • The Committee supported the training opportunity with the City in providing equitable service to better meet the needs of vulnerable residents.
  • Page 15 “5. Property Management – Contract Performance Management”:
    • The aggregate performance of the contract managed portfolio is below performance expectations (31% arrears).
    • Implementation of formal business recovery plans required.
    • TCHC management meet regularly with the vendors for their performance management reviews.
    • Contract management agreements are in effect until May 2015.

Motion carried

ON MOTION DULY MADE by Ms. Munira Abukar, seconded by Ms. Catherine Wilkinson, the Resident Services Committee received the report for information.


The Resident Services Committee adjourned the public meeting at 2:32 p.m.


ON MOTION DULY MADE by Ms. Catherine Wilkinson, seconded by Ms. Munira Abukar, the Resident Services Committee resolved to meet in closed meeting at 2:35 p.m. to consider items A, B, C, D, E and F.


The meeting of the Resident Services Committee terminated at 2:48 p.m.

Sonia Fung

Committee Secretary