Building Investment, Finance and Audit Committee (BIFAC) Public Session - September 14, 2020
Monday, September 14, 2020
9:25 a.m. to 11:50 p.m.
Event description
Archived meeting. See Agenda and Minutes below.
Public Agenda
9:25 - Chair’s Remarks
Action: Information
Pre-read: Verbal Report
Presenter: Chair
9:30 - Consent agenda
Approval of Public Meeting Agenda
Action: BIFAC Approval
Pre-read: Agenda
Presenter: Chair
Chair’s Poll re: Conflict of Interest
Action: Declaration
Pre-read: Agenda and Conflict of Interest Policy
Presenter: Chair
Confirmation of the Public Meeting Minutes of June 17, 2020
Action: BIFAC Approval
Pre-read: Minutes
Presenter: Chair
Internal Audit Update: Q1 & Q2 2020
Action: Information
Pre-read: BIFAC:2020-31
Presenter: Manager, Internal Audit
Q2 PAC Awards and Revenue Contracts
Action: Information
Pre-read: BIFAC:2020-32
Presenter: General Counsel & Corporate Secretary
Review of Board, President and CEO, and Employee Expenses 2019
Action: Information
Pre-read: BIFAC:2020-33
Presenter: Chief Financial Officer & Treasurer
Q1 & Q2 2020 HoMES Project Update
Action: Information
Pre-read: BIFAC:2020-51
Presenter: Vice President, Information Technology Services
Q1 & Q2 Information Technology Services Update
Action: Information
Pre-read: BIFAC:2020-52
Presenter: Vice President, Information Technology Services
9:35 - Business Arising from the Public Meeting Minutes and Action Items Update
Action: Information
Pre-read: Action Item List
Presenter: Chair
Facilities Management Reports
9:40 - A) Capital Project Management – 2019 Status Update
Action: Information
Pre-read: BIFAC:2020-34
Presenter: Vice President, Facilities Management
9:45 - B) TCHC Commercial Portfolio – Update on Commercial Parking Revenue
Action: BIFAC & Board Information
Pre-read: BIFAC:2020-35
Presenter: Vice President, Facilities Management
9:50 - C) Execution of an Amendment to the Contribution Agreement with the City of Toronto and the Construction Funding and Contribution Agreement with Dixon Hall Inc. for Capital Repair Work at 502, 504, 506 and 508 Parliament Street
Action: BIFAC & Board Approval
Pre-read: BIFAC:2020-36
Presenter: Vice President, Facilities Management
9:55 - D) Execution of Lease Agreement with the City of Toronto for the Operation of a Children’s Playground at 6 Henry Lane Terrace
Action: BIFAC & Board Approval
Pre-read: BIFAC:2020-44
Presenter: Vice President, Facilities Management
10:00 - E) Contract Award: Plumbing Sanitary Replacement at Moss Park (RFP 20045)
Action: Approval
Pre-read: BIFAC:2020-38
Presenter: Vice President, Facilities Management
10:05 - F) Change Order: Unforeseen Costs for Garage Restoration at Kennedy Road
Action: BIFAC & Board Approval
Pre-read: BIFAC:2020-39
Presenter: Vice President, Facilities Management
10:10 - G) Change Order: Additional Spend Allowance for General Repairs Under the Move Out/Unit Turn Program
Action: BIFAC & Board Approval
Pre-read: BIFAC:2020-40
Presenter: Vice President, Facilities Management
10:15 - H) Change Order: Additional Spend Allowance for General Repairs Under the Demand General Repair Program
Action: BIFAC & Board Approval
Pre-read: BIFAC:2020-41
Presenter: Vice President, Facilities Management
10:20 - I) Contract Award: Program Roster for the Water Efficiency Program at Various TCHC Locations (RFP 20098)
Action: BIFAC & Board Approval
Pre-read: BIFAC:2020-42
Presenter: Vice President, Facilities Management
10:25 - J) Contractor Award: Envelope Repairs, Cladding and Roofing at 2 Brahms Avenue (RFP 20079-PP)
Action: BIFAC & Board Approval
Pre-read: BIFAC:2020-43
Presenter: Vice President, Facilities Management
10:30 - K) Direct Award: Annual Grounds and Snow Clearing Services for OUW
Action: Approval
Pre-read: BIFAC:2020-55
Presenter: Vice President, Facilities Management
10:35 - L) Updates to TCHC’s Electrical Preventative Maintenance Program
Action: BIFAC & Board Approval
Pre-read: BIFAC:2020-58
Presenter: Vice President, Facilities Management
10:40 - Change Order: Commercial Laundry (Sparkle Solutions Corp.)
Action: BIFAC & Board Approval
Pre-read: BIFAC:2020-45
Presenter: Senior Director, Business Operations
Development Reports
10:45 - A) Allenbury Gardens: Rental Construction Budget Update
Action: BIFAC & Board Approval
Pre-read: BIFAC:2020-47
Presenter: Chief Development Officer
10:55 - B) Don Summerville Revitalization Update
Action: BIFAC & Board Approval
Pre-read: BIFAC:2020-48
Presenter: Chief Development Officer
11:05 - Updated Delegation of Certain Real Property Transactions
Action: BIFAC & Board Approval
Pre-read: BIFAC:2020-50
Presenter: Chief Executive Officer & Chief Development Officer
11:10 - Change Order: Integrated Telecommunication Infrastructure and Related Services
Action: BIFAC & Board Approval
Pre-read: BIFAC:2020-53
Presenter: Vice President, Information Technology Services
11:20 - 2020-21 Corporate Insurance Program Renewal
Action: Approval
Pre-read: BIFAC:2020-59
Presenter: General Counsel & Corporate Secretary
11:40 - Update on Tenants First
Action: Information
Pre-read: BIFAC:2020-54
Presenter: Director, Strategic Planning & Stakeholder Relations
Public Meeting Minutes
The Building Investment, Finance and Audit Committee (“BIFAC”) of Toronto Community Housing Corporation (“TCHC”) held a Public meeting on September 14, 2020, via WebEx, commencing at 9:53 a.m.
BIFAC Directors Present:
Adele Imrie, Chair
Amanda Coombs
Nick Macrae
Deputy Mayor Ana Bailão (9:53 a.m. – 11:24 a.m.)
Brian Smith
BIFAC Directors Absent:
Management Present:
Kevin Marshman, President and Chief Executive Officer
Sheila Penny, Chief Operating Officer
Darragh Meagher, General Counsel & Corporate Secretary
Rose-Ann Lee, Chief Financial Officer
Vincent Tong, Chief Development Officer
Allen Murray, Vice President, Facilities Management
Luisa Andrews, Vice President, Information Technology Services
Paula Knight, Vice President, Strategic Planning & Communications
John Angkaw, Senior Director, Business Operations
Tyler Baker, Senior Development Manager
Tony Bernabei, Director, Networks and Infrastructure
Lindsay Viets, Director, Strategic Planning & Stakeholder Relations
Ceilidh Wilson, Assistant Corporate Secretary
Also Present
Marsh Canada Limited (“Marsh”)
Lyne Erwin
Glen Sheppard
Philip Mouser
Housing Services Corporation (“HSC”)
Howie Wong
Sarah Baker
The Chair called the meeting to order and Ms. Ceilidh Wilson served as recording secretary.
Item 1 - Chair's Remarks
The Chair welcomed everyone to the Committee meeting, noted the Acknowledgement of the Land and notified everyone that due to the need for social distancing to limit the spread of COVID-19, TCHC’s holding this meeting virtually.
The Chair noted, further, the special procedures applicable to the meeting, given its virtual nature, related to deputations requests to speak and voting on agenda items.
The Chair reiterated the Board’s support for TCHC’s frontline staff working under challenging conditions to provide essential services and needed supports to tenants, as well as employees who continue to work from home.
Item 2A - Approval of Consent Agenda Items
The following items were not held for discussion:
- Item 2A – Approval of Public Meeting Agenda
- Item 2C – Confirmation of the Public Meeting Minutes of June 17, 2020
- Item 2D – Internal Audit Update: Q1 & Q2 2020
- Item 2E – Q2 PAC Awards and Revenue Contracts
- Item 2F – Review of Board, President and CEO, and Employee Expenses 2019
- Item 2G – Q1 & Q2 2020 HoMES Project Update
- Item 2H – Q1 & Q2 Information Technology Services Update
Motion carried
ON MOTION DULY MADE by Mr. Smith, seconded by Mr. Macrae and carried, the BIFAC approved the public meeting agenda.
Item 2B - Chair's Poll re: Conflict of Interest
The Chair requested members of the BIFAC to indicate any agenda item in which they had a conflict of interest, together with the nature of the interest. No conflicts were declared.
Item 2C - Approval of Public Meeting Minutes of June 17, 2020
Motion carried
ON MOTION DULY MADE by Mr. Smith, seconded by Mr. Macrae and carried, the BIFAC approved the above-captioned minutes.
Item 2D - Internal Audit Update: Q1 & Q2 2020, BIFAC:2020-31
Motion carried
ON MOTION DULY MADE by Mr. Smith, seconded by Mr. Macrae and carried, the BIFAC resolved to receive the information in report BIFAC:2020-31 for its information.
Item 2E - Q2 PAC Awards and Revenue Contracts, BIFAC:2020-32
Motion carried
ON MOTION DULY MADE by Mr. Smith, seconded by Mr. Macrae and carried, the BIFAC resolved to receive the information in report BIFAC:2020-32 for its information.
Item 2F - Review of Board, President and CEO, and Employee Expenses 2019, BIFAC:2020-33
Motion carried
ON MOTION DULY MADE by Mr. Smith, seconded by Mr. Macrae and carried, the BIFAC resolved to receive the information in report BIFAC:2020-33 for its information.
Item 2G - Q1 & Q2 HoMES Project Update, BIFAC:2020-51
Motion carried
ON MOTION DULY MADE by Mr. Smith, seconded by Mr. Macrae and carried, the BIFAC resolved to receive the information in report BIFAC:2020-51 for its information.
Item 2H - Q1 & Q2 2020 Information Technology Services Update, BIFAC:2020-52
Motion carried
ON MOTION DULY MADE by Mr. Smith, seconded by Mr. Macrae and carried, the BIFAC resolved to receive the information in report BIFAC:2020-52 for its information.
Item 3 - Business Arising From Public Meeting Minutes and Action Items Update
Motion carried
ON MOTION DULY MADE by Ms. Macrae, seconded by Mr. Smith and carried, the BIFAC resolved to receive the information arising from the public meeting minutes and BIFAC action items for its information.
Item 4A - Capital Project Management - 2019 Status Update, BIFAC:2020-34
The above-captioned report was circulated to the BIFAC members prior to the meeting. The Vice President, Facilities Management was available to answer questions of the Committee.
Highlights of the discussion include:
- We are on track to lower the Facility Condition Index (“FCI”) across the portfolio through the 10-year capital plan.
- Action item: The Vice President, Facilities Management to provide the BIFAC with a year-end report in Q1/Q2 2021 outlining where we are and where we plan to be in terms of lowering FCI throughout the portfolio as a result of the 10-year capital plan.
Motion carried
ON MOTION DULY MADE by Mr. Smith, seconded by Mr. Macrae, the BIFAC resolved to receive the information in report BIFAC:2020-34 for its information.
Item 4B - TCHC Commercial Portfolio - Update on Commercial Parking Revenue, BIFAC:2020-35
The above-captioned report was circulated to the BIFAC members prior to the meeting. The Vice President, Facilities Management was available to answer questions of the Committee.
Highlights of the discussion include:
- The LPAT released its decision regarding proposed amendments to the City’s Zoning By-law No. 569-2013 on March 16 that would have severely limited TCHC’s ability to earn commercial parking revenue. As a result of this decision owners of apartment buildings continue to be permitted to charge a fee for a visitor parking space for an apartment building.
Motion carried
ON MOTION DULY MADE by Mr. Smith, seconded by Mr. Macrae, the BIFAC resolved to receive the information in report BIFAC:2020-35 for its information.
Item 4C - Execution of an Amendment to the Contribution Agreement With the City of Toronto and the Construction Funding Contribution Agreement With Dixon Hall Inc. for Capital Repair Work at 502, 504, 506 and 508 Parliament Street, BIFAC:2020-36
The above-captioned report was circulated to the BIFAC members prior to the meeting. The Vice President, Facilities Management was available to answer questions of the Committee.
Highlights of the discussion include:
- Dixon Hall would be at risk if the capital costs exceed $6M.
- TCHC is currently the owner of the properties, however it is anticipated that they will be transferred to Dixon Hall prior to the completion of the work.
- Management will monitor construction and will not release funds until Dixon Hall has provided any and all required documentation. Management will also review their schedule and have regular check-ins with Dixon Hall, as would be the case with any other contractor.
Motion carried
ON MOTION DULY MADE by Mr. Smith, seconded by Mr. Macrae, the BIFAC resolved to approve and forward to the Board of Directors for approval the recommendations that:
- TCHC enter into:
- the amendment to the City Funding Agreement to include the additional Section 37 funding of $6,000,000;
- an Amended and Restated Construction Funding and Administration Agreement with Dixon Hall to include the Section 37 funding, to permit Dixon Hall to continue the capital repair work at 502-508 Parliament on behalf of TCHC; and
- Authorize the appropriate staff to take the necessary actions to give effect to the above recommendation.
Item 4D - Execution of Lease Agreement With the City of Toronto for the Operation of a Children's Playground at 6 Henry Lane Terrace, BIFAC:2020-44
The above-captioned report was circulated to the BIFAC members prior to the meeting. The Vice President, Facilities Management was available to answer questions of the Committee.
Highlights of the discussion include:
- This playground is in TCHC’s purview as it is adjacent to TCHC land and the funding for the playground was issued to TCHC.
- TCHC is responsible for ongoing repair and maintenance to the playground.
- Management do not anticipate any issues coming out of the environmental analysis being conducted.
Motion carried
ON MOTION DULY MADE by Mr. Smith, seconded by Mr. Macrae, the BIFAC resolved to approve and forward to the Board of Directors for approval the recommendations:
- To authorize TCHC to execute a lease agreement with the City of Toronto for a term of fifty years less a day at nil rent for approximately 7,800 square feet of City land which forms part of the children’s playground area adjacent to 6 Henry Lane and utilized by TCHC tenants; and
- To authorize the appropriate staff to take the necessary actions to give effect to the above recommendation.
Item 4E - Contract Award: Plumbing Sanitary Replacement at Moss Park (RFP 20045), BIFAC:2020-38
The above-captioned report was circulated to the BIFAC members prior to the meeting. The Vice President, Facilities Management was available to answer questions of the Committee.
Motion carried
ON MOTION DULY MADE by Mr. Smith, seconded by Mr. Macrae, the BIFAC resolved to approve and forward to the Board of Directors for approval the recommendations:
- To approve the award of the work to Martinway Contracting Ltd. for $4,024,935.00 (exclusive of taxes) for plumbing sanitary replacement at Moss Park based on the outcome of Request for Proposal (RFP) 20045; and
- To authorize the appropriate staff to take the necessary actions to give effect to the above recommendation.
Item 4F - Change Order: Unforseen Costs for Garage Restoration at Kennedy Road, BIFAC:2020-39
The above-captioned report was circulated to the BIFAC members prior to the meeting. The Vice President, Facilities Management was available to answer questions of the Committee.
Highlights of the discussion include:
- The parking garage repairs are required as the garage provides tenant parking and structurally holds up the building.
Motion carried
ON MOTION DULY MADE by Mr. Smith, seconded by Mr. Macrae, the BIFAC resolved to:
- Approve the change order of the work up to $750,300.00 (exclusive of taxes) to United Building Restoration Ltd. for unforeseen costs for the garage restoration project at 675 Kennedy Road; and
- Authorize the appropriate staff to take the necessary actions to give effect to the above recommendation.
Item 4G - Change Order: Additional Spend Allowance for General Repairs Under the Demand General Repair Program, BIFAC:2020-40
The above-captioned report was circulated to the BIFAC members prior to the meeting. The Vice President, Facilities Management was available to answer questions of the Committee.
Highlights of the discussion include:
- These are small demand repairs in tenants’ units and are funded from the Operating budget. There is space in both the 2020 and 2021 Operating budgets for the work.
- This work helps the Capital budget because it fixes issues before they require capital work.
- Requests come through the Client Care Centre or the Superintendent for repairs in tenants’ units and a work order is opened for the scope of work, which is reviewed to ensure the work is necessary. The Superintendent is then responsible for ensuring the work was completed satisfactorily before issuing payment to the contractor.
- Unit pricing is fixed for the term of the contract.
- The increased amount of work and the addition of the former contract managed buildings being added to the contract has caused an increase in price.
Motion carried
ON MOTION DULY MADE by Mr. Smith, seconded by Mr. Macrae, the BIFAC resolved to approve and forward to the Board of Directors for approval the recommendations:
- To approve a change order of up to $26,350,000.00 (exclusive of taxes) for additional spending for the demand general repair program to the following pre-qualified vendors:
- Bi-Views Building Services Ltd.;
- C2C Construction Ltd.;
- Richview Renovations & Restoration Ltd.;
- Finecraft Group Inc.
- 1762550 Ontario Inc., o/a G&G Contracting;
- Universal Cleaning & Painting Ltd.;
- Greenline Renovations Plus Limited;
- Joe Pace & Sons Contracting Inc.;
- Malomar Construction and Renovations; and
- Authorize the appropriate staff to take the necessary actions to give effect to the above recommendation.
Item 4H - Change Order: Additional Spend Allowance for General Repairs Under the Move Out/Unit Turn Program, BIFAC:2020-41
The above-captioned report was circulated to the BIFAC members prior to the meeting. The Vice President, Facilities Management was available to answer questions of the Committee.
Highlights of the discussion include:
- This work falls within the Capital budget and Management will plan to increase the amount allocated to this work in the 2021 capital program.
Motion carried
ON MOTION DULY MADE by Mr. Smith, seconded by Mr. Macrae, the BIFAC resolved to approve and forward to the Board of Directors for approval the recommendations:
- To approve a change order of up to $10,950,000.00 (exclusive of taxes) for general repairs under the move-out/unit turn program to the following pre-qualified vendors:
- Bi-Views Building Service Ltd.;
- Greenline Renovations Plus Limited;
- Joe Pace & Sons Contracting Inc.;
- Malomar Construction and Renovations;
- Richview Renovations and Restoration Ltd.;
- Universal Cleaning and Painting Ltd.; and
- Authorize the appropriate staff to take the necessary actions to give effect to the above recommendation.
Item 4I - Contract Award: Program Roster for the Water Efficiency Program at Various TCHC Locations (RFP 20098), BIFAC:2020-42
The above-captioned report was circulated to the BIFAC members prior to the meeting. The Vice President, Facilities Management was available to answer questions of the Committee.
Highlights of the discussion include:
- Unit prices are fixed for the five year term of the contract.
- Staff will be responsible for administering the program will ensure all work identified by contractors is required prior to approval via inspections or having building staff review the proposed scope of work.
- Contingency has been built into the $4M annual budget to perform necessary additional work that may be identified by contractors.
- All components of buildings will be addressed holistically rather than addressing one-off issues.
Motion carried
ON MOTION DULY MADE by Mr. Smith, seconded by Mr. Macrae, the BIFAC resolved to approve and forward to the Board for approval the following recommendations:
- To approve the award of work for up to $20,000,000.00 ($4,000,000.00 annually) (exclusive of taxes) for the delivery of the water efficiency program at various TCHC locations based on the outcome of RFP 20098 to the following vendors for a term of five years (three-year term with the possibility of two one-year extensions at TCHC management’s discretion):
- Summit Building Solutions
- Joe Pace & Sons
- Solid General Contractors Inc.
- Watershed Technologies; and
- To authorize the appropriate staff to take the necessary actions to give effect to the above recommendation.
Item 4J - Contract Award Envelope Repairs, Cladding and Roofing at 2 Brahms Avenue (RFP 20079-PP), BIFAC:2020-43
The above-captioned report was circulated to the BIFAC members prior to the meeting. The Vice President, Facilities Management was available to answer questions of the Committee.
Motion carried
ON MOTION DULY MADE by Mr. Smith, seconded by Mr. Macrae, the BIFAC resolved to approve and forward to the Board of Directors for approval the recommendations:
- To approve the award of the work to Trinity Services Ltd. for $7,649,270.00 (exclusive of taxes) for envelope repairs, cladding and roofing at 2 Brahms Avenue based on the outcome of RFP 20079-PP; and
- To authorize the appropriate staff to take the necessary actions to give effect to the above recommendation.
Item 4K - Direct Award: Annual Grounds and Snow Clearing Services for OUW, BIFAC:2020-55
The above-captioned report was circulated to the BIFAC members prior to the meeting. The Vice President, Facilities Management was available to answer questions of the Committee.
Highlights of the discussion include:
- Normally a competitive bidding process would be undertaken for this type of award, however the 24 buildings in the former OUW are transitioning from contract managed to direct managed and Management want to ensure uninterrupted service through the winter.
- Staff reached out to existing vendors on the roster, but they do not have adequate staffing to take on work for this part of the portfolio.
- This is a stop gap to allow Management to go out to public tender to award the work.
- Staff inspected Zegas Group Ltd. (“Zegas”) work and it was done according to TCHC’s standards, and there were no concerns raised in previous winters about their work, so there are no concerns with Zegas being awarded the contract.
Motion carried
ON MOTION DULY MADE by Mr. Smith, seconded by Mr. Macrae, the BIFAC resolved to:
- Approve the direct award to Zegas Group Ltd. (“Zegas Group”) for $1,221,420.00 (exclusive of taxes) for grounds maintenance and snow clearing services at 24 developments currently in OUW for a term of one year; and
- Authorize the appropriate staff to take the necessary actions to give effect to the above recommendation.
Item 4L- Updates to TCHC's Electrical Preventative Maintenance Program, BIFAC:2020-58
The above-captioned report was circulated to the BIFAC members prior to the meeting. The Vice President, Facilities Management was available to answer questions of the Committee.
Motion carried
ON MOTION DULY MADE by Mr. Smith, seconded by Mr. Macrae, the BIFAC resolved to approve and forward to the Board of Directors for approval the recommendations:
- To direct TCHC to report to the Planning and Housing Committee on updates to the electrical preventative maintenance program and compliance with Canadian Standards Association Z463-18 Maintenance and Electrical Systems (“CSA Z463”), as requested by City Council at its meeting on October 3, 2019; and
- To authorize the appropriate staff to take the necessary actions to give effect to the above recommendation.
Item 5 - Change Order: Commercial Laundry (Sparkle Solutions Corp.), BIFAC:2020-45
The above-captioned report was circulated to the BIFAC members prior to the meeting. The Senior Director, Business Operations was available to answer questions of the Committee.
Highlights of the discussion include:
- This award is for six months to allow Management time to issue a public RFP in the coming weeks.
- Resources were redirected as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, resulting in the later issuance of the RFP.
- Action item: Senior Director, Business Operations to confirm for the BIFAC whether all Sparkle machines are commercial grade washers and dryers.
- Part of Sparkle’s contract includes equipment maintenance.
- As part of site staff’s daily responsibilities they are responsible for checking laundry rooms to identify and address any safety hazards.
Motion carried
ON MOTION DULY MADE by Mr. Smith, seconded by Ms. Coombs, the BIFAC resolved to approve and forward to the Board of Directors for approval the recommendations:
- To approve a change order for $1,098,590.85 (exclusive of taxes) to extend the current service contract with Sparkle Solutions Corp. for a term of six (6) calendar months until April 24, 2021; and
- To authorize the appropriate staff to take the necessary actions to give effect to the above recommendation.
Item 6A - Allenbury Gardens: Rental Construction Budget Update, BIFAC:2020-47
The above-captioned report was circulated to the BIFAC members prior to the meeting. The Chief Development Officer was available to answer questions of the Committee.
Highlights of the discussion include:
- The revised budget is being driven primarily by overall construction cost increases, followed by costs for one particular oversight by the consultant.
- Cost increases are unprecedented.
- If management builds in larger contingencies than what are currently used, they run the risk of overstating the capital spend.
- There are some costs that could not be foreseen, such as the additional $1M for the consultant’s oversight.
- Buildings are designed 3-4 years in advance of tender and TCHC’s design specification requirements are updated regularly, leading to required changes to the buildings’ original designs.
- Management will work with cost consultants and developer partners to explore options to reasonably increase project contingencies to be more confident when bringing numbers forward for approval by the Board.
- Cost consultants send management a monthly report that outlines what the costs will be.
- Normally a 5% contingency is applied to development projects.
Motion carried
ON MOTION DULY MADE by Mr. Macrae, seconded by Deputy Mayor Bailão, the BIFAC resolved to approve and forward to the Board of Directors for approval the recommendations:
- To approve the revised construction budget for Allenbury Gardens rental buildings T5, T6 and Building C in Phase 2.1 at $33 million, and complete construction provided that actual costs remain within the budget and the overall proceeds to Toronto Community Housing Corporation meet the previously approved threshold; and
- To authorize the appropriate staff to take the necessary actions, incur capital commitments and execute any and all documents as may be necessary, including negotiation and execution of such documents as may be required to give effect to the above recommendation.
Item 6B - Don Summerville Revitalization Update, BIFAC:2020-48
The above-captioned report was circulated to the BIFAC members prior to the meeting. The Chief Development Officer was available to answer questions of the Committee.
Highlights of the discussion include:
- The Board will approve the rental construction budget for the Don Summerville revitalization, but not the anchor business plan as the partner agreed to pay the costs for existing units on site.
- Units have been valued and an upper threshold has been established for how much it will cost to replace units.
- The environmental consultant will be proceeding with typical on-site testing.
- TCHC will be responsible for remediation if issues are identified in Phase 2. The land will be conveyed to the City and TCHC will have to follow their process and incur any costs as the conveyor of the land.
Motion carried
ON MOTION DULY MADE by Mr. Smith, seconded by Mr. Macrae, the BIFAC resolved to approve and forward to the Board of Directors for approval the recommendations:
- To authorize the transfer of Parts 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 shown in red on the draft Plan of Subdivision dated November 6, 2013 (Attachment 1 to report BIFAC:2020-48), as may be amended, prepared by Peter J. Homer Ontario Land Surveyor (the “Subdivision Plan”), from Toronto Community Housing Corporation to Context Development Inc. (“Context”), subject to satisfaction by the Chief Development Officer that all tenants have been relocated, the lands are vacant, and Context has achieved a marketing and sales threshold for construction financing;
- To authorize the transfer of the lands at 2 Phin Avenue as shown on Attachment 2 to report BIFAC:2020-48 to the City of Toronto to enlarge Phin Park and satisfy the parkland dedication requirements associated with the planning approvals for the Don Summerville revitalization;
- To authorize additional spending authority of $740,000 for the Don Summerville revitalization for a total pre-development spend of $840,000 (Confidential Attachment 1 to report BIFAC:2020-48); and
- To authorize the Chief Development Officer (or designate) to execute any and all documents as may be necessary to give effect to the above recommendations.
Deputy Mayor Bailão left the meeting at 11:24 a.m.
Item 7 - Updated Delegation of Certain Real Property Transactions, BIFAC:2020-50
The above-captioned report was circulated to the BIFAC members prior to the meeting. The Chief Executive Officer and the Chief Development Officer were available to answer questions of the Committee.
Motion carried
ON MOTION DULY MADE by Mr. Macrae, seconded by Ms. Coombs, the BIFAC resolved to approve and forward to the Board of Directors for approval the recommendations to:
- To approve an amendment to the 2011 Board approved delegation of certain real property transactions resolution to include “limiting distance agreements, tieback, crane swing, Permissions to Enter and party wall agreements” in clause (1) (b) as set out in Attachment 2 to report BIFAC:2020-50 on a go forward basis;
- To authorize any of the CEO, the CDO or the Vice President, Facilities Management to execute any of the documents referred to in clause (1) as set out in Attachment 2 to report BIFAC:2020-50 on a go forward basis;
- To authorize the General Counsel to report all instances of the exercise of this delegated authority to BIFAC on a quarterly basis; and
- To approve the limiting distance agreement between Toronto Community Housing and Devron (YS) Ltd. as set out in Attachment 3 to report BIFAC:2020-50.
Item 8 - Change Order: Integrated Telecommunication Infrastructure and Related Services, BIFAC:2020-53
The above-captioned report was referred from the July 30, 2020 Board meeting and was circulated to the BIFAC members prior to the meeting. The Vice President, Information Technology Services was available to answer questions of the Committee.
Highlights of the discussion include:
- TCHC is transitioning away from Centrix, which is only provided by Bell, to a new service with VoIP. The full transition will occur in 2020 and 2021, during the course of the five year contract with Bell.
- TCHC is not obligated to pay for Centrix once services are transitioned to VoIP.
Motion carried
ON MOTION DULY MADE by Ms. Coombs, seconded by Mr. Macrae, the BIFAC resolved to approve and forward to the Board of Directors for approval the recommendations:
- To approve a change order of up to $6,100,00 (exclusive of taxes) for the extension of the current agreement with Bell Canada, approved by the Board on October 21, 2011 (Report #:TCHC:C2011-89), governing Integrated Telecommunications Infrastructure and related services for a five (5) year term commencing October 1, 2020; and
- To authorize the appropriate staff to take the necessary actions to give effect to the above recommendation.
Item 9 - 2020-21 Corporate Insurance Program Renewal, BIFAC:2020-59
The above-captioned report was referred from the July 30, 2020 Board meeting and was circulated to the BIFAC members prior to the meeting.
Representatives from Marsh Canada Limited (“Marsh”) and the Housing Services Corporation (“HSC”) walked the Committee through a presentation. Highlights of the presentation include:
- A market update;
- The impact of COVID-19; and
- An outlook on costs.
The General Counsel & Corporate Secretary and Manager, Risk Operations & Enterprise Risk Management, along with the representatives from Marsh and HSC were available to answer questions of the Committee.
Highlights of the discussion include:
- The BIFAC opted to defer approval of the insurance program until premiums can be provided by Marsh later in the month.
Motion carried
ON MOTION DULY MADE by Mr. Smith, seconded by Mr. Macrae, the BIFAC resolved to forward report BIFAC:2020-59 to the Board of Directors for its consideration, without recommendation.
Item 10 - Update on Tenants First, BIFAC:2020-54
The above-captioned report was referred from the July 30, 2020 Board meeting and was circulated to the BIFAC members prior to the meeting. The Director, Strategic Planning & Stakeholder Relations was available to answer questions of the Committee.
Motion carried
ON MOTION DULY MADE by Mr. Macrae, seconded by Mr. Smith, the BIFAC resolved to receive the information in report BIFAC:2020-54 for its information.
BIFAC resolved to terminate the In Camera meeting at 11:38 a.m.
Sonia Fung
Committee Secretary