Building & Investment Committee (BIC) Meeting - May 29, 2014
Thursday, May 29, 2014
9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m.
Ground Floor Boardroom
931 Yonge Street, Toronto
Event description
Archived meeting. See Agenda and Minutes below.
Public Agenda
1. Approval of Public Meeting Agenda and Review of Agenda Order
Action: Approval
Pre-read: Agenda
Presenter: All
2. Chair’s Poll re: Conflict of Interest
Action: Declaration
- Agenda
- Conflict of Interest Policy
Presenter: All
3. Confirmation of the Public Meeting Minutes of March 25, 2014
Action: Approval
Pre-read: Minutes
Presenter: Chair
4. Business Arising from the Minutes and Committee Action Items Update
Action: Discussion
Pre-read: Action Item List
Presenter: Chair
Reports from the Building and Investment Committee Chair
5. Chair’s Report and Remarks
Action: Information
Pre-read: -
Presenter: Chair
Reports from Management
6. Update on Putting People First Recommendations
Action: Information
Pre-read: BIC:2014-32
Presenter: Director, Strategic Planning & Stakeholder Relations
7. Sale of Stand-Alone Properties – Sales and Relocation Update
Action: Information
Pre-read: BIC:2014-33
Presenter: Senior Manager, Commercial & Business Development
8. Report on Hydro Costs Paid by Residents
Action: Information
Pre-read: BIC:2014-34
Presenter: Chief Financial Officer and VP, Asset Management
9. Alexandra Park Revitalization: Anchor Business Plan Update
Action: Information
Pre-read: BIC:2014-35
Presenter: Development Director
10. Salvaged Items at Regent Park Redevelopment Site
Action: Information
Pre-read: BIC:2014-36
Presenter: Director Operations and VP, Facilities Management
Public Meeting Minutes
The Building and Investment Committee of the Toronto Community Housing Corporation held a public meeting on May 29, 2014 at 9:05 a.m. in the Main Floor Conference Room at 931 Yonge Street, Toronto, M4W 2H2 and via teleconference.
Directors in Attendance:
Brian Kwan, Chair
Councillor Ana Bailao
Karen Newman
Audrey Wubbenhorst (via teleconference)
Directors Absent:
Councillor Maria Augimeri
Jennifer Wood
Also present:
Marta Asturi, Legal Counsel and Assistant Corporate Secretary
Valesa Faria, Senior Manager, Commercial & Business Development
Leslie Gash, Development Director
Hugh Lawson, Director, Strategic Planning & Stakeholder Relations
Sheila Penny, Vice President, Facilities Management
Greg Spearn, Interim President and Chief Executive Officer/ Chief Development Officer
A quorum being present, Mr. Brian Kwan, Chair, called the meeting to order, and Ms. Mirela Bolentiru served as recording secretary.
Item 1 - Approval of Agenda and Review of Agenda Order
The Building and Investment Committee reviewed the agenda order and held the following items for discussion: Items 7, 8 and 10.
Motion carried
ON MOTION DULY MADE by Ms. Karen Newman, seconded by Ms. Audrey Wubbenhorst and carried, the Building and Investment Committee unanimously approved the agenda as presented.
Motion carried
ON MOTION DULY MADE by Ms. Karen Newman, seconded by Ms. Audrey Wubbenhorst and carried, the Building and Investment Committee unanimously approved and received for information the following agenda items that were not held for discussion: Items 1, 3, 4, 6 and 9.
Item 2 - Declaration of Conflict of Interest
The Chair requested members of the Building and Investment Committee to indicate any agenda item in which they have a conflict of interest, together with the nature of the interest. No conflicts of interest were declared.
The Chair polled for any deputations to be heard at the meeting. No deputations were received by the Secretary and none were declared at the meeting.
Item 3 - Confirmation of Building and Investment Committee Public Minutes – March 25, 2014
The Building and Investment Committee had before it the draft minutes for the March 25, 2014 public meeting.
Motion carried
ON MOTION DULY MADE by Ms. Karen Newman, seconded by Ms. Audrey Wubbenhorst and carried, the Building and Investment Committee unanimously confirmed the above-captioned public minutes of March 25, 2014 as presented.
Item 4 - Business Arising from the Minutes and Committee Action Items Update
Motion carried
ON MOTION DULY MADE by Ms. Karen Newman, seconded by Ms. Audrey Wubbenhorst and carried, the Building and Investment Committee unanimously received the report for information.
Item 5 - Chair's Reports and Remarks
No comments or remarks from the Chair.
Item 6 - Update on Putting People First Recommendations, BIC:2014-32
The Building and Investment Committee had before it the above-captioned report (BIC:2014-32) from the Interim President and Chief Executive Officer.
Motion carried
ON MOTION DULY MADE by Ms. Karen Newman, seconded by Ms. Audrey Wubbenhorst and carried, the Building and Investment Committee unanimously received the report for information.
Item 7 - Sale of Stand-Alone Properties – Sales and Relocation Update, BIC:2014-33
The Building and Investment Committee had before it the above-captioned report (BIC:2014-33) from the Interim President and Chief Executive Officer.
Management presented the report. The following discussion ensued:
- The Committee raised a question with respect to the level of funds invested in the capital repairs to the vacant units and whether there will be any return on investment on those repairs subsequent to the sale of the vacant houses.
- Management explained that there are currently 74 vacant stand-alone properties, comprising 88 units that are not approved for sale and are being repaired. The cost of repairs is roughly $1.7 million out of the State of Good Repair Fund.
- The 74 properties will be either used for the relocation of the residents from stand-alone properties approved for sale as well as revitalization projects.
Motion carried
ON MOTION DULY MADE by Ms. Karen Newman, seconded by Ms. Audrey Wubbenhorst and carried, the Building and Investment Committee unanimously received the report for information and recommended that the Board of Directors be updated accordingly.
Item 8 - Report on Hydro Costs Paid by Residents, BIC:2014-34
The Building and Investment Committee had before it the above-captioned report (BIC:2014-34) from the Interim President and Chief Executive Officer.
A discussion ensued, including the following highlights:
- The Committee noted that the Ontario Power Authority and the local distribution companies offer incentive programs to low income individuals. The Committee inquired whether TCHC’s residents who pay directly for hydro costs are utilizing such incentive programs offered by their local hydro distribution companies.
- The Committee asked management to review applicable hydro incentive programs that may be available for TCHC residents and to report back to the Committee.
Motion carried
ON MOTION DULY MADE by Ms. Karen Newman, seconded by Ms. Audrey Wubbenhorst and carried, the Building and Investment Committee unanimously received the report and recommended that the report be forwarded to the Board of Directors for information.
At 9:12 a.m., Councillor Ana Bailao joined the meeting.
Item 9 - Alexandra Park Revitalization: Anchor Business Plan Update, BIC:2014-35
The Building and Investment Committee had before it the above-captioned report (BIC:2014-35) from the Interim President and Chief Executive Officer.
Motion carried
ON MOTION DULY MADE by Ms. Karen Newman, seconded by Ms. Audrey Wubbenhorst and carried, the Building and Investment Committee unanimously received the report for information.
Item 10 - Salvaged Items at Regent Park Redevelopment Site, BIC:2014-36
The Building and Investment Committee had before it the above-captioned report (BIC:2014-36) from the Interim President and Chief Executive Officer.
A discussion ensued, including the following highlights:
- Managed confirmed for the Committee that the salvaged items will be stored within Regent Park. The Committee noted that using the existing storage space within Regent Park eliminates the cost that would have been incurred to retain supplementary space on other premises.
- The Committee appreciated the joint initiative between TCHC and other community agencies, and their co-operation efforts to salvage obsolete items that can be re-used in other TCHC developments or by community agencies that provide affordable housing, and reduce amount of waste taken to the landfills.
Motion carried
ON MOTION DULY MADE by Ms. Karen Newman, seconded by Ms. Audrey Wubbenhorst and carried, the Building and Investment Committee unanimously received the report for information.
Motion carried
ON MOTION DULY MADE by Ms. Karen Newman, seconded by Ms. Audrey Wubbenhorst and carried, the Building and Investment Committee terminated the public meeting at 9:14 a.m.
Sonia Fung
Committee Secretary