
Building and Investment Committee (BIC) Meeting - June 8, 2012

Friday, June 8, 2012
1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m.
Ground Floor Boardroom
931 Yonge Street, Toronto

Event description

Archived meeting. See Agenda and Minutes below.

Public Agenda

Chair’s Poll re: Conflict of Interest

Confirmation of Building & Investment Committee Public Minutes – March 22, 2012

Approval of Agenda and Review of Agenda Order

Business Arising from the Minutes and Action Item List

Review of Agenda (all items not held will be voted together without discussion)

For Approval

  1. Q1 2012 Quarterly Performance Report

Closed Meeting Agenda Items

Chair's Poll re: Conflict of Interest

A. Confirmation of Building & Investment Committee In Camera Minutes – January 27, 2012 and February 29, 2012

Business Arising from the In Camera Minutes and Action Item List

For Approval

B. Confidential item respecting the business of the corporation

C. Confidential item respecting the business of the corporation

D. Confidential item respecting the business of the corporation

E. Confidential item respecting the business of the corporation

F. Confidential item respecting the business of the corporation

G. Confidential item respecting the business of the corporation

H. Confidential item respecting the business of the corporation

I. Confidential item respecting the business of the corporation

J. Confidential item respecting the business of the corporation

For Information

K. Confidential item respecting the business of the corporation

L. Confidential item respecting the business of the corporation


Public Meeting Minutes

The Building and Investment Committee of Toronto Community Housing Corporation met on June 8, 2012, in the Main Floor Conference Room, 931 Yonge Street, commencing at 1:03 p.m.

Committee Directors present:

Ms. Audrey Wubbenhorst, Chair


Councillor Norm Kelly  

Zahir Bhaidani

Additional Directors present:

Mr. Norman (Bud) Purves, Chair of the Board of Directors

Ms. Catherine Wilkinson

Also present:

Marta Asturi, Assistant Corporate Secretary and Legal Counsel

Tom Burr, Director Regent Park

Rosa DeFillipis, Legal Counsel

Valesa Faria, Manager, Commercial Business Unit

Leslie Gash, Senior Development Manager

Heather Grey-Wolf, Housing Development Manager

Michelle Haney-Kileeg, General Manager

Len Koroneos, Chief Executive Officer (Interim) 

Hugh Lawson, Director, Strategic Planning & Stakeholder Relations 

Janice Lewkoski, Board SecretaryFrank Sutton, Director, Construction

Vincent Tong, Associate Development Manager 

Annely Zonena, Associate Development Manager 

Lizette Zuniga, Director, Development and Real Estate

Ms. Audrey Wubbenhorst, the Chair, called the meeting to order and Ms. Mirela Bolentiru served as recording secretary.

Declaration of Conflict of Interest

The Chair requested members of the Building and Investment Committee to indicate any agenda item in which they had a conflict of interest, together with the nature of the interest. None were declared.

Confirmation of Agenda

Motion carried

ON MOTION DULY MADE by Ms. Audrey Wubbenhorst, seconded by Mr. Norman Purves, the Building and Investment Committee unanimously approved the agenda as presented.


The Committee Chair polled for any deputations to be heard at the meeting and explained the deputation process. None were declared.

Minutes – Confirmation of Building and Investment Committee Minutes - March 22, 2012

Motion carried

ON MOTION DULY MADE by Ms. Audrey Wubbenhorst, seconded by Mr. Norman Purves, the Building and Investment Committee confirmed the above-captioned minutes and recommended that the above-captioned minutes be forwarded to the Board of Directors for information.

The Committee Chair raised a question with respect to the sale of the 675 houses as to whether TCHC is doing what the City Council requested, as it is mentioned in the 2nd paragraph on page 5 of the minutes. In response, Mr. Hugh Lawson explained that City's requests depend on the outcome of Councillor Bailao's Working Group and staff will report back to the Committee at that point.

Business Arising from the Minutes and Action Item List

The Committee Chair noted that:

  • MLS orders were not on the agenda for the June 8, 2012 meeting. Management explained that it will be on the June 22, 2012 Board of Directors agenda. Staff will follow up with operations with respect to MLS orders. 
  • more detailed information with respect to the results of the 3 audits originated with the City's Auditor Office and not with MLS was not provided to the Committee.
  • Don Mount Court Board members update was also not provided to the Committee. Staff will report back to the Committee on this matter at its next meeting.
  • a briefing note with respect to the question raised by Councillor Norman Kelly was not provided to the Committee (page 5 of the Public Action Item List) re: the cost of modifying an existing building to become barrier free versus the cost of planning it from the beginning when the construction starts. Staff confirmed that the information was readily available, but not attached to the report and apologized for the oversight and confirmed that the briefing note will be attached to the Action Item List for the next Committee meeting.

The Committee agreed to address the MLS orders at a future meeting and bring it forward at the August Board of Directors meeting.

Item 1 – Q1 2012 Quarterly Performance Report, BIC:2012-23

The Building and Investment Committee had before it the above-captioned report (BIC:2012-23) from the Interim Chief Executive Officer.  

The Committee Chair noted that the first page of the quarterly performance report did not contain any measures of MLS orders and she asked for the reasons. Staff explained that the measure is under review due to MLS data issues. Staff is reviewing MLS data on work orders to explore how to report items completed in work orders that remain open. Staff will work through the Q2 Performance Report and report back to the Committee at a future meeting on this matter.

The Committee Chair requested clarification on the process with respect to the sale of the 3 houses on Crawford Street and the $2.4 million non-budgeted revenue from that sale (page 5 of the report, first sentence); specifically, how that money was spent? Staff explained that the $2.4 million was allocated to the state of good repair fund and is looking for the best way of reporting on this matter.

The Committee agreed that management should report back to the Board on the revenue from such sales, showing how much revenue was obtained, where that money is allocated, how that money is spent and how much is left over. Such reporting should be also made to the public and through a website that has to be updated regularly. Staff will ensure that the website is updated to reflect the current status, for transparency reasons. The thermometer method may be used to show data.

Ms. Catherine Wilkinson requested that more details with respect to the sale of the houses be disclosed to the Board in a closed meeting, but without disclosing the addresses to protect the properties. Staff is working with Asset management on this matter.

The Board Chair requested that management should report on the sale of the houses on a case-by-case basis. Staff will report back on this matter at the next Committee meeting.

Ms. Catherine Wilkinson requested details on how many of the 5 houses were sold. Staff explained that 3 out of 5 houses were sold; the 4th house closes this month and the 5th house will be put on sale later this summer. All the sale proceeds from the sale of these houses will go into the state of good repair fund.

There was a discussion on waste management and ways to reduce it. Ms. Catherine Wilkinson wanted to know what committee receives reports on waste management. Mr. Len Koroneos explained that waste management is included in the Operating Plan that was discussed at a prior Corporate Affairs and Audit Committee meeting. Mr. Len Koroneos further cautioned that any savings TCHC produces, City may take them back.

Motion carried

ON MOTION DULY MADE by Ms. Audrey Wubbenhorst, seconded by Mr. Norman (Bud) Purves, the Building and Investment Committee received the report for information.

Closed Meeting Proceedings

The Building and Investment Committee resolved to meet in closed meeting at 1:24 p.m. to consider items A to L. 

Public Proceedings

Motion carried

At 2:47 p.m. the Chair announced the resumption of the public proceedings and the public meeting reconvened at that time.


ON MOTION DULY MADE by Ms. Audrey Wubbenhorst, seconded by Mr. Norman (Bud) Purves, the meeting of the Building and Investment Committee was adjourned at 2:47 p.m.

Sonia Fung

Committee Secretary