Board of Directors Meeting - October 24, 2013
Thursday, October 24, 2013
10:30 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.
Ground Floor Boardroom
931 Yonge Street, Toronto
Event description
Archived meeting. See Agenda and Minutes below.
1. Chair’s Remarks
Action: Information
Pre-read: -
Presenter: Chair, Board of Directors
2. Approval of Agenda and Review of Agenda Order
Action: Approval
Pre-read: Agenda
Presenter: All
3. Chair’s Poll re: Conflict of Interest
Action: Declaration
Pre-read: Agenda
Presenter: All
4. Review of Agenda (all items not held will be voted together without discussion)
Action: Approval
Pre-read: Agenda
Presenter: All
5. President and CEO’s Remarks
Action: Information
Pre-read: -
Presenter: President and CEO
6. Confirmation of Board of Directors’ Public Meeting Minutes of August 21, 2013
Action: Approval
Pre-read: Minutes
Presenter: All
7. Business Arising from the Public Board Meeting Minutes and Action Items Update
Action: Discussion
Pre-read: Action Item List
Presenter: All
Reports from External Advisory Committee
8. Office of the Commissioner of Housing Equity
Action: Information
Pre-read: Verbal 10 minutes
Presenter: Co-Chairs, External Advisory Committee
Reports from the Building and Investment Committee
9. Building and Investment Committee Chair’s Report
Action: Information
Pre-read: Verbal 10 minutes
Presenter: Chair, BIC
10. Don Summerville: Sale and Business Terms
Action: Approval
Pre-read: TCHC:2013-61
Presenter: Chair, BIC
11. Proposal to Lease Space at 777 Bay Street and Renovate 931 Yonge Street
Action: Approval
Pre-read: TCHC:2013-62
Presenter: Chair, BIC
Reports from Building Standards and Neighbourhood Safety Committee
12. Building Standards and Neighbourhood Safety Committee Chair’s Report
Action: Approval
Pre-read: Verbal 10 minutes
Presenter: Chair, BSNSC
Reports from Resident Services Committee
13. Resident Services Committee Chair’s Report
Action: Information
Pre-read: Verbal 10 minutes
Presenter: Chair, RSC
14. Visitor and Guest Policy
Action: Approval
Pre-read: TCHC:2013-60
Presenter: Chair, RSC
Reports from Corporate Affairs and Audit Committee
15. Corporate Affairs and Audit Committee Chair’s Report
Action: Information
Pre-read: Verbal 10 minutes
Presenter: Chair, CAAC
16. Expense Policy Review
Action: Approval
Pre-read: TCHC:2013-63
Presenter: Chair, CAAC
Reports from Governance, Risk and Human Resources Committee
17. Governance, Risk and Human Resources Committee Chair’s Report
Action: Information
Pre-read: Verbal 10 minutes
Presenter: Chair, GRHRC
18. Appointments to Fill Director Vacancies on Committees and Subsidiary Boards
Action: Approval
Pre-read: TCHC:2013-64
Presenter: Chair, GRHRC
19. Other Business
Action: Discussion
Pre-read: -
Presenter: All
The Board of Directors of the Toronto Community Housing Corporation held a public meeting on Thursday, October 24, 2013 at 11:24 a.m. in the Ground Floor Conference Room at 931 Yonge Street, Toronto and via teleconference.
Directors in Attendance:
Norman (Bud) Purves (Chair)
Councillor Maria Augimeri
Christian Buhagiar
Brian Kwan (via teleconference)
Karen Newman (via teleconference)
Councillor Frances Nunziata
Councillor Cesar Palacio
Catherine Wilkinson
Jennifer Wood
Directors Absent:
Munira Abukar
Councillor Ana Bailão
Zahir Bhaidani
Audrey Wubbenhorst
Also present:
Eugene (Gene) E. Jones Jr., President and CEO
Marta Asturi, Legal Counsel and Assistant Corporate Secretary
Paul Chisholm, General Manager, Access Housing Connections Inc.
Jason Gorel, Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer
Ismail Ibrahim, Legal Counsel
Hugh Lawson, Director, Strategic Planning & Stakeholder Relations
Graham Leah, Vice President, Asset Management
Kathleen Llewellyn-Thomas, Chief Operating Officer
Anand Maharaj, Vice President of Human Resources
Bruce Malloch, Director, Strategic Communications
Patricia Narine, Director, Resident Engagement & Community Development
Lisa-Joan Overholt, Senior Director, Community Safety and Council Liaison
Sheila Penny, Vice President, Facilities Management
Liz Reid, Vice President, Information Technology
Greg Spearn, Chief Development Officer
Michael Vear, Chief Internal Auditor
A quorum being present, the Chair called the meeting to order and Mrs. Janice Lewkoski served as recording secretary.
Item 1 – Chair's Remarks
The Chair provided his opening remarks, noting some of the decisions from the closed meeting regarding the Ten-Year Capital Financing Plan and Phase 3 of the Regent Park revitalization.
The Chair noted that the Ten-Year Capital Financing Plan for Toronto Community Housing will be presented to the City Executive Committee on October 30, 2013. The report highlights the need to invest $2.6 billion into capital repairs of Toronto Community Housing’s buildings over the next 10 years and proposes a financial plan with equal contributions from the City, Province and federal government. The Chair reported that the Board of Directors has asked Management to consider what Toronto Community Housing’s plan will be if the federal and provincial governments do not provide the level of funding that the City is seeking in its report.
The Chair also reported that the Board has approved Management’s business plan to move forward with Phase 3 of the Regent Park revitalization under an amended and restated agreement with The Daniels Corporation, which will secure land value upfront and reduce Toronto Community Housing’s risk exposure.
The Chair provided an update on the corporation’s United Way campaign and activities.
The Chair noted the progress being made on the Ombudsman’s recommendations and noted the investigation of Housing Services Inc. is ongoing.
The Chair polled the audience for deputations and explained the deputation process.
Item 5 – President and CEO’s Remarks
The President & CEO gave recognition to the residents in attendance at the meeting. He thanked and gave recognition to his executive leadership team and their staff for their hard work in recent months.
The President & CEO reported on the status of the 2014 budget, the implementation of the Ombudsman’s recommendations and the Close the Housing Gap campaign.
The President & CEO updated the Board on the Limitless Heights Scholarship Award Dinner held in September and announced upcoming events, including:
- the soft opening of the new Office for the Commissioner of Housing Equity taking place in the afternoon at 339 Bloor Street West; and
- the If I Ruled T.O. youth summit on October 27, 2013.
Motion carried
ON MOTION DULY MADE by Ms. Catherine Wilkinson, seconded by Councillor Maria Augimeri and unanimously carried, the Board of Directors received the President & CEO’s verbal report for information.
Other Business
The Board discussed the Elections Policy approved at the August Board meeting and the status of the Board’s request that the Building Standards and Neighbourhood Safety Committee review Toronto Community Housing’s public space policy as it pertains to elected public officials. The Chair of the Building Standards and Neighbourhood Safety Committee requested that the Elections Policy guidelines be provided to the Committee. It was clarified that aspects of the Elections Policy will be discussed at the Building Standards and Neighbourhood Safety Committee but the policy itself falls under the mandate of the Governance, Risk and Human Resources Committee.
Item 6 – Confirmation of the Public Board Minutes of Toronto Housing Corporation for August 21, 2013
The Board had before it the draft Board minutes for the August 21, 2013 public meeting.
Motion carried
ON MOTION DULY MADE by Councillor Maria Augimeri, seconded by Ms. Catherine Wilkinson and unanimously carried, the Board of Directors confirmed the August 21, 2013 public Board of Directors’ meeting minutes, as circulated.
Item 2 – Approval of Agenda and Review of Agenda Order
Motion carried
ON MOTION DULY MADE by Councillor Maria Augimeri, seconded by Ms. Catherine Wilkinson and unanimously carried, the Board of Directors approved the agenda.
Item 3 – Chair’s Poll re: Conflict of Interest
The Chair requested members of the Board of Directors to indicate any agenda item in which they have a conflict of interest, together with the nature of the interest. None were declared.
Item 4 – Review of Agenda
All items on the public agenda were held for discussion, except for:
- Item 14: Visitor and Guest Policy
- Item 18: Appointments to Fill Director Vacancies on Committees and Subsidiary Boards
Motion carried
ON MOTION DULY MADE by Ms. Catherine Wilkinson, seconded by Councillor Frances Nunziata and unanimously carried, the Board of Directors approved the agenda items not held for discussion.
Item 7 – Business Arising from the Public Board Meeting Minutes and Action Items Update
The Board had before it the Report on Business Arising from the Public Meeting Minutes of August 21, 2013 and Board Action Item List.
The following individuals provided verbal deputations in relation to this item:
- Mark Harris;
- Kathy Kunsmann; and
- Bonnie Booth.
The Board considered whether to post the Corporation’s quarterly financial statements on the website.
In response to a question from the Board on the status of the request for updated organizational charts, Management advised that an updated organizational chart will be provided upon the hiring of the General Counsel and the Vice President of Resident and Community Services.
Item 8 – Report from the External Advisory Committee re: Office of the Commissioner of Housing Equity, Verbal
Co-Chair of the External Advisory Committee, Ms. Catherine Wilkinson, provided an update to the Board on the Committee’s mandate, composition and the status of its work to date.
In response to a question from the Board, it was noted that, once established, the Commissioner of Housing Equity will report directly to the Board of Directors through the Board Chair.
Item 9 – Building and Investment Committee Chair’s Report, Verbal
The Chair of the Building and Investment Committee provided the Board of Directors with an update on the Committee’s most recent meetings.
Item 10 – Don Summerville: Sale and Business Terms, TCHC:2013-61
The Board of Directors had before it the above-captioned report (TCHC:2013-61) from the Building and Investment Committee.
A written submission was received from the following individual in relation to this item:
- Theresa Munroe.
Management acknowledged the residents from Don Summerville in attendance at the meeting. The Chief Development Officer presented the report, providing a description of the site, the RFP process and highlights of the proposed business deal.
The Board requested Management to bring back for approval a report on the proposed allocation of $1M in capital repairs.
The Board and Management discussed the procurement process and Management confirmed its opinion that maximum value for the site has been achieved.
The Board requested Management to review and report back on whether there are any other potential underutilized properties in the TCHC portfolio.
The Board and Management discussed parking revenues and requirements, as well as community economic development opportunities.
Motion carried
ON MOTION DULY MADE by Councillor Maria Augimeri, seconded by Ms. Catherine Wilkinson and unanimously carried, the Board of Directors approved the recommendations, as amended, to:
- Approve the sale of the Subject Lands to the Recommended Developer named in Confidential Attachment 4, and direct staff to explore the potential for future value added opportunities at a later date based on the business terms set out in Confidential Attachment 6 and as described in this report;
- Authorize the President and Chief Executive Officer (or his designate) to finalize the definitive project agreements for the project based on the sale terms identified in Confidential Attachment 6 and described in this report;
- [Deleted recommendation #3 in the report];
- Direct TCH staff to undertake appropriate community engagement and seek shareholder and ministerial consents required to implement the transaction;
- Approve and delegate to the President and Chief Executive Officer (or his designate) expenditure authority of up to $300,000 for legal, consulting, resident engagement and any other internal TCH costs associated with this project; and
- Authorize the President and Chief Executive Officer (or his designate) to take the necessary action and execute any and all documents as may be necessary in connection with the sale of the Subject Lands and associated value added opportunities, that shall include, but not be limited to, legal services, consulting contracts, construction contracts and planning documents and other ancillary contracts and permits required to give effect to the above recommendation.
Item 11 – Proposal to Lease Space at 777 Bay Street and Renovate 931 Yonge Street, TCHC:2013-62
The Board of Directors had before it the above-captioned report (TCHC:2013-62) from the Building and Investment Committee.
The following individual provided a verbal deputation in relation to this item:
- Miguel Avila.
The Chief Development Officer presented the proposal.
The President and CEO requested to table the report, noting that Management will review alternative options for office space and report back to the Board.
The Board and Management discussed ideas for further consideration on this matter, including:
- determining location criteria;
- how alternative office space will help the Corporation achieve its strategic plan;
- contacting the City regarding its vacant facilities and reviewing Toronto Community Housing’s vacant commercial facilities;
- whether the Corporation should lease or own its office space; and
- adding Access Housing Connections Inc. in Toronto Community Housing’s plans when designing resident-centric space.
ON MOTION DULY MADE by Councillor Frances Nunziata, seconded by Councillor Cesar Palacio and unanimously carried, the Board of Directors resolved to table the report.
At 1:23 p.m., Mr. Brian Kwan and Ms. Karen Newman left the meeting.
Item 12 – Building Standards and Neighbourhood Safety Committee Chair’s Report, Verbal
The Chair of the Building Standards and Neighbourhood Safety Committee highlighted the importance of his Committee’s work in connection with the Corporation’s strategic plan and provided the Board of Directors with an update on the Committee’s most recent meeting and upcoming meetings.
Item 13 – Resident Services Committee Chair’s Report, Verbal
The Chair of the Resident Services Committee provided the Board of Directors with an update on the Committee’s most recent meetings and matters planned for upcoming meetings, including:
- a review of the mental health strategy and seniors strategy;
- resident survey in 2014;
- resident communications strategy; and
- arrears management strategy.
Item 14 – Visitor and Guest Policy, TCHC:2013-60
The Board of Directors had before it the above-captioned report (TCHC:2013-60) from the Resident Services Committee.
A written submission was received from the following individual in relation to this item:
- Clive Williams.
Motion carried
ON MOTION DULY MADE by Ms. Catherine Wilkinson, seconded by Councillor Frances Nunziata and unanimously carried, the Board of Directors approved the Visitor and Guest Policy.
Item 15 – Corporate Affairs and Audit Committee Chair’s Report, Verbal
On behalf of the Chair of the Corporate Affairs and Audit Committee, Committee member, Mr. Christian Buhagiar, provided the Board of Directors with an update on the Committee’s most recent meetings, noting various reports related to financial and compliance oversight. He commended the Chief Financial Officer for improving transparency and accountability in Management’s financial reports.
Mr. Buhagiar reported that upcoming meetings of the Committee will include the 2014 budget, planning for the external year-end audit, and the 2014 work plan for the Chief Internal Auditor. Board members were invited to suggest work plan items for the Chief Internal Auditor.
Item 16 – Expense Policy Review, TCHC:2013-63
The Board of Directors had before it the above-captioned report (TCHC:2013-63) from the Corporate Affairs and Audit Committee.
Motion carried
ON MOTION DULY MADE by Mr. Christian Buhagiar, seconded by Ms. Jennifer Wood and unanimously carried, the Board of Directors approved the attached revised Expense Reimbursement Policy.
Item 17 – Governance, Risk and Human Resources Committee Chair’s Report, Verbal
The Chair of the Governance, Risk and Human Resources Committee provided the Board of Directors with an update on the Committee’s most recent meetings, highlighting the following matters:
- 2 nominee approvals for external directors on the HSC and ONPHA Board of Directors;
- the quarterly compliance certificate;
- the new Executive Compensation Subcommittee;
- the selection process for consultants to conduct the Board evaluation and executive compensation evaluation; and
- a review of the corporation’s financial control by-law.
The Chair of the Governance, Risk and Human Resources Committee noted key matters planned for 2014, including:
- talent management and succession,
- compensation philosophy, and
- risk management and compliance.
Item 18 – Appointments to Fill Director Vacancies on Committees and Subsidiary Boards, TCHC:2013-64
The Board of Directors had before it the above-captioned report (TCHC:2013-64) from the Governance, Risk and Human Resources Committee.
Motion carried
ON MOTION DULY MADE by Ms. Catherine Wilkinson, seconded by Councillor Frances Nunziata and unanimously carried, the Board of Directors resolved to:
- appoint Jennifer Wood as a member of the Building and Investment Committee;
- remove Audrey Wubbenhorst and appoint Karen Newman as Chair of the Investment Advisory Committee;
- in accordance with the 2010 Subsidiary Review Task Force Report, elect the Building and Investment Committee (BIC) Chair, Brian Kwan, as an ex-officio director of the following TCHC wholly-owned subsidiaries to take effect in the event that Audrey Wubbenhorst resigns as a director of these Boards or resigns her position as a Director of the TCHC Board of Directors:
- 2001064 Ontario Inc.,
- Alexandra Park Development Corporation
- Regent Park Development Corporation
- Toronto Affordable Housing Fund; and
- approve the Board Chair, President and Chief Executive Officer or designate to take all necessary actions and execute all documents and resolutions, on behalf of TCHC, as required to implement the above recommendations.
The meeting terminated at 1:46 p.m.
Sonia Fung
Committee Secretary