Board of Directors Meeting - April 29, 2013
Monday, April 29, 2013
10:30 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.
Ground Floor Boardroom
931 Yonge Street, Toronto
Event description
Archived meeting. See Agenda and Minutes below.
1. Chair’s Remarks
(a) Reporting on In Camera Meeting
Action: Information
Pre-read: -
Presenter: Chair, Board of Directors
2. Approval of Agenda and Review of Agenda Order
Action: Approval
Pre-read: Agenda
Presenter: All
3. Review of Agenda (all items not held will be voted together without discussion)
Action: Approval
Pre-read: Agenda
Presenter: All
4. President and CEO’s Remarks
Action: Information
Pre-read: -
Presenter: President and CEO
5. Confirmation of Public Board Meeting Minutes of February 6, 2013
Action: Approval
Pre-read: Minutes
Presenter: All
6. Business Arising from the Public Board Meeting Minutes and Action Items Update
Action: Discussion
Pre-read: Action Item List
Presenter: All
Reports from the Corporate Affairs and Audit Committee
7. Auditor General’s Report: Toronto Community Housing Corporation – Results of Follow-up of Previous Audit Recommendations
Action: Approval
Pre-read: Auditor General’s Report dated March 28, 2013
Presenter: Auditor General, City of Toronto
8. 2012 TCHC’s Consolidated Draft Audited Financial Statements & PWC Year-End Report to the Audit Committee
Action: Approval
Pre-read: TCHC:2013-28R (Revised)
Presenter: Chair, CAAC
9. 2012 Annual Report
Action: Approval
Pre-read: TCHC:2013-23 (Revised Attachment)
Presenter: Chair, CAAC
10. Annual Information Return
Action: Approval
Pre-read: TCHC:2013-29
Presenter: Chair, CAAC
11. 2013 Internal Audit Work Plan and Budget
Action: Approval
Pre-read: TCHC:2013-24
Presenter: Chair, CAAC
Reports from the Building and Investment Committee
12. Regent Park Block 25 South Condominium Business Plan and Construction Authorization
Action: Approval
Pre-read: TCHC:2013-25
Presenter: Chair, BIC
Reports from the Governance, Risk and Human Resources Committee
13. Committee Appointments, New Committees and New Subcommittee
Action: Approval
Pre-read: TCHC:2013-26
Presenter: Chair, GRHRC
14. Amendments to Committee Terms of Reference
Action: Approval
Pre-read: TCHC:2013-27
Presenter: Chair, GRHRC
15. Employee Benefits Provider RFP Results
Action: Approval
Pre-read: TCHC:2013-30
Presenter: Chair, GRHRC
Reports from the Tenant and Community Services Committee
16. Tenant and Community Services Committee Chair’s Report
Action: Information
Pre-read: Verbal
Presenter: Chair, TCSC
17. Terms of Reference: Toronto Police Services Board Community Safety Task Force
Action: Information
Pre-read: Terms of Reference (Revised)
Presenter: Chair, TCSC
Reports from Subsidiary Board Chairs
18. Housing Services Inc. Chair’s Report
Action: Information
Pre-read: Verbal
Presenter: Chair, hsi
19. Access Housing Connections Inc. Chair’s Report
Action: Information
Pre-read: Verbal
Presenter: Chair, AHCI
Reports from Management
20. 2013-2015 Plan to Create the Strategic Plan
Action: Information
Pre-read: Verbal
Presenter: Director, Strategic Planning & Stakeholder Relations
21. 2013 Budget – Preliminary Discussion
Action: Information
Pre-read: Verbal
Presenter: CFO
22. State of Good Repair
Action: Information
Pre-read: Verbal
Presenter: Vice President, Facilities Management (Interim)
23. Sale of Stand-alone Properties
Action: Information
Pre-read: Verbal
Presenter: Director, Strategic Planning & Stakeholder Relations
24. Other Business
Action: Information
Pre-read: Verbal
Presenter: Director, Strategic Planning & Stakeholder Relations
The Board of Directors of the Toronto Community Housing Corporation met on Monday, April 29, 2013 at 10:30 a.m. in the Ground Floor Conference Room at 931 Yonge Street, Toronto.
Directors in Attendance:
Norman (Bud) Purves (Chair)
Munira Abukar
Councillor Maria Augimeri
Councillor Ana Bailão
Zahir Bhaidani
Christian Buhagiar
Brian Kwan
Karen Newman
Councillor Frances Nunziata
Councillor Cesar Palacio
Catherine Wilkinson
Jennifer Wood (via teleconference)
Audrey Wubbenhorst
Also present:
Eugene E. Jones Jr., President and Chief Executive Officer
Marta Asturi, Legal Counsel and Assistant Corporate Secretary
Paul Chisholm, General Manager, Access Housing Connections Inc.
Michelle Haney-Kileeg, Vice President, Resident and Community Services
Jason Gorel, Chief Financial Officer
Hugh Lawson, Director, Strategic Planning & Stakeholder Relations
Graham Leah, Vice President, Facilities Management (Interim)
Anand Maharaj, Vice President, Human Resources
Bruce Malloch, Director, Strategic Communications
Liz Reid, Senior Director, Information & Technology Services
Greg Spearn, Chief Development Officer
Michael Vear, Chief Internal Auditor
Auditor General’s Office, City of Toronto
Jeffrey Griffiths, Auditor General
Jerry Shaubel, Director
External Auditor - PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP
Daniel D’Archivio, Partner, Audit and Assurance Group
A quorum being present, Mr. Norman (Bud) Purves, Chair, called the meeting to order, and Mrs. Janice Lewkoski served as recording secretary.
The Chair provided his opening remarks and announced the Board of Directors’ approval during its in camera meeting of the selection of Context (Real Estate) Inc. and Metropia (Lawrence Heights) GP Corporation as the Developer Partner and Construction Manager for Lawrence Heights Phase 1.
The Chair polled the audience for deputations and explained the deputation process.
Approval of Agenda
No changes were made to the agenda.
Declaration of Conflict of Interest
The Chair requested members of the Board of Directors to indicate any agenda item in which they have a conflict of interest, together with the nature of the interest. Mr. Brian Kwan declared an interest in items related to Housing Services Inc and Access Housing Connections Inc. due to his service on the Board of Directors of those subsidiaries. Mr. Christian Buhagiar also declared an interest in items related to Housing Services Inc. as he is the Chair of the Board of Directors of Housing Services Inc.
Review of Agenda Order
Item 19: Access Housing Connections Inc. Chair’s Report was moved up on the agenda as the first item.
Item 7: Auditor General’s Report: Toronto Community Housing Corporation – Results of Follow-up of Previous Audit Recommendations was moved up on the agenda to follow item 19.
The following items were grouped together on the agenda for the Board’s discussion:
- Item 8 – 2012 Toronto Community Housing Corporation’s Consolidated Draft Audited Financial Statements & PWC Year-End Report to the Audit Committee
- Item 9 – 2012 Annual Report
- Item 10 – Annual Information Return
The following items were also grouped together on the agenda for the Board’s discussion:
- Item 13 – Committee Appointments, New Committees and New Subcommittee
- Item 14 – Amendments to Committee Terms of Reference
All items on the public agenda were held for discussion, except for:
- Item 12 – Regent Park: Block 25 South Condominium Business Plan and Construction Authorization
- Item 15 – Employee Benefits Provider RFP Results
Motion carried
ON MOTION DULY MADE by Councillor Cesar Palacio, seconded by Mr. Brian Kwan and carried, the Board of Directors approved the agenda items not held for discussion.
Item 19 – Access Housing Connections Inc. Chair’s Report, Verbal
The Chair of the Board of Directors of Access Housing Connections Inc., Ms. Jennifer Wood, provided an update on the subsidiary’s activities, including:
- recent termination of the housing allowance program;
- the development of a Board Advisory Council; and
- reported that Management has made significant improvements in performance at Access Housing Connections Inc. over the last 8 months as shown in Housing Connections’ quarterly reports.
In response to a question from the Board regarding recent changes to the social housing waiting list as approved by City Council, the General Manager of Access Housing Connections Inc. reported that Management will be meeting with the City in May to discuss the changes and noted that the changes should not affect the building mandates such as for seniors’ buildings.
Item 7 – Auditor General’s Report: Toronto Community Housing Corporation – Results of Follow-up of Previous Audit Recommendations
The Board of Directors had before it the Auditor General’s Report dated March 28, 2013 regarding Toronto Community Housing Corporation – Results of Follow-up of Previous Audit Recommendations.
The Chair welcomed Jeffrey Griffiths, Auditor General, and Jerry Shaubel, Director, Auditor General’s Officer, to the meeting. The Auditor General provided a presentation to the Board on the follow-up results, including:
- a description of the follow-up process;
- the status of the recommendations from the audit reports issued in 2011 and 2012 and a summary of the final results;
- the reason for follow up recommendations; and
- cost savings identified through the implementation of the recommendations and other benefits.
The Board and the Auditor General discussed opportunities for shared services with the City of Toronto and noted that a study is underway by the City to review the opportunity for shared services with some of the other City agencies and corporations.
The Auditor General noted that he would return annually to follow-up on the outstanding audit recommendations.
Motion carried
ON MOTION DULY MADE by Councillor Frances Nunziata, seconded by Mr. Christian Buhagiar and carried, the Board of Directors unanimously approved the recommendations in the Auditor General’s report that:
- This report be forwarded to the City’s Audit Committee for information.
- The Board of Directors of the Toronto Community Housing Corporation not authorize the public release of Attachment 1 – Confidential Information as this attachment contains confidential information relating to:
- personal matters about an identifiable person; and
- litigation or potential litigation that affects the Toronto Community Housing Corporation.
On behalf of the Board, the Chair thanked the Auditor General’s Office for their report and presentation.
Motion carried
ON MOTION DULY MADE by Councillor Frances Nunziata, seconded by Mr. Christian Buhagiar and carried, the Board of Directors resolved that Management report back by August 31, 2013 on further opportunities to share services with the City. Consideration be given to sharing services on areas such as:
- Procurement
- Labour Relations
- Human Resources
- Information Technology
- Legal
- Accounting
Ms. Catherine Wilkinson abstained from voting on the motion.
Item 4 – President and CEO’s Remarks, GRHRC:2013-40
The President & CEO provided a verbal update on the following matters:
- implementation of the Auditor General’s audit recommendations,
- the 2013-2015 Strategic Plan,
- his recent and upcoming conference attendances and speaking engagements,
- recent resident meetings, and
- opportunities for youth, including the Summer Employment Fair held on Saturday, April 27, 2013.
The President & CEO introduced 3 community animators from Lawrence Heights who spoke about their experiences during the Lawrence Heights redevelopment process: Kisa Ehigiator, Abdirizack Hersi and Jacob Zorzella.
Ms. Jennifer Wood left the meeting at 11:26 a.m.
The Board and Management discussed the relocation of TCHC's head office and requested that Management provide an update at the next board meeting.
Item 5 – Confirmation of Public Board Meeting Minutes of February 6, 2013
The Board had before it the draft Board minutes for the February 6, 2013 public meeting.
The Board requested that the minutes be amended as follows:
- page 6, item 8 - note that "The Board recommended that staff use the existing Relocation Policy as a framework to create a Relocation Policy that is specifically geared to residents living in stand-alone properties that would be sold."
- page 7, item 9 - add an additional bullet that states "no TCHC staff will be present during review process."
Motion carried
ON MOTION DULY MADE by Councillor Ana Bailão, seconded by Ms. Munira Abukar and carried, the Board of Directors confirmed the February 6, 2013 Board of Directors’ public meeting minutes as amended.
Item 6 – Business Arising from the Public Board Meeting Minutes and Action Items Update, Action Item List
The Board of Directors had before it the Business Arising from the Public Board Meeting Minutes and Action Items List.
The Board requested that the action item list be reviewed and appropriate items be reassigned to the new committees.
Item 8 – 2012 TCHC’s Consolidated Draft Audited Financial Statements & PWC Year-End Report to the Audit Committee, TCHC:2013-28R
Item 9 – 2012 Annual Report, TCHC:2013-23
Item 10 – Annual Information Return, TCHC:2013-29
The Board of Directors had before it the following reports from the Corporate Affairs and Audit Committee:
- TCHC:2013-28R - 2012 Toronto Community Housing Corporation’s Consolidated Draft Audited Financial Statements & PWC Year-End Report to the Audit Committee
- TCHC:2013-23 – 2012 Annual Report
- TCHC:2013-29 – Annual Information Return
The Chair of the Corporate Affairs and Audit Committee presented the reports noting the Committee’s discussion of the reports and highlighting:
- the financial statements will be submitted to the Shareholder within the 120-day deadline;
- following the Corporate Affairs and Audit Committee’s discussion of the financial statements, Management and PWC have made changes which promotes transparency regarding salaries and benefits; and
- the Annual Information Return report includes a compliance certificate from Management which gives comfort for the directors on the information provided in the form.
The Chair introduced Daniel D’Archivio, Partner, Audit and Assurance Group, PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP (PWC), who commented on the process and next steps for finalizing the financial statements. On behalf of the Board, the Chair thanked PWC for their work on the 2012 consolidated audited financial statements.
The Board discussed the 2012 annual report including the design and key messages in the report. The Board suggested the cover page include photo(s) and requested a line be added to the financial summary depicting money in and money out for the State of Good Repair Fund.
The Board requested that for future annual reports, key messages of each of the board committees be captured.
Motion carried
ON MOTION DULY MADE by Mr. Brian Kwan, seconded by Mr. Zahir Bhaidani and carried, the Board of Directors unanimously approved the recommendations in report TCHC:2013-28R to:
- receive the Toronto Community Housing Corporation’s Audited Consolidated Financial Statements for the year ended December 31, 2012, and as restated for the year ended December 31, 2011 and January 1, 2011, and accompanying 2012 year-end report to the Corporate Affairs and Audit Committee from the auditor, PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP (“Audit Report”);
- approve the Toronto Community Housing Corporation’s Audited Consolidated Financial Statements (“Financial Statements”) as at December 31, 2012, and as restated as at December 31, 2011 and January 1, 2011 pursuant to the conversion of accounting standards as further described in note 3, as well as the consolidated audited financial statements for the year ended December 31, 2012, and as restated for the year ended December 31, 2011 as further described in note 3;
- authorize the Chair of the Board and the Chair of the Corporate Affairs and Audit Committee to sign the Balance Sheets on behalf of the Board;
- forward the signed Financial Statements, Audit Report and related items to the Shareholder as part of the annual reporting to the Shareholder and for purposes of Toronto Community Housing Corporation’s Annual General Meeting; and
- authorize the appropriate Toronto Community Housing officials to take the necessary action to give effect to the above recommendations.
Motion carried
ON MOTION DULY MADE by Mr. Brian Kwan, seconded by Mr. Zahir Bhaidani and carried, the Board of Directors unanimously approved the recommendations in report TCHC:2013-23 to:
- approve the 2012 Annual Report in principle subject to changes discussed at the meeting; and
- authorize the President and CEO (or designate) to forward the 2012 Annual Report to the Shareholder, the City of Toronto.
Motion carried
ON MOTION DULY MADE by Mr. Brian Kwan, seconded by Mr. Zahir Bhaidani and carried, the Board of Directors unanimously approved the recommendations in report TCHC:2013-29 to:
- approve the Annual Information Return of Toronto Community Housing Corporation for the year ended December 31, 2012; and
- that two directors, the Chair of the Board and the Chair of the Corporate Affairs and Audit Committee, be authorized to sign the report as is required per the Operating Agreement, on behalf of the Board.
Item 11 – 2013 Internal Audit Work Plan and Budget, TCHC:2013-24
The Board of Directors had before it the above-captioned report (TCHC:2013-24) from the Corporate Affairs and Audit Committee.
The Chair of the Corporate Affairs and Audit Committee introduced the report.
The Board and Management discussed the following:
- the hiring of an Employee Expenses Control Clerk to review all employee expenses; and
- training and capacity for Operating Unit staff to assist in the review of complaints received for investigation.
Motion carried
ON MOTION DULY MADE by Mr. Christian Buhagiar, seconded by
Mr. Brian Kwan and carried, the Board of Directors unanimously approved:
- the 2013 Work Plan of the Internal Audit Department set out in CAAC:2013-12; and
- the 2013 Budget in the amount of $1,013,305 for the Internal Audit Department as set out in CAAC:2013-13.
Item 12 – Regent Park Block 25 South Condominium Business Plan and Construction Authorization, TCHC:2013-25
The Board of Directors had before it the above-captioned report (TCHC:2013-25) from the Building and Investment Committee.
Motion carried
ON MOTION DULY MADE by Councillor Cesar Palacio, seconded by Mr. Brian Kwan and carried, the Board of Directors unanimously approved the recommendations in the report to:
- Authorize the President and Chief Executive Officer and Toronto Community Housing representatives to the Parliament and Gerrard Development Corporation co-tenancy (the “Representatives”) to proceed with the development of Block 25 South as contemplated in the Business Plan, provided that:
- The Representatives shall be entitled to waive Toronto Community Housing’s right to defer construction if they have received a revised budget based on 50% tendered contracts (by value), which budget, does not negatively impact the Toronto Community Housing projected cash proceeds predicted in the Business Plan.
- The Representatives shall be entitled to terminate construction upon completion of the podium of the Block 25 South Building if the following conditions are not passed:
- 315 condominium units at Block 25N (known as “One Park Place”) are sold at or above the projected average selling price contained within the business plan (excluding parking and lockers) within 6 months of the sales launch.
- The execution of an acceptable credit facility with a 3rd party bank.
- Authorize the President and Chief Executive Officer to negotiate and execute credit facilities in respect of the Block 25 South Building, which terms shall include a guarantee of the debt of Parliament and Gerrard Development Corporation (incurred herein), to a maximum value of 50% of the Credit Facilities for Block 25 South (the “Credit Facilities”). The Toronto Community Housing guarantee will be matched by Daniels Corporation, with each guarantee provided on a several (as opposed to joint and several) basis.
- Authorize the President and Chief Executive Officer or his delegate to secure all necessary consents (required by the s161 Housing Services Act, 2011) to enter into security documentation as may be required in accordance with the Credit Facilities such as a mortgage / charge in favour of the Lenders and registered against the title to Blocks 25 South, and such additional security as may be required.
- Authorize the President and Chief Executive Officer to make payments of Toronto Community Housing’s (or its subsidiary’s) equal share of equity contributions required to be made pursuant to the Credit Facilities.
- Authorize the President and Chief Executive Officer or his designate (including Toronto Community Housing’s representatives to the Phase 2 Co-Tenancy) to take the necessary action and incur Capital Commitments, and execute such further documents as may be necessary to complete all transactions in connection with the development of Block 25 South Building, and otherwise to give effect to the above recommendations and to implement this portion of the approved Regent Park Phase 2 Anchor Business Plan (Capital Budget). The President and Chief Executive Officer or his designate is authorized to approve change purchase orders and contract amendments at an amount less than 10% of the original contract amount.
- This approval is also subject to execution of an additional guarantee agreement with the Daniels Corporation. The effect of the guarantee is that, as experts in the development of condominiums in Toronto, Daniels has agreed to underwrite all risk to TCHC in the project, exercisable at the sole option of TCHC once the building is completed.
Item 13 – Committee Appointments, New Committees and New Subcommittee, TCHC:2013-26
Item 14 – Amendments to Committee Terms of Reference, TCHC:2013-27
The Board of Directors had before it the following reports from the Governance, Risk and Human Resources Committee:
- TCHC:2013-26 – Committee Appointments, New Committees and New Subcommittee
- TCHC:2013-27 – Amendments to Committee Terms of Reference
The Board discussed the Committee Appointments, New Committees and New Subcommittee report and made the following changes to the membership chart, Attachment #5:
- Councillor Palacio removed from CAAC
- Councillor Nunziata removed from RSC
- Councillor Nunziata added to CAAC
The name of the new Building Standards and Neighbourhood Services Committee was amended to the Building Standards and Neighbourhood Safety Committee.
The Board also discussed changes to the Board of Directors of Access Housing Connections Inc., appointing Councillor Palacio as a director to replace Ms. Catherine Wilkinson who resigned from the Housing Connections’ Board of Directors.
The Board requested that the Special Governance Review Subcommittee review the committee terms of reference with regards to quorum and when to call meetings.
Motion carried
ON MOTION DULY MADE by Mr. Christian Buhagiar, seconded by Councillor Cesar Palacio and carried, the Board of Directors unanimously approved the recommendations in report TCHC:2013-26, as amended, to:
- strike a Special Governance Review Subcommittee reporting to the Governance, Risk and Human Resources Committee and approve the terms of reference set out in Attachment 1;
- replace the Tenant and Community Services Committee with two new committees and approve their respective terms of reference set out in Attachment 3 and 4: Resident Services Committee and Building Standards and Neighbourhood Safety Committee;
- appoint the Committee members and Committee Chairs to each of the respective Board Committees and Subcommittees as outlined in Attachment 5 to this report, as amended, effective as of April 29, 2013 and until successors are appointed;
- as sole shareholder, approve changes to the Board of Directors of Access Housing Connections Inc., effective immediately, by accepting the resignation of Catherine Wilkinson as a director and appointing Councillor Cesar Palacio as a director, to hold office until the next annual meeting of the shareholder or until his successor is appointed; and
- authorize the CEO (or his designate) to take all necessary actions and execute all documents as required to implement the above resolutions.
Motion carried
ON MOTION DULY MADE by Mr. Christian Buhagiar, seconded by Councillor Cesar Palacio and carried, the Board of Directors unanimously approved the recommendations in report TCHC:2013-27 to approve:
- amendments to the Corporate Affairs and Audit Committee as set out in Attachment 2;
- amendments to the Building and Investment Committee as set out in Attachment 3;
- amendments to the Investment Advisory Committee as set out in Attachment 3;
- amendments to the Governance, Risk and Human Resources Committee as set out in Attachment 4; and
- authorize the Board Chair, Committee Chair, President and CEO or designate to take all necessary actions and execute all documents as required to implement the above resolution.
Item 15 – Employee Benefits Provider RFP Results, TCHC:2013-30
The Board of Directors had before it the above-captioned report (TCHC:2013-30) from the Governance, Risk and Human Resources Committee.
Motion carried
ON MOTION DULY MADE by Councillor Cesar Palacio, seconded by Mr. Brian Kwan and carried, the Board of Directors unanimously approved:
- the award of the benefits provider contract in accordance with RFP 11/13 – Employee Benefits Provider Services as outlined in Confidential Attachment 1; and
- authorize the President and CEO or designate to negotiate and execute all documents to implement recommendation (a) above.
The Chair of the Governance, Risk and Human Resources Committee provided an update to the Board on other recent matters reviewed by the Committee, including the receipt of Management’s first quarterly compliance certificate.
Item 16 – Tenant and Community Services Committee Chair’s Report, Verbal
The Chair of the Tenant and Community Services Committee provided a verbal report and thanked Munira Abukar and Councillor Frances Nunziata for their service on the Committee. The Committee Chair noted his disappointment that a number of Committee recommendations and action items had not come to the Board, including:
- action items regarding the Framework for RGI Decisions;
- eviction prevention work plan recommendations; and
- a recommendation that the Executive Director of Municipal Licensing and Standards be invited to give a presentation at a Board meeting.
The Board Chair noted that the Special Governance Review Subcommittee will be reviewing which items should come to the Board.
The Board and Management discussed arrears collection and the eviction prevention policy.
Item 17 – Terms of Reference: Toronto Police Services Board Community Safety Task Force
The Board of Directors had before it the Terms of Reference for the Toronto Police Services Board Community Safety Task Force.
The following individual provided a verbal deputation in relation to this item and submitted a written deputation:
- Miguel Avila
The Board discussed the terms of reference and noted the following:
- the Toronto Police Services Board has ownership over the Task Force and its terms of reference;
- amend the terms of reference to note Munira Abukar as a resident representative, not as a representative of the Toronto Community Housing Board of Directors;
- the terms of reference should note that a copy of the Task Force’s report will be delivered to the Board of Directors of Toronto Community Housing;
- the Task Force should be cautious of making recommendations that are not financially viable for the corporation; and
- the Task Force should consider residents with disabilities and seniors in its membership.
Councillor Frances Nunziata, who is Chair of the Task Force, reported to the Board on the purpose of the Task Force and its plans to begin its work soon.
The Board of Directors received the report for information.
Item 18 – Housing Services Inc. Chair’s Report, Verbal
The Chair of the Board of Directors of Housing Services Inc.,
Mr. Christian Buhagiar, provided an update on the subsidiary’s activities, noting:
- the dissolution process is anticipated to conclude by the end of 2013;
- the dissolution will require the assignment of litigation matters to Toronto Community Housing; and
- the Housing Services Inc. Board of Directors recently approved its financial statements and recommended an annual general meeting be held by written resolution.
The Housing Services Inc. Board Chair commended staff for their work on the dissolution and noted that the Board is now meeting every other month.
Item 20 – 2013-2015 Plan to Create the Strategic Plan, Verbal
The Director of Strategic Planning & Stakeholder Relations provided a verbal update to the Board of Directors, highlighting:
- the consultation process for the strategic plan;
- the challenges identified for the corporation; and
- the 3 priorities identified for the strategic plan, namely:
- quality homes,
- vibrant communities, and
- service excellence.
In response to a question from the Board on when a report would be presented on the realignment, Management noted that this would be presented once the realignment is finalized.
Item 21 – 2013 Budget – Preliminary Discussion, Verbal
The Chief Financial Officer provided a verbal update on the 2013 budget, noting:
- the draft 2013 budget would be presented at the joint meeting of the Corporate Affairs and Audit Committee and the Building and Investment Committee on May 30, 2013;
- the format of the budget will mirror that of the financial statements;
- the budget will incorporate previous comments made by the Board, including trade offs in spending, focus on departments, in-depth information at the committee level and a comparison to results; and
- the budget will look at reserves and alignment with the strategic plan.
The Board and Management discussed the timing of the budget.
The Chief Financial Officer noted that a report on the capital backlog will be presented at the June Board meeting.
Item 22 – State of Good Repair, Verbal
The Board of Directors had before it a handout on the State of Good Repair – Program Summary.
The Vice President, Facilities Management (Interim) provided a verbal report on the State of Good Repair program.
The Board and Management discussed MLS deficiencies and Management noted that these would be addressed separately from the State of Good Repair program. Information regarding the program to address MLS deficiencies will be presented with the budget. The Board and Management discussed the MLS deficiencies and the relationship with the MLS Office.
Item 23 – Sale of Stand-alone Properties, Verbal
The Director of Strategic Planning & Stakeholder Relations provided a verbal update on the Sale of Stand-alone Properties and distributed a handout to the Board, providing an update on the status of the sales and the sales approach.
The Board and Management discussed the report and the Board noted that the vacant stand-alone properties should be re-occupied.
The Board requested clarification on the fund contributions listed in the handout for Sales to Wigwamen.
The Board requested that Management develop a Relocation Policy for residents of stand-alone properties which incorporates information from the Putting People First report.
The meeting terminated at 1:50 p.m.
Sonia Fung
Committee Secretary