Tenant Human Rights Policy
Procedure Owner: Legal Services
Approval: Board of Directors
First Approved: December 2024
Effective Date: December 2024
Policy Statement
This policy describes TCHC’s commitment to meeting Tenants’ human rights needs in its role as a housing and service provider under the Human Rights Code. TCHC Tenants come from diverse backgrounds and many identify as a member of a group protected under the Human Rights Code. TCHC recognizes the historic and systemic discrimination faced by members of these groups in society and is committed to providing a housing environment free from harassment and discrimination. TCHC is committed to meeting Tenants’ human rights needs in a manner that is equitable, transparent and Tenant-centred and recognizes Tenants’ inherent dignity.
This policy describes how TCHC will meet its commitment to protecting Tenant’s human rights. It provides Tenants and staff with information about how to address Tenant human rights issues at TCHC and what to do when a Tenant feels TCHC has not met its obligations under the Human Rights Code.
The policy applies to all TCHC Tenants and staff. It does not apply to TCHC’s relationship with its employees.
- “Human Rights Code” means the Ontario Human Rights Code, RSO 1990 c. H.19.
- “TCHC” means Toronto Community Housing Corporation.
- “Tenant” means a person who has signed the lease for a given unit with TCHC, an authorized occupant of a unit or a person who is in the process of becoming a TCHC Tenant. Tenant does not include individuals who are present in a unit as guests of a Tenant.
TCHC’s Obligations Under the Human Rights Code
The Human Rights Code protects people in Ontario who identify as members of protected groups from harassment and discrimination. The relevant protected grounds under the Human Rights Code are:
- citizenship
- race
- place of origin
- ethnic origin
- colour
- ancestry
- disability
- age
- creed
- sex (including pregnancy)
- family status
- marital status
- sexual orientation
- gender identity
- gender expression
- receipt of public assistance
As a housing provider, TCHC must treat Tenants who are members of a protected group without discrimination. TCHC must also provide Tenants with needs that differ from other Tenants because of their membership in a Human Rights Code-protected group with reasonable accommodations to the point of undue hardship. TCHC also cannot punish or treat a Tenant differently because they have tried to assert their human rights.
For more information about the way in which the Human Rights Code applies to their TCHC tenancy, Tenants are encouraged to visit the Ontario Human Rights Commission website at OHRC.on.ca.
How TCHC will meet its obligations
TCHC will take all reasonable steps to ensure that it does not, by policy or by its actions, discriminate against or harass Tenants, and to provide reasonable accommodations to Tenants based on their membership in a protected group.
To meet these obligations, TCHC will put into place the following measures:
- Providing TCHC staff with access to subject matter expertise on Tenant human rights issues.
- Making educational materials available to Tenants and staff to help them understand TCHC’s obligations under the Human Rights Code and TCHC’s human rights policies and procedures.
- Providing comprehensive and ongoing staff training on human rights.
- Writing and revising policies in a manner that complies with TCHC’s obligations under the Human Rights Code.
- Accepting, analyzing and resolving all requests for accommodation in accordance with the Tenant Resolution Request Procedure.
- Receiving, investigating and resolving Tenant human rights complaints according to the Tenant Human Rights Complaint Procedure.
- Tracking human rights complaints and outcome data to determine the effectiveness of TCHC’s human rights policies and procedures.
Getting Help with Human Rights at TCHC
1. Accommodation Requests
Tenants who require accommodation such as modifications in their unit or a transfer to another unit should make that request using the process in the Tenant Resolution Request Procedure. This procedure sets out how a Tenant should make an accommodation request and the steps TCHC will take to analyze and respond to those requests.
2. Complaints about TCHC’s Actions
If a Tenant has a complaint that TCHC has not met its obligations under this policy or the Human Rights Code, the Tenant can make a complaint under the Tenant Human Rights Complaint Procedure. This procedure sets out how a Tenant can make a complaint and the process TCHC will follow to investigate it.
Tenants should refer to the Tenant Human Rights Complaint Procedure and the associated tenant guide for the process they must follow to make a complaint.
Other Related Policies and Procedures
- Tenant Human Rights Complaint Procedure
- Tenant Resolution Request Procedure
Commencement and Review
Revision | Date | Description of changes | Approval |
First approval: | December 2024 | New | Board of Directors |
Next Scheduled Review Date is June 2025 – according to policy review schedule – minimum every two years.