Our subsidiaries
Below is a list of Toronto Community Housing's subsidiaries:
Development subsidiaries
Regent Park Development 2 Corporation
Description: Oversees the redevelopment of Phases 4 and 5 of Regent Park. Meets on an annual basis to approve financial statements (there is little or no operational activity in this entity).
Current directors:
- Nick Macrae
- Sean Baird
- Lily Chen
Current officers:
- Nick Macrae - Chair
- Sean Baird - General Manager
- Lily Chen - Treasurer
- Jessica Hawes - Secretary
Regent Park Development Corporation (RPDC)
Description: Oversees the redevelopment of Regent Park. Meets on an annual basis to approve financial statements (there is little or no operational activity in this entity.
Current directors:
- Brian Smith
- Sean Baird
- Lily Chen
Current officers:
- Brian Smith - Chair
- Peter Zimmerman - General Manager
- Lily Chen - Treasurer
- Jessica Hawes- Secretary
Railway Lands Development Corporation (RLDC)
Description: Oversees the redevelopment of Railway Lands (Blocks 32 and 36). Meets on an annual basis to approve financial statements (there is little or no operational activity in this entity).
Current directors:
- Nick Macrae
- Sean Baird
- Lily Chen
Current officers:
- Nick Macrae - Chair
- Sean Baird - General Manager
- Lily Chen - Treasurer
- Jessica Hawes - Secretary
Alexandra Park Development Corporation (APDC)
Description: Oversees the redevelopment of Alexandra Park, including the demolition and replacement of 333 Atkinson Co operative/Toronto Community Housing units, refurbishment of 473 Toronto Community Housing units and development of 1,540 market units. Meets on an annual basis to approve financial statements (there is little or no operational activity in this entity).
Current directors:
- Nick Macrae
- Sean Baird
- Lily Chen
Current officers:
- Nick Macrae - Chair
- Sean Baird - General Manager
- Lily Chen - Treasurer
- Jessica Hawes - Secretary
Allenbury Gardens Development Corporation (AGDC)
Description: Oversees the redevelopment of Allenbury Gardens, including the demolition and replacement of 127 Toronto Community Housing units and development of up to 979 market units. Meets on an annual basis to approve financial statements (there is little or no operational activity in this entity).
Current directors:
- Nick Macrae
- Sean Baird
- Lily Chen
Current officers:
- Nick Macrae - Chair
- Sean Baird - General Manager
- Lily Chen - Treasurer
- Jessica Hawes - Secretary
Leslie Nymark Development Corporation (LNDC)
Description: Oversees the redevelopment of Leslie Nymark. Meets on an annual basis to approve financial statements (there is little or no operational activity in this entity)
Current directors:
- Nick Macrae
- Sean Baird
- Lily Chen
Current officers:
- Nick Macrae - Chair
- Sean Baird - General Manager
- Lily Chen - Treasurer
- Jessica Hawes - Secretary
Non-development subsidiaries
2001064 Ontario Inc.
Description: This is a nominee entity created to act as trustee to hold legal title to the commercial portion of a commercial/residential complex at 112 Elizabeth Street. There are commercial leases in place at 112 Elizabeth Street. The residential portion of the property is owned by Toronto Community Housing (111 Chestnut). Maintaining a separate entity allows for a more efficient sale if Toronto Community Housing were to sell the commercial portion in the future and permits separate independent transfers and mortgages. Meets on an annual basis to approve financial statements (there is little or no operational activity in this entity).
Current directors:
- Nick Macrae
- Sean Baird
- Lily Chen
Current officers:
- Nick Macrae - Chair
- Sean Baird - General Manager
- Lil Chen - Treasurer
- Jessica Hawes - Secretary
Toronto Affordable Housing Fund (TAHF)
Description: This is a non-share capital subsidiary where Toronto Community Housing is the sole member. This entity administers home-ownership loans on behalf of the City, Canada Mortgage Housing Corporation, and Toronto Community Housing. This entity manages second mortgages to qualified purchasers, and other related matters with respect to the implementation of City of Toronto's affordable ownership program. Meets on an annual basis to approve financial statements (there is little or no operational activity in this entity).
Current directors:
- John Campbell
- Sean Baird
- Lily Chen
Current officers:
- John Campbell - Chair
- Sean Baird - President & Secretary
- Lily Chen - Chief Financial Officer & Treasurer
Toronto Community Housing Enterprises Inc. (TCHEI)
Description: This is a holding company for Regent Park Energy Inc. Meets on an annual basis to approve financial statements (there is little or no operational activity in this entity).
Current directors:
- Adele Imrie
- Sean Baird
- Lily Chen
Current officers:
- Adele Imrie - Chair
- Sean Baird - President
- Lily Chen - Treasurer
- Nadia Gouveia - Secretary
Regent Park Energy Inc. (RPEI)
Description: This entity was created to manage the district energy system at Regent Park. RPEI is fully owned by TCHEI. Meets on a quarterly basis (there is ongoing operational activities in this entity).
Current directors:
- Adele Imrie
- Sean Baird
- Lily Chen
Current officers:
- Adele Imrie - Chair
- Sean Baird - General Manager
- Lily Chen - Treasurer
- Daisy Wong - Secretary