
There are several reasons a tenant may request a unit transfer. Toronto Community Housing is committed to being responsive to tenants’ needs. These are the circumstances under which you may need to request a transfer and their application process.

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    Special Priority Program for Survivors of Domestic Abuse or Human Trafficking

    Apply with the City of Toronto via separate form and application.

    Crisis Priority

    To be eligible for this transfer, the tenant or authorized household member must be in crisis, meaning that they must be: 

    • a victim suffering intimidation; 
    • a witness suffering intimidation; or 
    • a victim or witness of a traumatic incident. 

    To apply: 

    • Speak with your Tenant Services Coordinator or at a Tenant Service Hub 
    • Contact the Client Care Centre: 
    • Email or  
    • Phone 416-981-5500 

    You will be directed to complete a Transfer Request Form (PDF) and return it to your Hub or by mail to: 

    931 Yonge St. 
    Toronto, ON 
    M4W 2H2 
    Attention: Intake Specialist

    Overhoused transfers

    Over-housed refers to a situation where a household is living in a subsidized unit that has more bedrooms than allowed for the number of authorized household members living in the unit. The rules set out by the City of Toronto on RGI administration require such households to transfer to a correctly sized unit. 

    We are currently working with the City of Toronto to update the over-housed transfer process and will roll it out soon. Tenants who are over-housed will receive more information directly from TCHC and the City in 2024. 

    Underhoused transfers

    Updated information coming soon.

    Requests for an additional bedroom

    Households can apply for an additional bedroom if they: 

    • have custody or access rights for a child who is not a member of the household 
    • require a full-time overnight caregiver, or  
    • if an additional bedroom is needed due to a medical condition or to store medical equipment. 

    Custody or Access Rights for a Child Form 

    If a member of the household is either a parent or legal guardian of a child who is not a member of the household and the additional bedroom is needed to provide overnight accommodation for a minimum of 78 nights per year for that child, then they need to complete the Custody or Access Rights for a Child Form (PDF). The household is also required to provide a court order or domestic contract that is valid under the Family Law Act that states that the bedroom is needed to provide accommodation for that child for a minimum of 78 nights per year. 

    Medical Need for an Additional Bedroom Form

    If a member of the household requires a full-time overnight caregiver, then the household needs to have a licensed healthcare professional fill out the Medical Questionnaire (PDF) as well as one of the following: 

    Accessibility and accommodation

    This applies if the tenant or authorized household member is requesting accommodation based on an Ontario Human Rights Code identified ground.  

    Complete a Transfer Request Form (PDF) and Medical Questionnaire (PDF) and submit through your Tenant Service Hub or Tenant Services Coordinator. 

    The application must demonstrate the following: 

    • The request must be made on the basis of an Ontario Human Rights Code identified ground. 
    • For a disability-related request, the application must be supported by medical documentation showing that the duty to accommodate can only be met by a transfer to another unit. 
    • For any Ontario Human Rights Code identified ground that does not relate to disability, the application must be supported by relevant documentation showing that the duty to accommodate can only be met by a transfer to another unit. 

    Note: for accessibility and accommodation requests, TCHC will always attempt to reasonably accommodate the need in the current unit before considering a transfer.