TCHC receives national recognition for championing sustainability in the workplace

TCHC was recognized as one of Canada’s Greenest Employers for 2024. This award highlights TCHC’s commitment to environmental awareness, action and the efforts of the Conservation team.

Toronto Community Housing (TCHC) is on the path to a more sustainable future. As the largest social housing provider in Canada, we are integrating sustainability into the core of our operations, both in our communities and office spaces.

We are proud to be recognized as one of Canada’s Greenest Employers for 2024. This prestigious award highlights our commitment to environmental awareness and action, underscoring the impactful efforts of our Conservation team in driving TCHC towards sustainability.

A blue recycling bin on top of a office desk.

One focus of the Green Office program is to promote recycling and waste reduction in the office.

Our Green Office program

To reduce our environmental impact, our Conservation team developed a Green Office program. According to the World Green Building Council, buildings are responsible for 39 per cent of the world’s energy emissions. Recognizing this and because of the pandemic, TCHC adopted a hybrid working model in 2020, significantly reducing the number of staff in traditional office spaces. Nonetheless, many staff still work in offices, providing essential services to tenants.

Our Green Office program focuses on low and no-cost initiatives to change habits at work, guiding our staff to set an example for tenants. These practices aim to instill lasting changes in behavior regarding energy use, water consumption, and waste management. By providing staff with the necessary tools, we are minimizing TCHC’s environmental footprint.

Key focus areas:

  • Sustainable purchasing and procurement: choosing eco-friendly products and services.
  • Improved waste management: implementing effective waste reduction and recycling practices.
  • Energy and water consumption reduction: adopting practices to minimize resource usage.
  • Sustainable event hosting: organizing events with minimal environmental impact.
  • Green office assessments and recognitions: regular evaluations and acknowledgments of sustainable practices.

Some of the benefits of eco-friendly office practices:

  • Positive work environment: enhancing the work environment for our staff.
  • Lower operating costs: reducing expenses associated with energy and resource use.
  • Community and planet impact: encouraging a positive impact on the community and the environment.

Sustainable practices for working from home

For those working from home, here are steps to ensure an environmentally-friendly workspace:

  • Turn off and unplug: turn off lights and unplug electronics when not in use or use power bars to keep them off.
  • Practice the 5Rs: Refuse, Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, and Repurpose.
  • Buy in bulk: reduce packaging waste by purchasing in bulk.
  • Choose sustainable packaging: use products with paper, glass, or aluminum packaging.
  • Use reusables: select reusable options for water bottles, takeout containers, travel mugs, grocery bags, razors, and produce bags.
  • Go paperless: minimize paper use.
  • Adjust thermostat: dress appropriately for the weather to reduce heating and cooling needs.
  • Embrace natural light: utilize natural light to reduce electricity usage.

By embracing these practices, both in-office and at home, we can collectively work towards a sustainable future, protecting our planet for generations to come.

To learn more about conservation initiatives and programs, please visit or email us at