Stay safe this summer: tips to stay cool
Find out what to do during a heat alert, resources to help you beat the heat, and more.
With summer just around the corner, forecasts already predict a hot summer in Toronto. While we enjoy the warm weather, it's important to remember that extreme heat can also cause significant health risks, like heat stroke, heat exhaustion, heat rash, and muscle cramps.
Toronto Community Housing switches each building from the heating system to the cooling system for the summer. If you are having issues with the temperature in your unit, contact the Client Care Centre.
Heat warnings
Environment and Climate Change Canada issues heat warnings when temperatures are expected to reach 31°celcius or warmer during the day and 20°celcius or warmer at night for two or more days in a row.
In some TCHC buildings, staff set up a cooling room when there is a heat warning and will notify the tenants through a notice. If your building does not have a cooling room, you can locate the nearest air-conditioned public place at or call 3-1-1.
More resources
Here are some more tips to keep in mind for staying cool:
Stay hydrated: Drink water and other hydrating fluids to keep your body hydrated.
Block the sun: Keep curtains and blinds closed during the day to maintain a cooler unit.
Protect vulnerable individuals: Never leave children or pets in parked cars.
Have fun in the water: Visit a community pool or a nearby splash pad which are now open for the season. Toronto Community Housing also has several swimming pools across the city that are available to tenants and their families. These pools open on Friday, June 28 and you can find a list of their locations under the Common areas section of our website.
Use cooling devices: Use fans or air conditioners to stay cool. Please remember, only floor-mounted air conditioners are allowed in your unit. Air conditioners in windows are not allowed.
The City of Toronto may cover the cost of some medical devices, including air conditioners, for people receiving Ontario Workers Assistance or Ontario Disability Support Program (ODSP). This is offered directly through the City, so you will need to speak with your case worker to find out how to apply. For more details visit the City of Toronto website or speak to your case worker.
You can also visit the City's website for more resources and information about staying cool through the summer.
By following these guidelines, you can enjoy a safer and more comfortable summer season. So, grab your sunglasses and enjoy the sunny days ahead.