Apply to join the Black Tenant Participatory Committee

The Black Tenant Participatory Committee is an opportunity for tenants interested in supporting The Centre to implement the CABR strategy.

The Centre for Advancing the Interests of Black People (“The Centre”) is seeking tenants to join the Black Tenant Participatory Committee. This group will serve as an accountability group to support the Centre for Advancing the Interests of Black People and Toronto Community Housing in advancing the Confronting Anti-Black Racism (CABR) Strategy

The Centre is establishing the Black Tenant Participatory Committee to:  

  • support the implementation of the CABR Strategy and its 8-Point Plan 

  • liaise with community stakeholders 

  • report to relevant stakeholders on the progress of the strategy 

  • provide recommendations to The Centre on how to promote positive outcomes for Black tenants and eliminate barriers experienced by Black tenants 

  • inform The Centre of emerging issues that are of significance to Black tenants as it relates to Toronto Community Housing  

Eligibility requirements 

To apply to become a member of the Black Tenant Participatory Committee, you must: 

  • be a tenant who is 18 years of age or older and on a Toronto Community Housing lease agreement 

  • have a willingness to be involved in your community and/or have experience in community development and working with Black tenants  

  • have an understanding of historical and emerging issues and trends of significance to Black tenants as they relate to TCHC policies, programs and services 

  • show competency in the areas of anti-Black racism, community development, advocacy, human resources, or change management 

  • have lived experience or expertise in issues of Black communities and reflecting the diversity of Black communities 

How to apply 

Interested applicants should complete the online application form. The deadline to apply is now extended to Friday, February 2, 2024.   

If you have questions about the Black Tenant Participatory Committee, reach out to The Centre team by emailing