Board of Directors Meeting - February 13, 2014
Thursday, February 13, 2014
10:30 a.m. to 12:30 a.m.
Ground Floor Boardroom
931 Yonge Street, Toronto
Event description
Archived meeting. See Agenda and Minutes below.
1. Chair's Remarks
Action: Information
Pre-read: -
Presenter: Chair, Board of Directors
2. Approval of Public Meeting Agenda and Review of Agenda Order (all items not held will be voted together without discussion)
Action: Approval
Pre-read: Agenda
Presenter: Chair, Board of Directors
3. Chair’s Poll re: Conflict of Interest
Action: Declaration
- Agenda
- Conflict of Interest Policy
Presenter: Chair, Board of Directors
4. President and CEO's Remarks
Action: Information
Pre-read: -
Presenter: President & CEO
5. Confirmation of Board of Directors’ Public Meeting Minutes of December 11, 2013
Action: Approval
Pre-read: Minutes
Presenter: Chair, Board of Directors
6. Business Arising from the Minutes and Committee Action Items Update
Action: Discussion
Pre-read: Action Item List
Presenter: Chair, Board of Directors
7. Building and Investment Committee Chair’s Report
Action: Information
Pre-read: Verbal (10 minutes)
Presenter: Chair, BIC
8. Regent Park Phase 2: Rental Block 24 South Anchor Business Plan
Action: Approval
Pre-read: TCHC:2014-01
Presenter: Chair, BIC
9. Lawrence Heights Revitalization: Anchor Business Plan
Action: Approval
Pre-read: TCHC:2014-02
Presenter: Chair, BIC
10. Pre-Qualification for the Provision of Bulk General Repairs Services
Action: Approval
Pre-read: TCHC:2014-03
Presenter: Chair, BIC
11. Contractor Award: Provision of Demand Work General Repairs
Action: Approval
Pre-read: TCHC:2014-04
Presenter: Chair, BIC
12. Pre-Qualification for the Provision of Emergency Property Containment and Property Restoration Services
Action: Approval
Pre-read: TCHC:2014-05
Presenter: Chair, BIC
Reports from Management
13. Charitable Foundation Development & Implementation
Action: Information
Pre-read: TCHC:2014-06
Presenter: President & CEO
Correspondence and Other Business
14. Correspondence to the Board from the City of Toronto
Action: Information
Pre-read: -
Presenter: President & CEO
15. Other Business
Action: Discussion
Pre-read: -
Presenter: All
The Board of Directors of the Toronto Community Housing Corporation held a public meeting on February 13, 2014 at 11:40 a.m. in the Ground Floor Conference Room at 931 Yonge Street, Toronto.
Directors in Attendance:
Bud Purves Chair
Councillor Maria Augimeri
Councillor Ana Bailão
Zahir Bhaidani
Christian Buhagiar
Brian Kwan
Karen Newman
Councillor Frances Nunziata
Councillor Cesar Palacio
Catherine Wilkinson
Jennifer Wood
Directors Absent:
Munira Abukar
Audrey Wubbenhors
Also present:
Greg Spearn, Vice President and Chief Development Officer
Marta Asturi, Legal Counsel and Assistant Corporate Secretary
Jason Gorel, Chief Financial Officer
Graham Leah, Vice President, Asset Management
Hugh Lawson, Director, Strategic Planning & Stakeholder Relations
Anand Maharaj, Vice President, Human Resources
Bruce Malloch, Director, Strategic Communications
Sheila Penny, Vice President, Facilities Management
Liz Reid, Vice President, Information Technology
Cynthia Summers, Commissioner of Housing Equity
Michael Vear, Chief Internal Auditor
A quorum being present, Mr. Purves, Chair, called the meeting to order, and Ms. Pamela Cook served as recording secretary.
Item 1 - Chair's Remarks
The Chair thanked everyone who had waited for the meeting to begin and apologized for the length of the previous session. The Chair further commented that the matters of today’s previous session were not concluded and the Board will be continuing deliberations, and apologized that there was nothing further to report at this time. The Board will issue a public statement on decisions or actions taken by the Board once they are in a position to do so. The Board is committed to driving change and improvement to restore Toronto Community Housing’s credibility as a landlord of excellence.
The Chair welcomed new members of the senior leadership team who joined TCHC in January – Pamela Spencer, General Counsel and Corporate Secretary, Lenna Bradburn, Vice President, Resident and Community Services, and TCHC’s first ever, Commissioner of Housing Equity, Cynthia Summers.
The Chair highlighted the exciting items in today’s agenda relating to development matters and growth of the Corporation.
Item 2 - Approval of Agenda and Review of Agenda Order
The Board of Directors amended the order of the agenda, and adjusted the agenda as follows:
- The Chair of the Building and Investment Committee indicated there was nothing to report and Item 7 was removed from the agenda.
- Items 10 and 11 were moved to closed session as a result of confidential human resources concern, not related to TCHC staff.
- Item 12 was held for discussion.
- Item 13 was deferred for a future meeting.
- Item 14- no correspondence to the Board from the City of Toronto.
- Item 15 - Other Business raised by Board Members:
- Toronto Community Housing staff report on the December Ice Storm.
- Discussion on the 2013 Annual Report from the City of Toronto’s Ombudsman Office.
- Board and Committee Meeting Schedule.
- Hydro Costs for Tenants.
Motion carried
ON MOTION DULY MADE by Councillor Palacio, seconded by Mr. Bhaidani and carried, the Board of Directors approved the agenda as amended.
Item 3 - Chair’s Poll re: Conflict of Interest
The Chair requested members of the Board of Directors to indicate any agenda item in which they have a conflict of interest, together with the nature of the interest. No conflicts were declared.
Item 4 - Agenda Items Not Held for Discussion
The Board determined the following agenda items would not be held for discussion:
- Item 8 – Regent Park Phase 2: Rental Block 24 South Anchor Business Plan;
- Item 9 – Lawrence Heights Revitalization: Anchor Business Plan.
Motion carried
ON MOTION DULY MADE by Councillor Palacio, seconded by Mr. Bhaidani and carried, the Board of Directors approved the agenda items not held for discussion.
The Chair polled for any deputations to be heard at the meeting. No deputations were received by the Secretary and none were declared at the meeting.
Item 5 - Confirmation of Board Minutes of Toronto Community Housing Corporation for December 11, 2013
The Board had before it the draft Board minutes for the December 11, 2013 public meeting.
The Board discussed the proposed amendment in the Commissioner of Housing Equity Office Report that the terms of reference for the Resident Services Committee be amended to include the following:
“Annually reviewing and, as appropriate, recommending to the Board for approval the Commissioner of Housing Equity’s Performance Review, and compensation structure.”
Motion carried
ON MOTION DULY MADE by Ms. Wilkinson, seconded by Ms. Wood and carried, the Board of Directors unanimously confirmed the above-captioned minutes as circulated.
Item 6 - Business Arising from the Minutes and Committee Action Items Update
The Board discussed the Action Item List and in response to a query regarding the 2013 Annual Report submission to the Shareholder, it was confirmed that the preparation schedule allows for a draft to the Corporate Affairs and Audit Committee in March and then to the Board of Directors in April before presentation to the Shareholder by the end of April, 2014.
Item 8 - Regent Park Phase 2: Rental Block 24 South Anchor Business Plan, TCHC:2014-01
The Board of Directors had before it the above-captioned report (TCHC:2014-01) from the Building and Investment Committee.
Motion carried
ON MOTION DULY MADE by Councillor Palacio, seconded by Mr. Bhaidani and carried, the Board of Directors unanimously approved the recommendations in the report to:
- Approve the Regent Park Rental Block 24 South (“Block 24S”) Anchor Business Plan of $48.0 million, as outlined in the report and included in the Board approved 2014 Development Capital Budget. This authority will provide the necessary budget for the project to progress through to detailed design, construction and final building occupancy.
- Approve full implementation of the Regent Park Phase 2 24S Anchor Business Plan (“Block 24S ABP”), provided the total project budget remains within 5% of the indicated Block 24S ABP and minor variance approval obtained (as required), as outlined in the report.
- Authorize the President and Chief Executive Officer or his designate to take the necessary action, incur capital commitments, and execute any and all documents as may be necessary in connection with the continued development and construction of the Block 24S project as set out in the Block 24S ABP. Such commitments shall be made in accordance with the existing contractual arrangements between Toronto Community Housing and the Daniels Corporation (“Daniels”) and shall include, but not be limited to, additional consulting contracts, permits required to give effect to the above recommendations.
- Authorize the Chief Executive or his designate to enter into a Contribution Agreement with the City of Toronto for $5,640,000 in grant funding towards the provision of 47 new Affordable Rental Housing units within Block 24S under the Federal-Provincial Investment in Affordable Housing Program (“IAHP”)
Item 9 - Lawrence Heights Revitalization: Anchor Business Plan, TCHC:2014-02
The Board of Directors had before it the above-captioned report (TCHC:2014-02) from the Building and Investment Committee.
Motion carried
ON MOTION DULY MADE by Councillor Palacio, seconded by Mr. Bhaidani and carried, the Board of Directors unanimously approved the recommendations in the report to:
- Approve the Lawrence Heights Phase One Anchor Business Plan as present, and proceed with the marketing and construction of each market block, provided that the Anchor Business Plan continues to project total proceeds to Toronto Community Housing (TCH) within 5% of the indicated total income threshold of $60.3 million, and direct that management report back to the Board if any required zoning by-law approval is not obtained.
- Authorize the President and Chief Executive Officer (or designate) to proceed with marketing for Blocks 1a and 1b, and initiate construction of market units, once pre-sales conditions are met.
- Authorize the President and Chief Executive Officer (or designate) to relocate households and demolish 53 existing rental units in Blocks 1a and 1b, subject to all necessary consents required by the Housing Services Act, 2011 and the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing.
- Approve and delegate to the President and Chief Executive Officer (or designate) spending authority up to $3.6 million for planning and pre-development costs, relocation costs, and community engagement costs in advance of final budget approval for each of the rental buildings in Lawrence Heights Phase One, provided such costs are included in the Anchor Business Plan and included in the Board approved Development Capital Budget.
- Authorize the President and Chief Executive Officer (or designate) to take the actions required to explore additional affordable home ownership or affordable rental housing opportunities in this community, provided that there is no additional cost to TCH.
- Authorize the President and Chief Executive Officer (or designate) to take the necessary action to incur capital commitments, and execute any and all documents as may be necessary in connection with the continued development and construction of Lawrence Heights Phase One in accordance with recommendations 1-5 above. Such commitments shall be made in accordance with the contractual arrangements made or to be made between or among TCH, Heights Development Inc. and their affiliates and the City of Toronto. Such arrangements shall include, but not be limited to, additional consulting contracts, legal services, consulting contracts, planning agreements, construction management and trade contracts, agreements relating to public infrastructure, and other ancillary contracts and permits required to give effect to the above recommendations.
Item 12 - Pre-Qualification for the Provision of Emergency Property Containment and Property Restoration Services, TCHC:2014-05
The Board of Directors had before it the above-captioned report (TCHC:2014-05) from the Building and Investment Committee.
The Senior Director, Strategic Procurement addressed the capacity question raised by a member of the Board. Based on the outcome of a formal Request for Vendor Qualifications, management is seeking approval to create a roster of pre-qualified vendors to provide emergency property containment and restoration services.
The Board requested that management provide a quarterly status report on these activities, including any costs incurred to TCHC.
Motion carried
ON MOTION DULY MADE by Ms. Wilkinson, seconded by Mr. Kwan and carried, the Board of Directors unanimously approved the recommendations in the report to:
- Approve the following list of pre-qualified vendors to provide Emergency Property Containment and Property Restoration Services in an aggregate amount not to exceed $2.5M, as included in the approved 2014 Capital Budget, based on the outcome of Request for Vendor Qualifications (RFVQ) 09/13 at a discount rate of -30% and -25% of the Toronto Community Housing Standard Item Price List for emergency containment services and property restoration services respectively:
- Response Restorations Inc.
- Biview Building Services Ltd.;
- Approve the following vendors to be added to the roster to provide competitive pricing for property restoration work as and when required for work that is not covered under the unit rates:
- Tri-Phase Environmental Inc.
- TGA General Contracting & Restoration; and
- Authorize the appropriate staff to take the necessary actions to give effect to the above recommendations.
Item 15 - Other Business, Verbal
Toronto Community Housing Report on the December Ice Storm
The Vice President and Chief Development Officer reported that in response to the damage from the ice storm that occurred on December 22, 2013, TCHC staff mobilized a central command center headed by the CEO and CDO, at Carl Hall, from which response and dispatch was coordinated until the last building was cleared on January 2, 2014. A total of 245 TCHC employees, most of which gave up their holidays, coordinated with the rest of the Corporation to keep the business going throughout those ten days. Staff knocked on doors to check on the welfare of residents, and established twenty-four hour fire watches in high-rise and mid-rise buildings where fire alarm systems were down.
One hundred and sixty-eight buildings, affecting over 19,000 homes, were monitored for warmth, food, fuel for the generators, blankets, batteries, water, flashlights and warming busses as required. The TCHC team coordinated their efforts with the City of Toronto Emergency Response Centres. The disaster was followed up with a de-briefing on TCHC’s Emergency Response Plan for the Corporation.
The Chair commented on the tremendous efforts of the TCHC response team, and highlighted the efficient and effective coordination with the City of Toronto to find fuel for the generators, communicate their combined efforts to restore power and warmth to our residents.
Councillor Cesar Palacio extended special thanks to Eugene Jones, CEO and TCHC staff on their outstanding, effective and efficient response to the residents as a result of the ice storm disaster.
In response to a query about TCHC’s Emergency Response Plan, it was noted that a draft was reviewed in early December, 2013 by the executive leadership team. It is expected that a draft will be presented to the Governance, Risk and Human Resources Committee in Q2 2014 for review.
Councillor Augimeri requested that management prepare a report summarizing the efforts and costs to TCHC, including services to elevators, providing generators, fuel, food delivery, and communications in general and with City Councillors.
2013 Annual Report of the City of Toronto Ombudsman
Ms. Wilkinson commented on a recent report released by the City of Toronto Ombudsman. This report indicated that there has been a significant increase to the number of complaints received regarding TCHC.
ON A MOTION DULY MADE by Ms. Wilkinson, seconded by Ms. Wood, and carried, the Board of Directors requested that staff report back to the Board on the most recent City of Toronto Ombudsman report, and provide information on how TCHC will respond.
Hydro Costs to TCHC Residents
ON MOTION DULY MADE by Ms. Karen Newman, seconded by Councillor Augimeri and carried, the Board of Directors requested that staff prepare a report for a future meeting on hydro costs, with respect to some buildings paying for services, and some buildings being exempt.
Board Committee Meeting Schedule
Ms. Wilkinson expressed concern that the Board and Committee Meeting Schedule for 2014 had not come forward to the Board for approval. The Chair requested that the Chair of Governance, Risk and Human Resources report back at a later time.
ON MOTION DULY MADE by Mr. Buhagiar, seconded by Ms. Wood and carried, the Board of Directors terminated the public meeting at 12:15 p.m.
Sonia Fung
Committee Secretary