Watch: Restructuring plan tenant consultations summary video

TCHC Restructuring Plan Tenant Consultations Summary

​Toronto Community Housing made major changes in 2019 to shift service delivery to the local level and expand the services that matter most to tenants. Tenant engagement was a critical element of how we determined what the new structures and processes would look like and how they would be implemented. The restructuring plan we announced in September 2019 reflected important learnings from information shared by tenants. 

After announcing our plan, we undertook more consultations on implementing the changes. In November 2019, staff facilitated six consultation meetings with more than 200 tenants across the city.

In this compilation video, Chief Operating Officer Sheila Penny opens the discussion—as she did at each meeting—by inviting tenants to think about the thousands of interactions that take place each day between tenants and frontline staff. Then she asked tenants to share how they would change or improve these interactions as we focus on becoming a great service organization.