Regent Park
Regent Park is a 69-acre housing complex in the downtown east area of Toronto, bordered by River Street (east), Shuter Street (south), Gerrard Street (north), and Parliament Street (west). One of the largest urban revitalizations of its kind, the Regent Park revitalization is a five-phase redevelopment project that is transforming the community into a mixed-income, mixed-use neighbourhood.
The completed project will feature a mix of rent-geared-to-income (RGI) units, affordable housing rentals, and market condominiums. Intentionally designed to create a vibrant neighbourhood, these quality homes will be integrated within walking distance of retail and commercial spaces, community facilities, active parks, and open spaces.
Along with the physical redevelopment, the Regent Park revitalization project also focuses on revitalizing the economic and social fabric of the community. The Regent Park Social Development Plan (SDP) was developed through community consultations to support social inclusion and social cohesion of residents during the Regent Park revitalization. The project continues to bring employment, economic development, social development, training, and scholarship opportunities to neighbourhood residents.
The diverse voices of the Regent Park community have and continue to be instrumental in shaping the vision of a revitalized Regent Park.
Select an image in the gallery below to view it.
By the numbers
All Phases (1-5)
Master Plan / Rezoning Milestones
- Total size: 69 acres
- Project start date: 2005 (Phase 1)
- Anticipated project length:
- Phases 1-3: 19 years (anticipated completion 2024)
- Phases 4 and 5: 10 to 15 years (anticipated)
- *Unit Mix
- 637 new affordable housing units
- 633 Rent-Geared-To-Income (RGI) replacement units (completes TCHC's commitment to replace all 2,083 RGI units that existed in Regent Park prior to revitalization)
- 1,976 additional market units
- *Commercial and non-residential space: 10,461 square metres
- *Community space – 3,714 square metres
- *A new Toronto Public Library
*The City of Toronto approved the Phases 4-5 rezoning application in July 2023, amending the 2014 Master Plan.
Select an image in the gallery below to view it.
Development information
TCHC has partnered with leading builder and developer partners to revitalize Regent Park in five (5) phases:
The Daniel’s Corporation – Phases 1-3 (“South Regent”)
- In 2006, The Daniels Corporation was selected to build the first three phases of the five-phase development.
- TCHC, in partnership with Daniels, have made great progress on the revitalization of Regent Park to date:
- Phases 1-3 feature high rise condominiums including mixed-use non-residential space on the ground floor (offices and commercial);
- New amenities include Daniels Spectrum, a new arts and cultural centre; the Regent Park Aquatic Centre; a new park (“the Big Park”); and, the Regent Park Athletic Grounds;
- New retail spaces along Dundas Street East and Parliament Street, including Freshco by Sobeys, Tim Hortons, RBC, and Shoppers Drug Mart;
- New neighbourhood services on Parliament Street, Dundas Street East, and Regent Park Boulevard, including Main Drug Mart, Dundas East Dental, and the Toronto Birth Centre; and,
- New spaces for social service agencies such as the TD Centre of Community Learning and Development and the S.E.A.S. Centre (Support Enhance Access Service Centre), Visions of Science Network for Learning, Dixon Hall Neighbourhood Services, and Fred Victor.
- Construction on Phase 3 continues to progress, with an expected completion date of 2024:
- The last TCHC building to be constructed in Phase 3 is currently under construction (16 North) and is estimated to be completed in 2024.
- The last market building to be built in Phases 1-3 is the Regent Park Presentation Centre located at 500 Dundas Street. Preliminary planning and design will begin in 2023.
- With the completion of Phase 3, 1,818 RGI units and 464 net new affordable units will be built, including 110 barrier-free units and 53 fully modified accessible suites.
Tridel Builders Inc. – Phases 4-5
In 2020, after a competitive request for proposals, TCHC selected Tridel Builders Inc. as TCHC’s developer partner for Phases 4-5 of the revitalization.
Planning is currently underway for Phases 4-5. TCHC and its developer partner Tridel have selected a master planning consultant team to create the vision for these last phases of the Regent Park revitalization project. This team includes Karakusevic Carson Architects, Bousfields Inc., ERA Architects, Monumental, Trans Solar Klima Engineering & JVM Consulting, RWDI, and PSF Studio (Visioning); Bousfield’s Inc. (Urban Planning); and, JD Barnes Ltd. (Land Surveyor).
In April 2021, TCHC and Tridel filed a rezoning application with the City of Toronto, to amend the zoning bylaw to allow for the inclusion of important project elements for Phases 4-5 to support the community. The submission was developed with over 1,500 points of engagement with the community. The rezoning application was approved by Toronto City Council in July 2023, enabling the development of more TCHC-operated RGI or affordable housing units; additional market units; thousands of square metres of additional commercial, retail, community and cultural space; and, the creation of a new Toronto Public Library.
$26.8 million in Community Benefits for Regent Park
As part of the transformative roadmap for Phases 4-5, Tridel has also committed $26.8 million for a community economic development program that will benefit the tenants and residents of Regent Park.
Progress continues towards a Community Benefits Agreement for Regent Park. TCHC, along with the Community Benefits Oversight Working Group (CBOWG) and Tridel, have completed their analysis of community feedback collected between April 26 and July 31, 2023.
Take a look at some of the feedback residents shared about how the $26.8 million in community benefits should be invested (select an image to view it)
Learn more about the progress of Phases 4-5, including progress on the community benefits package, on
Along with new buildings and space, revitalization offers Regent Park residents with new pathways for jobs and training — a critical part of the revitalization of a community, made possible through Community Economic Development (CED) funds. TCHC works closely with its developer partners in Regent Park, Daniels Corporation and Tridel, who mobilize trades, consultants and other commercial partners to create employment opportunities for Regent Park residents. These efforts extend to trade unions and social service agencies that offer training programs for youth, apprenticeships, and other initiatives that help lead residents, including youth, into successful careers.
For more information on the programs and initiatives available to Regent Park residents please visit the following pages:

Map of Regent Park revitalization project with phases.
Development timeline
- Final TCHC building in Phase 3 completed (estimated)
- July (estimated) – Demolition completed for 319, 325 and 355 Gerrard St. E. and 274 Sackville St.
- November – Demolition begins for Phases 4-5: 319, 325 and 355 Gerrard St. E. and 274 Sackville St.
- September – The Dynamic Duo: The architects designing the next Regent Park building
- July – TCHC selects architects to design first building in Phase 4 (Building 1A, Block 2)
- July – City of Toronto approves TCHC's rezoning application for the Phase 4-5 lands
- June – City's Toronto and East York Community Council Meeting (PDF) (Rezoning application for Phases 4-5)
- May – Preliminary planning and design for final market building in Phases 1-3
- May – "Topping off" milestone reached by The Daniels Corporation, pouring the last concrete block in the final TCHC rental building planned in Phases 1-3
- April – Second resubmission of the Rezoning application
- April – City of Toronto's Regent Park Phases 4-5 Community Consultation Meeting #2 (PDF) (Rezoning Application for Phases 4-5)
- December – First resubmission of the rezoning application
- June – City's Community Council adopts Preliminary Report and Staff Recommendations (Rezoning application for Phases 4-5)
- June – City of Toronto's Regent Park Phases 4-5 Community Consultation Meeting (Rezoning Application for Phases 4-5)
- April – Phases 4-5 original rezoning application submitted
- Phases 1-3 nearing completion: One TCHC rental building and one market condo remaining to be constructed
- 189 RGI and 24 affordable rental units are under construction at 16N (the last remaining TCHC building in Phase 3)
- Phases 4-5 visioning underway
- Phase 2 completed
- RFP process begins for to select a developer partner for Phases 4-5
Phase 3 construction begins
Phase 1 completed
Phase 2 construction begins
City Council passes Social Development Plan, developed with residents
Toronto Community Housing selects The Daniels Corporation as its development partner for Phase 1 after a public Request for Proposal (RFP)
City Council approves the Regent Park revitalization project
TCHC tenants approach Toronto Community Housing with a request to redevelop the Regent Park community